[visual | location: the owlcave] grooving to the beat radiating from a police scanner

Mar 27, 2011 17:13

The technology in this place was fascinating. Not only was it interesting but in general Dan found it helpful to concentrate on something positive to get his mind off the fact that he had been kidnapped. Add that to the fact that he had found his bunker from back home and that he was naturally inclined to keep to himself, Dan had socialized very little since his arrival.

He had been tinkering with his tablet when he heard the static. Dan liked to keep his radio on for background noise and usually didn't pay it much thought, but the interruption of the norm had caught his attention. When the voice started he dropped the screwdriver from his hand and froze. He couldn't understand the language, but whatever it was it seemed ominous.

After the music clicked back on Dan raced to put his tablet back together and sent a visual transmission to the city.

"Tell me I'm not going crazy. Did anyone else have their radio on just now?"

fitz kreiner, mayland long, { river tam, { mattie ross (au), { narvin, { amy pond, { dan dreiberg

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