[ visual | location: taxon's streets ] like irish mortar mother's pride is what we taught her

Feb 16, 2011 13:16

The tablet turns on abruptly, as Faith tosses her bag down with a thump on the pavement. The odd angle means she's only visible up to about the chest, but anyone who's met her won't be able to mistake that leather on leather taste in clothing, or the smoker's rasp to her voice as she laughs ( Read more... )

{ angela dodson, # event, { faith lehane, @ osten, buffy summers, (day), { eric northman, { godric, katherine pierce

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Comments 41

[ location ] faderbroderson February 16 2011, 21:43:26 UTC
Godric stumbles upon Faith by chance -- or serendipity -- while leisurely making his way toward Eric, who is off somewhere undoubtedly killing a few zombies of his own. He's been busy himself, if his visible fangs and his blood-covered hands are anything to judge by.

Despite his every conviction, there is something in Godric that will forever be moved by the beauty of graceful slaughter. It was what attracted him to Eric, and it's what stirs his blood as he watches Faith now. He'd like to snatch her up and kiss her breathless, but instead he only grins as Faith cleans house and addresses Taxon. He's patient until she's done and then, chuckling, he approaches.

"You always do delight in this." He's clearly not disapproving.


[ location ] thesecondslayer February 16 2011, 22:04:10 UTC
Faith wouldn't mind if Godric decided a zombie infested street was the right place for a little foreplay; she's a Slayer, and even without that she's more than a little weird when it comes to violence. Slaughter is a great way to get her juices going, for better or worse.

"I've been here almost two freaking years. That's way too goddamn long without getting in a good slay." The ever present tension is still there, but it's more of a watchfulness; alert without being ready to snap.


[ location ] faderbroderson February 16 2011, 22:48:32 UTC
He doesn't want to distract her. That doesn't mean he doesn't have plans for later, when they can find a nice little zombie-free nook to lose their clothes for a while. Maybe they'll have found Eric again by then.

"Then it seems Taxon is making it up to you in spades; there are more than enough of them to keep us both busy for some time. Care to join me in a little pest extermination?" It's like he's asking her out to a romantic dinner or something.


[ location ] thesecondslayer February 16 2011, 23:15:12 UTC
Distraction's just fine, but for once she can wait a little while for a good thing. Sex with Godric's great, but it's been almost two years since she killed something. A girl's got to have priorities, okay? (...If they can figure out how to do both at once, she won't protest.)

"You gotta ask?" For these two, this is romance.


[ location: somewhere around Fangtasia? ] vikingvampire February 16 2011, 22:16:15 UTC
Eric is filthy. His blank tank top is clinging to him from all the zombie blood and the rest of him is only marginally better. Several bodies litter the ground around him and he spits blood out of his mouth, making a face at the vile, dead taste of it. He could easily not use his fangs to rip out zombie throats, sure, but what's the point of being a vampire if you didn't use all of your assets? Pam would be disgusted if she saw him right now.


[ location: somewhere around Fangtasia ] thesecondslayer February 16 2011, 23:24:14 UTC
Faith is something of a mess, herself; just about the only part of her body not liberally spattered with blood is her mouth, and that's only because she doesn't know what getting the zombies' blood inside her will do, and she's having too much fun to ruin it like that.

"What's the matter Fang, they taste gross?" Faith's jibe lacks her usual caustic bite; it's just teasing and genuinely curious. (Killing puts in her a fantastic mood.)


[ location: somewhere around Fangtasia ] vikingvampire February 17 2011, 00:05:57 UTC
Spitting again and wiping his mouth with the back of his hand, he answers like it should be obvious, "It's dead blood, Faith, what do you think?"

Lightly kicking the body he'd just ripped apart, he starts toward her. She looks good, he notes on a strictly observational level. Even covered in blood. She looks energized. Vibrant. He hasn't had the chance to see her fight yet, but if her current demeanor is anything to go by, he knows it will be a sight to see.

"I see you've had your share of killing."


[ location: somewhere around Fangtasia ] thesecondslayer February 17 2011, 01:40:42 UTC
"Yeah, well. Godric's dead, and his doesn't taste so bad." His actually tastes great, but Faith gets the point. (She's just giddy enough to feel like teasing Eric.)

She doesn't blink an eye at his callous treatment of the body-- she's kicked aside more than a handful herself, today. And anyway, they're just Extras so who really gives a shit. She's too busy scanning the streets around them for more zombies, practically vibrating in eagerness.

"It's been almost two years. Like hell I'm gonna let this shit go to waste."


i won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives; nobody's putting up a fight; deniedthesight February 16 2011, 22:21:40 UTC
While Angela may not be all that experienced with killing demons, she didn't become a homicide detective because of her skills at filing paperwork. In fact, before her sister's suicide, she'd actually been suspended for being a little too eager to use her gun on the bad guys - never mind that her instincts had been right every single time.

