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Comments 136

Deadman On Location oneofthequick May 18 2010, 19:24:26 UTC
As a master of poor timing, En-Doul arrives in time to see the Extra attacking the Doctor. Physically, he's rather fragile and while it appears that there's little he can do but watch, the Doctor might find that he has some unexpectedly good luck and the Extra the reverse.


Re: Deadman On Location rude_not_ginger May 18 2010, 19:27:00 UTC
The Extra knocks the Doctor over, into a rubbish bin, though the bin itself tips towards him, knocking the Extra off balance and giving the Doctor time to dash away. He scoops up his tablet, flicks it off, and backs up, towards the man who is Doul but isn't.

"That was rather lucky," he says. "Come on! He'll be back!"


oneofthequick May 18 2010, 19:30:47 UTC
He's not really able or about to move all that quickly, but En-Doul will suggest an odd, lazily meandering path through the City and hope that the Doctor follows where he leads.

[He won't find us this way.] There are enough side streets that the decision tree of where they could and will turn is complex enough that it is highly unlikely that they'll be trailed.


rude_not_ginger May 18 2010, 20:16:46 UTC
The Doctor follows quickly. He trusts Doul, and he can only assume that this not-quite-Doul is as trustworthy.

"They shouldn't behave like that!" he says. "They're always so---so empty!"


[Location | HC Clements] beenthroughhell May 19 2010, 00:23:18 UTC
Tara debates whether or not to come. She doesn't know what to feel about the news that the Doctor is still in Taxon after all. Relief? Anger on Rose's behalf, for what he put her through? Frustration that he doesn't seem to understand how badly he's acting?

But she decides that it doesn't matter. If he wants to make up, she can't deny him the chance. She can at least hear him out. She's in transit during his broadcast, which means she's more than a little alarmed when she finally gets there, running.


Re: [Location | HC Clements] rude_not_ginger May 19 2010, 02:55:22 UTC
By the time the Doctor makes it back to HC Clements, he has a bruise forming on his jaw and his lip is split, though he's dabbing at it with a napkin from the sweets shop Doul and he ran into.

He hobbles to the door just as he sees Tara running towards him. Despite how much he, once again, hurts, he smiles over to her.

"My favorite savior," he says.


[Location | HC Clements] beenthroughhell May 19 2010, 02:58:52 UTC
She'd hoped seeing him would help her know how she felt. It doesn't. But she moves as if she might hug him, registers he's hurt, and says with feeling, "You stupid man." There are tears in her eyes, but they don't fall.


Re: [Location | HC Clements] rude_not_ginger May 19 2010, 03:18:29 UTC
"Yeah," he says, nodding to her words. "Yeah, just about. But you don't have to slap me, Donna already did."

Flippancy is, as always, one of his biggest defense mechanisms. He becomes more serious, because this is Tara, and she deserves that. "I couldn't stay their prisoner forever, Tara. People are disappearing. People are vanishing without any trace and no one is doing anything to stop it."


[Visual] returntous May 19 2010, 05:14:32 UTC
Periodically, Mabel turns her tablet off and ignores the fact that the rest of Taxon exists. She did so after the Doctor first vanished off the map, assuming with a bit of regret that he had been sent back home and bummed because she was half-hoping he would give her a job - or at least something to do.

She turns her tablet on again, finally, just in time to see that he wasn't gone after all, and just in time to watch in horror as he's attacked. "Doctor!"


Re: [Visual] rude_not_ginger May 20 2010, 03:32:26 UTC
The Doctor smacks back the Extra and grabs himself a rubbish bin lid to defend himself. The Extra attacks again, this time hitting the lid as the Doctor blocks himself.

"Mabel!" he calls out when he hears her voice. "Something's wrong!"


[Visual] returntous May 20 2010, 04:52:51 UTC
"No, shit, Sherlock!" Mabel doesn't really stick around to find out what the Doctor thinks about that particular colloquialism; she's out and running even though she has no location to run to. "Where are you?!"


Re: [Visual] rude_not_ginger May 20 2010, 04:56:57 UTC
He doesn't have time to switch the tablet to private, he can only hope that when Mabel gets here, he has time to run if the Council starts chasing after him.

"Central!" he calls. "Near Camelot!"

He swings the bin lid towards the Extra, and it dodges his blow then goes in to attack again.


[Location: HC Clements] supercompacted May 19 2010, 22:14:30 UTC
Fred makes her way to the building as soon as she wakes up, early. She doesn't check her tablet. In fact, the only thing she does waste any time on is trying to decide whether to contact Rose or not. She ultimately decides against it. It's possible someone found out about the Doctor's drill and the note wasn't really from him. She suspects it is him, of course, because she wasn't terribly surprised to see him disappear.

Fred packs the drill into the cart and makes her way over as quickly as possible. The building is both imposing and beautiful, reminding her a bit of Wolfram and Hart. "Hello?" she asks, as she enters the building?. "Anyone here?" She keeps her eyes sharp as she looks for him.


Re: [Location: HC Clements] rude_not_ginger May 20 2010, 03:34:33 UTC
The Doctor appears around the corner, his jaw bruised and his lip bandaged up. Busy day. He still grins madly at the sight of Fred and the drill. He wasn't sure if she'd come, he's just glad she did.

"Hello," he says, giving her a wave. "Sorry about vanishing before, bit nervous I was going to be tracked down. Doesn't look like that's on their plans, though."


[Location: HC Clements] supercompacted May 20 2010, 04:10:04 UTC
Fred's eyes widen considerably when she sees the state of his face. She leaves the cart in order to go look at him more closely "Doctor, what happened? Are you-" She shakes her head, because that's rather obvious. "You're all right?"

Despite the worry, though, she does find herself smiling, just a little. "I knew you'd still be around. I don't think anyone's looking for you, but of course they wouldn't tell me about that," she had to admit.


Re: [Location: HC Clements] rude_not_ginger May 20 2010, 04:59:06 UTC
"Something's wrong with the Extras," he says. "One of them attacked me. No provocation, no reason. Just bam. I think the people keeping us here are starting to get a bit tired of me."

He gives her a return smile, even if it hurts his lip a bit. "Yeah, they're probably trying to see if someone will lead them to me. Fortunately, though, I don't think anyone knows where HC Clements came from, or who brought it with them."

He gestures to the cart. "Come on, I've got something to show you."


After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:00:55 UTC
Rose walks into the house exhausted. She spent most of the day at Tara's shop. Things are getting dicier in the city with the extra's becoming aggressive. Not to mention Rose hasn't slept much since the Doctor disappeared. She knows he's safe according to his messages but that doesn't help her sleep at night.

She's rummaging through the pantry for something to eat when she hears a noise upstairs. Almost certain it's not Donna she grabs a cricket bat from the coat closet and starts up the stairs quietly. It's obvious there's someone in the bedroom rooting around. With the extras acting the way they are, there's no guarantee it's not one of them. She cocks the bat over her shoulder and toes the door open.


Alright, not an extra.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 01:06:26 UTC
The Doctor freezes. His arms are full of books, and he's reacquired a few papers he realized he'd left behind when he made a run for it. There's Rose, and she's armed.

"Hi," he says, pathetically.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:19:43 UTC
She lowers the cricket bat, letting it hang by her side for a moment before she leans it against the wall and folds her arms over her chest, leaning against the door frame.

"Sneaking out on me again?"


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 01:28:53 UTC
"I didn't want to worry you," he says, tucking another book under his arm and promptly avoiding her gaze. "I'm fine, but I can't stay here. Not while they're looking for me."


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