how's my driving?

Jun 17, 2010 22:57

Yes indeed, it has been a while since April. ...two months, in fact. So here we are with another HMD. It would be awesome if everyone participates!Please comment here with the names of the characters you play and others will reply with their feedback- and it's obviously a given that this feedback will be helpful, constructive and respectful. Also, ( Read more... )

how's my driving

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breakmychest June 17 2010, 22:31:08 UTC
likeajoan June 17 2010, 22:54:37 UTC
Alas I know tragically little of Kon's canon, but your Spike is fabulous. You've got the swagger and the attitude, as well as the more noble aspects of his character absolutely down, and his voice is spot on. I always really enjoy our threads, and it's awesome to play with you! That's all.


beenthroughhell June 17 2010, 23:59:32 UTC
I love your Spike. He is a joy to watch, both from a canonical point of view and just because he's fun. I really need to play with him more.

I don't know Kon's canon (I'm a Marvel girl, sssh), but I enjoy seeing around, and ditto the need for more CR with him. Tara found him sweet, if unnerving, even while glitched. :)


greenballadeer June 18 2010, 00:32:52 UTC
I love your Spike. Endlessly. He has so many facets, so many ways he can turn on a dime, and you capture it all.


supercompacted June 18 2010, 02:02:30 UTC
Your Spike is more than wonderful. You do a really great job of showing all of his different layers and aspects- and you balance them well, too, which is extremely difficult considering how much he's got to him. His voice is perfect, his dialogue witty, and I really enjoy seeing all of his interactions with people. :3

So yes, goodness and more goodness.


supertorso June 18 2010, 04:04:04 UTC
Gah. Spike is hilariously amazing and so spot on, homg. I can't really say much more than that.

Kon is Kon. He is such a dweeb and I love it. One thing that I think would be good to work with as he gets out more would be how he's maturing after the whole death thing. Yeah, he's still and immature, teenage guy. That's something that I don't think'll ever change for Kon, but he is starting to sort through who he is as Conner Kent as opposed to the Clone with Luthor DNA.



breakmychest June 18 2010, 15:20:31 UTC
Agh, yes, that. See, the problem is twofold. Firstly, I've been playing Kon a while, since before he came back from the dead. Actually, he's my oldest RP character I still play. And when I started, I way, way preferred YJ Kon. I wasn't playing him from then, but that was really his personality. I've gotten a lot better about that, and I actually do love current Kon just as much now, but the YJ draw remains. tl;dr, yes, you're right, I'll work on it in the future, and awwww, thanks, I will make an effort to give him more face time. Spike just keeps being louder than him.


icon only appropriate for the person, not the text. sunkist June 18 2010, 06:03:06 UTC
Oh my goodness, Shana, your Spike. I believe I've admitted to you before that I was a horrible stalker of your Spike around dear_mun in the days before BNW and Taxon, but if I haven't, there you go! The amount of attention you pay to the character from his tiniest of nuances to greatest of faults shines through so brightly in how you play him. It makes threading with him and bouncing my various assortment of people off of him a complete and utter joy. I don't have anything constructive to say other than you should just keep on doing whatever it is you're doing, because it's being executed brilliantly.

As for Kon, my DC knowledge is limited to comic books I've dived into while at my sister-in-law's, but from what I have read of his appearances, you've got him down.


a_pretty_fire June 18 2010, 09:10:27 UTC
I adore your Spike. That's the only word for it. His threads with Angel and Buffy, his interactions with Dru, his glitch into William. Just ... never change, ok?


zarahjoyce June 18 2010, 10:37:21 UTC
EEEEEEEHHHH, your Spike. I adore him, truly I do. I absolutely adore his interactions with Illyria, and him butting heads with Cordy is priceless, priceless I tell you. I'm so glad you're here in Taxon because you are awesome in every possible way!


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