10. [visual | location: Martha's Flat] Don't look in the mirror / At the face you don't recognize

Oct 29, 2010 15:02

Martha's image appears on the screen. Her hair's down, and she's dressed in a nightie that may or may not seem a bit unusual for her, but at least it appears she has had the good sense to pop a lab coat on over it. For all the good that will do ( Read more... )

{ wesley wyndam-pryce, /system glitch, { aximili-esgarrouth-isthill, { spike, @ central, { the doctor (eleventh), { the master, kaylee frye

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[ voice ] exvampire October 30 2010, 06:58:35 UTC
Martha? Got a quick question, if you don't mind.


[ voice ] would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 07:43:16 UTC
Of course not.

This is Spike I'm speaking to... right?


[ voice ] exvampire October 30 2010, 08:24:14 UTC
...yeah, how'd you know?


[ voice ] would_be_doctor October 30 2010, 08:33:13 UTC
You told everyone. On the tablets?


[ voice ] exvampire October 30 2010, 08:44:46 UTC
Oh, yeah, right. [Spike... kind of forgot.] So, uh, what'd you give Wes for his headaches?


[ voice ] would_be_doctor October 31 2010, 08:42:00 UTC
[The Master, of course, has no idea about Wesley's headaches, or why he would have them-- nor does he care. But he has to keep up pretenses, and so he'll need to produce the information somehow. Luckily, Martha seems the type to keep records-- new-ish doctor, conscientious, eager to prove herself. And he did see a file cabinet somewhere, didn't he?

It doesn't take long combing through the records, considering how few she's made so far.]

He's been taking [ooc: insert the drug name here].

Are you having headaches now? I think you should come in. Just so I can make sure nothing's wrong.

[ooc: sorry for the delay, I had to check with Emma about whether Martha keeps records or what, and then I forgot to ask specifics so I'm not sure what medication if any was agreed upon]


[ voice ] exvampire October 31 2010, 20:19:49 UTC
That's what Wesley said. Just figured I should ask in case there was something I was forgetting.

[At the next part, he sounds uncomfortable.]

Thanks, doc, but I don't like being poked and prodded by doctors even when I'm in my own body. Wesley can wait till he's himself again for the check-up.


[ voice ] would_be_doctor November 2 2010, 00:22:37 UTC
[The Master raises a brow]

Shouldn't I be the judge of whether he can wait? If the headaches are worse than usual, it could be a side-effect of this... switching. Do you really want to risk giving him brain damage?


[ voice ] exvampire November 2 2010, 00:50:19 UTC
Doesn't seem likely. And I don't know if they're worse than usual, this isn't my usual head.


[ voice ] would_be_doctor November 9 2010, 10:54:31 UTC
Got a lot of experience with switching bodies, do you?


[ voice ] exvampire November 9 2010, 19:50:07 UTC
I just don't see how my mind in his body would change how his head works.


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