[visual | location: the owlcave] grooving to the beat radiating from a police scanner

Mar 27, 2011 17:13

The technology in this place was fascinating. Not only was it interesting but in general Dan found it helpful to concentrate on something positive to get his mind off the fact that he had been kidnapped. Add that to the fact that he had found his bunker from back home and that he was naturally inclined to keep to himself, Dan had socialized very ( Read more... )

fitz kreiner, mayland long, { river tam, { mattie ross (au), { narvin, { amy pond, { dan dreiberg

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Comments 33

[visual] iminmynightie March 27 2011, 19:12:21 UTC
"And here I thought I was the crazy one. You heard a voice too?"


[visual] givesahoot March 28 2011, 21:41:43 UTC
"Yeah, I did. I couldn't understand the language though. Did you hear the whole thing?"


[visual] iminmynightie March 29 2011, 04:38:28 UTC
"No, I think the voice was halfway through before I realized it wasn't just a song or talk radio. But it was definitely no language I've ever heard before."


[visual] givesahoot April 2 2011, 03:05:16 UTC
"Well, the voice started out quietly but other than that I don't think you missed much. If no one here can understand the language I'm really torn between thinking if this was accidental or deliberate."


[visual] verylittlesugar March 27 2011, 19:56:03 UTC
[Mattie is still getting the hang of these tablet contraptions, but she feels obligated to attempt to respond to the question, if only because it seems impolite not to.]

What is a radio?


[visual] givesahoot March 28 2011, 22:07:14 UTC
[Well. That wasn't a response Dan was expecting. From her manner of dress he assumed that this girl wasn't having him on. Now how to explain a radio?]

It's, um. It looks like a metal box. Usually people use it to listen to music.

[Of course radios have other uses too, but he doesn't want to make things too complicated to start off with.]


[visual] verylittlesugar March 29 2011, 03:12:32 UTC
Do you mean a music box?

[Seems silly to make up a new word when music box pretty accurately describes a metal box people use to listen to music, but there are a lot of things people do around here that make no sense.]


[visual] givesahoot April 2 2011, 04:37:11 UTC
No, it's not a music box. It's like- [hurm]

Imagine that you wanted a lot of people to listen to something. It could be yourself talking, or maybe a song. Anything that a person can hear. Using special equipment you can send that sound to anyone who also has a radio.


[visual] rereremembered March 27 2011, 21:00:41 UTC
"Yeah, I did," Fitz replied. He was digging a knuckle into one ear in a futile effort to get the feedback-induced ringing to stop. "What the hell was that about?"


[visual] givesahoot March 29 2011, 00:05:22 UTC
"No idea," Dan replied honestly. "Sounded like some kind of rallying point. Is this what the aliens sound like?"


[visual] rereremembered April 2 2011, 02:22:53 UTC
Fitz considered the question, then dropped his arm and shrugged. "Nah, I've only heard them a couple times and they were perfectly friendly, for kidnapping bastards. And they spoke English, which that obviously wasn't."

A rallying point in an incomprehensible language. Growing up, he'd heard way too many speeches like that on the wireless to be comfortable with it turning up here.


[visual] givesahoot April 3 2011, 00:12:53 UTC
Dan scrunched his face in sympathy. The loud ringing had bothered his own ears, but it seemed like this man felt the effects much more strongly.

"Just because it's an alien language doesn't mean they're our aliens," Dan mentions. He doesn't mean it in a nagging way, he's only thinking of the possibilities at this point. "Hell, I just called them 'our aliens.' I hope they don't, I don't know, smite me or whatever it's called."

Underneath his desk Dan takes a cautionary knock on wood. It couldn't hurt.


[ visual ] timecoordinator March 28 2011, 04:35:28 UTC
Narvin was much in the same sort of area, which was to say, hiding in the closest thing he had to home (his office, which had remained thankfully, much the same, with some disappearances of certain doors that led to secret passagways, obviously), alternating between trying to figure out the complexities of his tablet and searching through his databases for some magical information that made sense of the whole thing.

The radio being on (in fact having a radio at all) had been some farcical tribute to Braxiatel, supposed the unqualified psychologist in the back of his mind. It was supposed to have been calming, and with the situation he was currently in, Narvin could have very well used a bit of calm.

What he got instead was voices he couldn't understand, a burst of static and an ear-splitting screech of feedback that was a stab to the eardrums no matter how Time Lord his biology was. Beyond that, however, the fact that even he had no idea what the voices had been talking about frustrated him. He didn't even have a clue as to origin ( ... )


[visual] givesahoot March 29 2011, 00:40:37 UTC
"If we were all crazy then the welcoming greeting of kidnapping hamsters would have tipped me off." Dan shrugs. If he stopped to think about it, Taxon itself really didn't make any sense, even with hamsters removed from the equation.

"What was it you were listening to when that whole..." was there even a word for it? "business happened?"


[visual] timecoordinator March 29 2011, 01:19:33 UTC
There was a longish pause with a lot of slow blinkiing, in which Narvin's brain slowly wrapped around the words 'kidnapping hamsters'. He, however, quickly and wisely decided that his mind was not equipped towards dealing with that information for the time and attempted, hopefully successfully, to put it to the back of his mind, possibly in order to overreact about it at some later time, without an audience.

"Is that an argument for or against your insanity?" Narvin hoped 'for'. It was better to be insane on Gallifrey than sane and trapped in whatever this Taxon place was. It wasn't difficult to be insane on Gallifrey.

"Classical," he replied laconically. "Debussy, I think." It might have been at least a century or so since Narvin actually sat down to listen to music, so he was a little rusty in his recognition. "In any case, I don't remember many compositions having a burst of static and feedback, unless they were being wildly experimental, I suppose."


[visual] givesahoot April 2 2011, 02:34:40 UTC
"More of an agreement that most people here probably have the same level of sanity. I'm not even going to start arguing for myself. That just looks questionable." Dan shrugged. Of course he thought himself sane, but he knew what delusional ramblings sounded like and he did not want to start going down that road.

"Sounds like the same thing was broadcast no matter what station people were listening to." If Narvin felt inclined to ask, Dan was listening to familiar music from back home. Not that 80s pop was his favorite thing, but it helped keep him grounded.


[ visual ] biverbam March 29 2011, 02:36:58 UTC
"Wasn't them."

River is looking a little frazzled, but compared to other possible reactions to strange voices and feedback she's doing pretty well.

"They use other avenues. With mouths."


[ visual ] givesahoot April 2 2011, 02:38:15 UTC
"Who is it that you mean?" Dan wants to assume that the young woman is referring to the aliens, but he doesn't want to make assumptions.


[ visual ] biverbam April 11 2011, 11:53:35 UTC
"Hamsters. The mouths in question aren't legitimate." This is communicated as a very urgent bit of information.


[ visual ] givesahoot April 13 2011, 19:46:52 UTC
"So... whatever this is is a lie?" That would pose a whole new set of problems, but one thing at a time.


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