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After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:00:55 UTC
Rose walks into the house exhausted. She spent most of the day at Tara's shop. Things are getting dicier in the city with the extra's becoming aggressive. Not to mention Rose hasn't slept much since the Doctor disappeared. She knows he's safe according to his messages but that doesn't help her sleep at night.

She's rummaging through the pantry for something to eat when she hears a noise upstairs. Almost certain it's not Donna she grabs a cricket bat from the coat closet and starts up the stairs quietly. It's obvious there's someone in the bedroom rooting around. With the extras acting the way they are, there's no guarantee it's not one of them. She cocks the bat over her shoulder and toes the door open.


Alright, not an extra.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 01:06:26 UTC
The Doctor freezes. His arms are full of books, and he's reacquired a few papers he realized he'd left behind when he made a run for it. There's Rose, and she's armed.

"Hi," he says, pathetically.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:19:43 UTC
She lowers the cricket bat, letting it hang by her side for a moment before she leans it against the wall and folds her arms over her chest, leaning against the door frame.

"Sneaking out on me again?"


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 01:28:53 UTC
"I didn't want to worry you," he says, tucking another book under his arm and promptly avoiding her gaze. "I'm fine, but I can't stay here. Not while they're looking for me."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:41:52 UTC
"Didn't want to worry me?" Rose says, arching one eyebrow up at him. "Should have told me you were going. Or where you were going."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 01:48:03 UTC
"And then when they caught you, they'd have something to use against you," the Doctor says. "No, Rose. I can't tell you where I am or where I'm going, because if they know you know, they'll figure out a way to make you talk."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 01:51:17 UTC
Rose bites her lips, considering this a moment. She sighs and looks back up at the Doctor. "When who knows that I know? Who's going to make me talk, Doctor?"


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 02:03:39 UTC
"The council," he says. "The ones who arrested me. They want me to stay trapped for them, while everyone's disappearing under our noses."

He lifts up the cuff to his trouser leg, showing that the anklet is gone.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 02:23:41 UTC
"Sort of figured that was gone when I couldn't find you on the map," Rose tells him, eyes flickering to his ankle then back up to his eyes. "Doctor...they're not going to hurt me. You're--" She stops, not wanting to offend him or chase him off. "The people that disappear. They don't die. People disappear and come back here sometimes. They don't always remember their time here but they don't die."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 02:36:22 UTC
"Yeah, different point in the timeline, Rose, they don't go home." The Doctor's had people tell him this before, but he doesn't believe them. "No one can do what they do to us and just leave it. They kill us, they'll mind-wipe us until we're empty shells. But they won't just let us go."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 02:50:07 UTC
Rose thinks about this, pinching her bottom lip between her thumb and index finger. She understands what he's saying. "Doesn't that mess up the timeline though? When they pull someone from earlier?"

She understands about time not being a straight line but she doesn't understand how things affect it entirely. She's not doubting so much as trying to understand. She's also trying to determine whether the Doctor is being paranoid or if he's in control.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 03:08:12 UTC
"No," he says. "It doesn't just mess up the timeline."

He points to a glass vase on the bookshelf.

"Time," he says.

He pushes it towards the edge. "Blipping out important people."

He pushes it until it falls, shattering into a million pieces on the floor.

"We need to stop them."


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 04:00:21 UTC
"How do they come back then?" She's not surprised by the dramatic display but she does jump when the vase hits the floor.

"And how can we stop them? And can't I stay with you in hiding? I'll turn my tablet off."

She just doesn't want him to leave her again.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 04:03:12 UTC
"And if they find me?" he says, stepping over the glass to approach her. "If they find me, Rose, they'll find you. And I won't have them doing to you what they did to me."

He reaches out, cupping the side of her face. He's wanted to touch her since he ran away, but he's been afraid to get too close.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] iam_thebadwolf May 21 2010, 04:06:22 UTC
Once he touches her, she steps in closer, her left hand going to his waist and her right resting on his chest.

"We'll be careful. I'll run. If they find you, I'll run and hide. So I can help you."

It's an almost desperate promise but it's also one she's willing to keep. Someone has to help him if he ends up in jail again.


Re: After the attack [Location: Rose's house] rude_not_ginger May 21 2010, 04:31:20 UTC
"It's not that easy, Rose, they won't just put me in prison this time."

He leans forward, pressing his forehead to hers. He doesn't want to go. He doesn't want to leave her like this.

"I don't want---I'm just---I can't put you in that danger, Rose. I can't."


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