So she's out, gun in hand, firing the same way she way taught back at the police academy, the same way that got her in trouble before everything with Isabel and Mammon and John went down. One shot, one kill, right through the forehead - she's already learned that shooting them anywhere else will do little besides slow them down at this point.

It still kind of scares her, how good she is at this. But at least in this case, she's not ending another life. They're already dead.


i won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives; nobody's putting up a fight; thesecondslayer February 17 2011, 01:51:39 UTC
Faith's good with guns, but she's not in this to get out of close combat. Still, she can't help but be impressed with the-- human? Not a vamp, at least, but like that means shit in a place like Taxon-- chick taking headshot after headshot.

Her boots make a light thumping sound as she jumps off a fire escape and onto the ground, far enough away if whoever this is spooks and fires at her she can duck and roll. "Not bad shooting, Tex."


i won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives; nobody's putting up a fight; deniedthesight February 17 2011, 03:08:10 UTC
Angela does whirl around to see who's joining her, but doesn't take aim - her gun is up, but her instinct isn't telling her to fire, so it's just in case any of the undead decide to join their party. When she sees the silver band encircling Faith's wrist, she lowers it, nodding to her.

"LA, actually, but thanks," she says, looking over her shoulder to see if there's any Extras about to join them.


i won't take no prisoners, won't spare no lives; nobody's putting up a fight; thesecondslayer February 17 2011, 04:12:25 UTC
Faith raises her hands and then lowers them as Angela lowers the gun, smirking crookedly and nodding back; she's completely casual despite the circumstances, like this is nothing new.

"Whatever." Angela may just have sealed her nickname fate by disputing the point. "And no problem, I just call 'em like I see 'em."


[ visual ] ASK AND YE SHALL RECEIVE whoneedsrules February 17 2011, 13:59:10 UTC
So many people to troll, so little time. The tablet feed is streaming violence 24 hours a day, now; finally a little excitement. Katherine is choosing to stay away from the limb-ripping and bloodletting (at least for now), but that doesn't mean she doesn't appreciate a well executed bloodbath. And this bombshell in leather certainly knows how to put on a show.

"Well, finally. Someone who isn't screaming bloody murder but delivering it," she all but purrs.


[ visual ] O SUP KATHERINE thesecondslayer February 17 2011, 14:07:35 UTC
That tone of voice never leads to anything good, but unless a group of vamps starts an all you can eat buffet and broadcasts it live, Faith's a little too busy-- and all right, whatever, having too much fun-- to worry about whatever's going down behind the other end of the tablet. So she just shrugs a little, grinning, and wipes at a smear of blood on her cheek.

"What can I say? Best week since I got here."


[ visual ] whoneedsrules February 17 2011, 14:42:19 UTC
Indeed it doesn't, but right now, Katherine is content to just watch and learn.

"I can see that," she smirks, her eyes flickering quickly over the blood stains decorating Faith's features so agreeably. "It looks like this isn't your first time in the saddle, so to say."


[ visual ] thesecondslayer February 19 2011, 05:04:41 UTC
"I got plenty of on the job training." Her smile goes briefly feral before settling back into something more human. "Why, you looking for an escort or something?"


expendable soldiers smiling at everything; slaying February 17 2011, 17:09:58 UTC
Shortly after her post, Faith may find a fellow Slayer stealth-stalking her way down a side-street. A rare bubble of quiet but it unnerves her. It could just be that the things are elsewhere -- crowding. Terrorizing. For not the first time and not the last time today, Buffy's spine stiffens at the thought of who might be caught where. Responsibilities. So long as they are so tightly hitched to her motives, she will never be able to get the same kind of blunt satisfaction that Faith achieves.

Perhaps she needs to cross over to another street; Buffy wants to check out a few more buildings. See who she can find. So now she is in the process of soundlessly gaining the peak of a dumpster, hoping to shoulder her way in through a window surrounded by brick.


expendable soldiers smiling at everything; thesecondslayer February 19 2011, 05:00:53 UTC
Faith's nearly giddy with the energy she's let out so far. It's like she's dropping a backpack full of rocks she never knew she was carrying and just moving unencumbered for the first time in ages.

The noise of someone in the alley catches her attention; it's faint, but worth checking out.

"...Buffy." She's guarded, but neutral. They haven't spoken much since her rearrival to the city; that one is on purpose, because Faith's not really feeling up to explaining her whole deal to the Slaymaster General a second time.


expendable soldiers smiling at everything; slaying February 19 2011, 21:12:34 UTC
She freezes for a moment with her fingers gripping the window's sill. A voice, of course, denies the possibility of the zombies but her nerves are so hyperdrive'd that it barely matters. She drags her weapon back to her and twists on the dumpster's lid.

And then...huh. "Faith." Fancy meeting you here.


expendable soldiers smiling at everything; thesecondslayer February 25 2011, 11:16:25 UTC
"Never figured you for dumpster diving." Because that's going to help them out here, really.

Faith sighs and pushes her hair out of her face. Maturity, right. This isn't the Buffy who was here before, clean slate, stop being such a bitch, whatever. "Doing the patrol thing?"


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