how's my driving?

Jun 17, 2010 22:57

Yes indeed, it has been a while since April. ...two months, in fact. So here we are with another HMD. It would be awesome if everyone participates!Please comment here with the names of the characters you play and others will reply with their feedback- and it's obviously a given that this feedback will be helpful, constructive and respectful. Also, ( Read more... )

how's my driving

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Comments 149

i am never first likeajoan June 17 2010, 22:26:57 UTC

plz have at! Also, apologies re: my recent slowfail. I just graduated and full-time employment is kicking my ass. I SHALL ADJUST.


beenthroughhell June 17 2010, 23:55:17 UTC
Your Buffy makes playing Tara better in all the best canon-mate ways. She will be clinging a little now that half her friends have abruptly disappeared, fair warning. But in all seriousness, your Buffy really feels incredibly genuine.

Also, Annie is cute as can be, and I swear I will watch her canon any day now. The first season is just sitting there on my hard drive.


likeajoan June 18 2010, 22:35:50 UTC
/enables watching of Being Human forever.

Ahem. THANK YOU AMMMY, that's lovely to hear. And Buffy won't object to the clinging, she just broke up with Kirk, so she's feeling clingy herself. They can be like two limpets!


What wrong journal? Ssh. ironshodboots June 19 2010, 03:47:09 UTC
The two of them have had quite a month, haven't they? :C


breakmychest June 17 2010, 22:31:08 UTC
likeajoan June 17 2010, 22:54:37 UTC
Alas I know tragically little of Kon's canon, but your Spike is fabulous. You've got the swagger and the attitude, as well as the more noble aspects of his character absolutely down, and his voice is spot on. I always really enjoy our threads, and it's awesome to play with you! That's all.


beenthroughhell June 17 2010, 23:59:32 UTC
I love your Spike. He is a joy to watch, both from a canonical point of view and just because he's fun. I really need to play with him more.

I don't know Kon's canon (I'm a Marvel girl, sssh), but I enjoy seeing around, and ditto the need for more CR with him. Tara found him sweet, if unnerving, even while glitched. :)


greenballadeer June 18 2010, 00:32:52 UTC
I love your Spike. Endlessly. He has so many facets, so many ways he can turn on a dime, and you capture it all.


biverbam June 17 2010, 22:45:02 UTC
Just this one!

Honestly, I've been feeling really off/ooc for a while in addition to my epic slowfail, so if you have anything at all let me know. Even just "you used to do this there should be more" kinds of things, I'm all ears.


likeajoan June 17 2010, 22:57:59 UTC
You may be feeling off, but I honestly haven't noticed any difference in the high quality of the way you play River. Not that I threadstalk or anything. >_> I must have said this a zillion times, but I think you have a wonderful grasp on her way of thinking and her manner of speech and I still have no idea how you manage it.


biverbam June 18 2010, 01:42:47 UTC


sunkist June 18 2010, 06:05:11 UTC
I have to echo Lauren in saying that I don't see anything wrong at all with your River. I went back and read some of her most recent tags and she still sounds like your brilliant, spot-on River to me! /is unhelpful


sunkist June 17 2010, 22:45:14 UTC

Slowfail will cease once we get past June, the month of family visiting and making trips home to visit them in turn. x-x;


likeajoan June 17 2010, 23:07:05 UTC
It pains me to admit this, but I think I'm starting to love Connor. x_x I don't know when this happened, but it has happened. You bring a great sense of depth to a character that I think basically got... shafted by canon (well, in the TV series, anyway). There's a lot of post-Hell stuff that I haven't gotten around to reading still, but from what I have read, I think you have him down very very well. Which is no small feat, considering all his various memories and the complexity of his character.

Angel is awesome as always. It's kind of difficult to elaborate on that in a constructive way, because you're just... brilliant. That's it, haha. Again, you bring all sorts of headcanon and depth to him that makes reading all his stuff really enjoyable.

I have sung Kirk's praises many times before, so I can only reiterate previous statements of 'wow you make this character so layered and interesting', which you absolutely do. SOB, KIFFY. I think Buffy's in a permanent ice-cream coma, just for the record.


sunkist June 18 2010, 06:36:08 UTC
I think that's one of the things that made me not like the character at first, because I was so originally not a Connor fan (though I still won't touch most of S4 with a ten foot pole, but I think that's how it is for everyone with the horrors of that season) - that not enough attention was paid to the parts of his character that could help the audience relate. That's not to say I don't get why Joss focused on his hatred for his father and how easily corruptible he was, as it drove his plot and Joss is the king of driving the plot home (when he wants to), but I think he really, like you said, shafted the character by not paying more attention to the other factors that make made me feel really sorry for him in the end, because he was never in control of anything in his original life. --though, oh God, I'll stop there before this turns into an essay. aldkfjlaskjdfad, but seriously, it makes my day to hear that people like (my) Connor, especially when he's such an unpopular character ( ... )


breakmychest June 18 2010, 00:51:01 UTC
You may not know this since I'm so insanely quiet on the matter, but I love your Angel. Like, every thread ever is so much fun, and he and Spike have the best dynamic ever. And I'm also impressed by the insane amount of head canon you've got for his Liam days and everything else too. So just... keep being awesome. I can't wait for the glitch of S2 horrors, by the way.

Your Connor is the one that made me not hate the little brat. Well, I still hate him in the show, but he's awesome when you play him and in the comics, so it's all good.

I haven't interacted much with Kirk besides... stealing his girlfriend (Spike's sorry about that No he's not), but I've liked what I've seen! He and Spike still should fight talk more. And he and Kon would probably get along too.


faderbroderson June 17 2010, 23:03:36 UTC

Even I am slowfail this month. Everyone stop apologizing for the slowfail or I'll have to apologize too. ;;


fogdar June 17 2010, 23:18:40 UTC
I am pretty certain I have said this a lot before, but I love your Godric. The fact that you can bring so much depth to a character with so little screen-time continues to amaze and astound me. His strength, his quiet authority, his compassion, his sadness, his wit... these are all things you get across brilliantly, and I can hear his voice in your tags.

...also we should do our bear hunting before shit hits the fan at the end of the month. >_>


biverbam June 18 2010, 01:54:09 UTC
So, like I told Lauren, I've been rewatching S2. Your Godric is still just as amazing and wonderful as the day you intro'd him. Seconding everything said about the wonderfulness of the depth and how you've managed to get everything so well with a character that had such little air time.


sunkist June 18 2010, 06:15:11 UTC
ZEE. I think slowfail has taken hold of everyone this month. It's like it's own kind of June glitch, only on the players and not the characters. ~twilight zone music~ Anyway, while I haven't gotten far into True Blood enough to meet Godric yet, I have enjoyed playing against. The wisdom of his years definitely shines through and I love the way you tackle that. And one day, I will get caught up with TB and be able to flail at you appropriately.


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