025: Waiting All These Years to Dance Again [Location: the Northern Island]

Nov 11, 2011 21:25

Even by the strange standards of Taxon, the last month had been a busy one. The prisoners had been moved from one twisted game to the next with little time to catch their breath. They hadn't been particularly dangerous glitches - no zombies, no wicked witches, no damage to the life support systems - but they had been inconvenient. And it felt as if ( Read more... )

glitch, dg, @ wilde

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Comments 13

justaddmarbles November 12 2011, 19:10:04 UTC
Perhaps the best sign that Glitch was feeling more like himself? He was driven to create again, which meant more long hours in the workshop. As of yet he didn't have anything of note, but there were sketches all over his drafting table and the proverbial cogs were turning in his mind. Soon enough there'd be real ones on a prototype.

All of which meant, of course, that he'd need all the help he could get in relaxing, and if the note on the door was any indication he'd be getting in. Glitch grinned fondly and crossed the main hall, following both the music and the trail of twinkle-light wrapped columns (left since last annual's Christmas party) to the ballroom. He unwound his scarf and removed his hat before entering the hall and...

And had to pause to catch his breath.

"...hello, princess," he murmured and stepped closer to DG, a wondering smile spreading across his face. "What's the occasion?"

Brain or no brain, he wouldn't put it past himself to forget something.


tothelightshown November 12 2011, 23:48:06 UTC
"Hello," she echoed, straightening up after lighting a final candle and tucking a stray curl of hair behind her ear as she smiled at Glitch. "We don't need an occasion, do we?"

DG moved towards him in time to the music, wrapping her arms around his neck.

"I just wanted to spend time with you."


justaddmarbles November 16 2011, 16:27:02 UTC
He smiled and brushed her hair back. Everything had been...difficult and painful for a long time, so many distractions, so much stuff but now that he'd mostly healed he hoped that was overwith. Now was a chance to get better.

"Definitely don't need an occasion for that," Glit agreed, then sighed ruefully. "Though it's certainly felt like it for a while. I'm...I'm sorry, DG."


tothelightshown November 18 2011, 22:19:44 UTC
"Don't apologise," she warned him and, although her tone was light and her smile suggested that she was only half serious, she meant every word. He hadn't done anything that he needed to apologise for. "You've not done anything wrong. Things have been confusing for a while. They'll get better."

And she was prepared to work to make sure that they did get better, if that was necessary.


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