2. [visual | location: St Austell's Field]

Mar 08, 2011 23:27

The visual feed clicks on, showing Rose sitting down in a field. The weather was bright and sunny, something that Rose had missed. It was the field that adjoined the house she grew up in, over five hundred years ago. Rose couldn't believe that something so significant from her early life found itself into Taxon; it was the place where she went to ( Read more... )

fitz kreiner, { kate beckett, @ shelley, (day), { damon salvatore, { stefan salvatore, { rose, { amy pond

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Comments 78

[visual] shoot, i forgot to say that iminmynightie March 8 2011, 23:46:45 UTC
Amy loved exploring new places, and this appeared to be a whole new location!

"Sure, I'll drop by! You're new here, aren't you?"


[visual] it's okay, don't worry! also, Amy = <3 rose_tainted March 9 2011, 00:03:25 UTC
"That's brilliant." Rose gave the girl a bright smile before nodding. "I am new, just arrived almost two weeks ago. I'm Rose."


[visual] \0/ iminmynightie March 9 2011, 00:14:10 UTC
"Oh, so you got the lovely undead welcoming committee, huh?" The tablet is jostled a bit as Amy heads out the front door. "I'm Amy, and it looks like we're not that far apart." Both of their current locations on the map were in Shelley, so Amy just decided to walk over.


[visual] rose_tainted March 9 2011, 00:24:31 UTC
"Thankfully, I wasn't out much in the city around the time of the zombies. But the residents here told me about it." She's glad that she didn't come across any of them, even though she would be able to defend herself. "Hello, Amy, and that is incredibly convenient, isn't it?" Rose laughed lightly.


[visual] rereremembered March 9 2011, 19:48:56 UTC
"That's a lovely bit of the country you've found there," Fitz remarked. He usually wasn't one for the idyllic, but the field reminded him of the butterfly room in the TARDIS and...well, it made him a little homesick.


[visual] rose_tainted March 10 2011, 00:11:49 UTC
"Thank you," she replied, giving him a soft smile. "It's from where I grew up in, back home in England." She added, as a means of clarification. "I'm Rose by the way. Hello."


[visual] rereremembered March 10 2011, 18:30:40 UTC
"A fellow expat then, are you?" Fitz asked with an arched brow. "That's brilliant, not too many of us around. The aliens seem to favor the Yanks."

Which was a curious thing, really, along with the fact that most of the English folk who did show up seemed to know the Doctor. Including a Rose, come to think of it, but this girl wasn't that girl.

"Nice to meet you, Rose, I'm Fitz. Gotta say you won the location lottery; I just brought along a dingy old flat."


[visual] rose_tainted March 10 2011, 22:26:05 UTC
"Of a sort, yes." Rose said, not wishing to elaborate too much. "It's good to see others from back home and a familiar accent."

The truth was that Rose hadn't been back to England in a long time and she missed it. Being on the run didn't allow her the chance to go home again. And now it appeared that she never could.

"A pleasure, Fitz. I suppose I am quite lucky with this place. Feel free to stop by if you wish."


[Visual] noheatnikki March 10 2011, 00:54:55 UTC
Kate gazed out at the beautiful field, certain she'd never seen it before in her explorations of Taxon.

"Hi, I'm Kate Beckett. What a beautiful view you have."


[Visual] Kate! :3 rose_tainted March 10 2011, 01:25:01 UTC
Rose glanced up at the voice of the woman, smiling when she saw her in the tablet view screen.

"Hello, Kate. I'm Rose." Then she gestured around. "Mm, it's a lovely place. I'm so glad I found it here. I spent a lot of my childhood playing in it."


[Visual] yay! noheatnikki March 10 2011, 02:28:15 UTC
Kate nodded with a smile. This must have been the item granted to Rose by the aliens. Kate had come to think of the items as "consolation prizes" - basically the aliens' way of saying Sorry we kidnapped you and stuck you here, have something from home! Still, she couldn't complain much. She was glad to have her bike.

"I was just going to take my bike out for a ride around town. Can I stop by and see it in person?"


[Visual] hee! rose_tainted March 10 2011, 03:08:12 UTC
Rose was just about getting used to the idea of being kidnapped by aliens and the field being here certainly helped her to settle in. Besides, she wanted to share it with others, so Rose wasn't going to say no to anyone. Apart from Katherine.

"Of course you can. I'd welcome the company. I don't know a lot of people here so please, do stop by."


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[ visual ] rose_tainted March 10 2011, 22:37:26 UTC
Rose caught sight of Stefan before he even said anything and she was unsure if she should call him by name. In a way, having all this knowledge of what lay ahead for Stefan and indeed, Elena was a little bit of a burden for Rose. A part of her wanted to tell them, but somehow, she knew that she couldn't. At least, not yet.

"It is. This field was near the place I grew up. Back in England."


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[ visual ] rose_tainted March 11 2011, 16:13:50 UTC
"And you certainly have good hearing." More like excellent hearing. Rose remembered the cover story that Lexi told her the Salvatores were sticking to so she wasn't going to reveal what they really were.

"What's your name?" That sounded a little redundant to her, but she was going to be polite.


[ voice ] allthefunever March 11 2011, 07:40:00 UTC
[ damon has to admit to being curious about this woman who he's supposed to know. ]

That depends. Are you going to reenact Swimfan again if I say yes?


[ voice ] rose_tainted March 11 2011, 16:16:26 UTC
[She'll switch to voice too for convenience sake.]

No, I'm not. Trust me on that one.


[ voice ] allthefunever March 18 2011, 11:18:06 UTC
That's what all the stalkers say.

[ damon, what. ]


[ voice ] rose_tainted March 18 2011, 15:13:53 UTC
[Heavy sigh.]

Give me a chance to explain. In person.


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