10. [visual | location: Martha's Flat] Don't look in the mirror / At the face you don't recognize

Oct 29, 2010 15:02

Martha's image appears on the screen. Her hair's down, and she's dressed in a nightie that may or may not seem a bit unusual for her, but at least it appears she has had the good sense to pop a lab coat on over it. For all the good that will do ( Read more... )

{ wesley wyndam-pryce, /system glitch, { aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, { spike, @ central, { the doctor (eleventh), { the master, kaylee frye

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Comments 54

[visual] morethan2hours October 30 2010, 01:23:43 UTC
Aximili can't morph, but this strange phenomenon might yet be an opportunity to spy on Martha Jones, as he promised... whoever it was he promised. He can't remember who sent him to spy on her, but he knows it's important. Martha has no way of verifying his true identity.

"Hi," he says, putting on his best human mannerisms - a convincing presentation, all told, since he's morphed human many times and lived among humans for three and a half Earth years. "Whatever's going on around here, it hasn't happened to me, but... I'm having memory loss. I can't remember my friends' names, and there's lots of things I know I learned in school, but I can't remember it anymore. I can't even remember my full name. Ambrose something." He bites his lip, feeling secretly proud he remembers that particular gesture. "Can you help me, doctor?"


[visual] would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 04:49:28 UTC
The Master hesitates for a moment. He's seen this one's earlier conversation with his own body, and he knows this is really Aximili. Why the creature would be attempting to lie to Martha Jones...

Oh. A smile crosses Martha's face, as the Master silently applauds Aximili's commitment.

"Absolutely! Why don't you stop by? We'll see what we can do." And even if he does remember any details from their encounter later, it'll be Martha's face that's stuck in his mind.


[visual] --> [Location: Martha's Surgery] morethan2hours October 30 2010, 05:10:45 UTC
Martha was fooled. Good. At least he can remember how to appear human. It really is second nature, now. That should probably scare him. "Oh, great! Thanks. If I don't get there in fifteen minutes or so, that probably means I got lost, so look out for that."

He doesn't remember how to get there, but he's able to find the way using the tablet's map. He feels determined and wary as he enters the doctor's surgery, but he tries to project an air of sweetness and shyness, so that Martha will speak freely with him. He puts his friend Cassie in mind. She smiles a lot and does not take up much personal space with her movements. Other humans find these qualities appealing. He will try to be the same way.

"Hello?" he says. "Doctor?"


[Location: Martha's Surgery] OH AX ILU would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 06:37:49 UTC
The Master, setting things up in the surgery, cringes inwardly in disgust. It's a reaction he can't help to being called 'Doctor', especially imprisoned as he is in this useless body. Martha Jones, not even close to the real thing-- but pretending her primitive degree matters anyhow. He carefully composes himself, putting on a no-nonsense, clinical smile as he rounds the corner.

"Hello! Ambrose, was it? I've got the examination table all ready for you." Along with several potent sedatives if he happens to struggle during the process.


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Hee. 'Ergh.' Yeah thanks Doctor :P would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 05:22:17 UTC
Martha's body jumped a little-- not at the sudden thudding up the stairs or the knocking, for the Master had at least some poise under pressure, sometimes-- but at the sound of his own voice raised to the level of near-panic. Unfortunately, her pathetic ears weren't quite Time Lord enough for him to pick up the precise words.

He was already down in the clinic, having seen Aximili earlier in the day, and currently cataloging the various sedatives and sharp implements she had on hand-- just for future reference. Now he selected a scalpel from the drawer gripping it tightly in Martha's hand as he made his way to the bottom of the stairs. And there was his own body, Martha likely inside it.

"Harold Saxon," he said, with no shortage of pleasure. "Fancy seeing you here."


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[ voice ] exvampire October 30 2010, 06:58:35 UTC
Martha? Got a quick question, if you don't mind.


[ voice ] would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 07:43:16 UTC
Of course not.

This is Spike I'm speaking to... right?


[ voice ] exvampire October 30 2010, 08:24:14 UTC
...yeah, how'd you know?


[ voice ] would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 08:33:13 UTC
You told everyone. On the tablets?


[Location: Martha's Surgery] After Wes' mini freak out spikedwatcher October 30 2010, 11:09:25 UTC
Wesley eventually makes his way to Martha's Infirmary. It's strange to be in another body, to feel the difference in size and gait. But he's managing for the most part.

He walks in and quietly looks around for Martha. Once he finds her, he smiles with relief.

"Thank goodness that you, at least, aren't yet affected by this body-switching business. This is Wesley, by the way, I'm trapped in Spike's body. Any ideas on how to reverse the process?"


[Location: Martha's Surgery] would_be_doctor October 31 2010, 09:47:39 UTC
The Master smiles in greeting, though the combination of that pompous twit in that disgusting loudmouth's body really makes him want to retch. All the better, then, that he's come into the surgery.

"Not yet, but the more people I see, the more data I can collect." He motions to the table. "Do you have the time?"


[Location: Martha's Surgery] spikedwatcher October 31 2010, 10:19:18 UTC
"I do." He moves to where Martha wants him. Having had to depend on her for his most basic needs when he was seriously ill means that he trusts her without question.

"Had any run ins with the Master lately?"


[Location: Martha's Surgery] would_be_doctor October 31 2010, 12:01:21 UTC
The Master smiles a little. If only he knew.

"No, actually. I guess he must be learning he's no match for us." He says it with maybe a bit too much gusto as he reaches for the stethoscope, poking the tips into Martha's ears and leaning toward Spike's body with the other end.

"Especially after what the Doctor did to him."


[ visual ] not_so_magical October 30 2010, 18:04:10 UTC
Any awkwardness in Martha's speech patterns is almost immediately overlooked by Kaylee, who is very much flustered and wanting her own body back. Besides, Martha's got every right to sound a bit off, with the entire gorram city switching bodies.

"Martha? Oh thank God somebody's normal." And, you know, not finding herself waking up as some man. Little does she know. "It's. This is Kaylee. Would you mind if I stopped by?"


[ visual ] would_be_doctor October 31 2010, 10:37:42 UTC
Oh, dear Kaylee. The Master doesn't like seeing you flustered, at least not if he isn't the cause anyway. So the look 'Martha' gives you is close enough to concern to probably fly well under your radar as, you know, normal.

"Yes, please do," he says. "By all means." And then, realizing that might sound a bit eager for Martha, he adds, "There just must be something I can do!" There. That sounds more like the ineffectual babbling of some soft-hearted human girl.


[ visual ] not_so_magical October 31 2010, 17:52:13 UTC
He can fluster her any day~ Kaylee's glad enough to see somebody still normal (even if she sounds off, BUT OH WELL) that she actually manages a half-smile.

"I'll be there in a bit, then. Xie xie, Martha."


[ visual ] would_be_doctor November 1 2010, 23:44:21 UTC
Oh ho ho ho

"No need for thanks," the Master assures her with a bit of manufactured humility in Martha's voice. "This is what I do. See you soon."


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