[Location | Tamper and Trick, Central Taxon] Opening Day

Apr 30, 2010 17:52

As may have been evidenced by her frequent trips in and around the center of Taxon, Tara has been quite busy recently.  And though it’s served the secondary purpose of distracting her from the unwelcome news she received from Kyra, she’s found a great deal of satisfaction in slowly transforming the empty shop into something to be proud of ( Read more... )

{ tara maclay, { morgana, dg, { sam winchester, { ethan rayne

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Comments 149

[Location: Tamper and Trick] iam_thebadwolf May 1 2010, 01:03:03 UTC
Rose is out and about running some errands when she sees the new shop. She pushes the door open curiously and is surprised to see Tara inside. She knew she did magic and even assumed it required the sorts of things on the shelves in this shop but she didn't know Tara was opening a shop.

"Guess it's terribly trite to ask for toad's eyes but..." she teases as she walks in.


fuckyouripper May 1 2010, 01:12:12 UTC

Without changing his expression - terribly mild - Ethan leans behind the counter and picks up a jar.

Guess what's in it.

Go on. Guess.


beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 01:16:09 UTC
Tara tries to keep a straight face, with mixed success. "Well, I don't know about trite, exactly."


iam_thebadwolf May 1 2010, 01:25:53 UTC
It's terribly obvious and that makes Rose laugh, tilting her head back slightly and touching the tip of her tongue to her teeth.

"Yeah? Really?" And she's hopping over like an over excited five year old to peer at the jar of toad's eyes.


[Location: Tamper and Trick] eaturbreakfast May 1 2010, 01:10:28 UTC
Sam does know what Tara is up to and he knows it's opening day so he gives them a chance to get everything settled before he heads toward the shop. It's a good day today. he actually slept and he hasn't started working with Ruby yet today (it's a bit too early for her). He grabs a couple of cups of coffee and some donuts then takes a walk over.

He pushes the door open with his foot. "So I heard there was a lady with a shop here. I thought she might be hungry."


[Location: Tamper and Trick] beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 01:18:16 UTC
Tara smiles warmly as Sam comes in. "Sam. Thank you. Come in, have a look, if you like." To Ethan, she says, "This is Sam Winchester. He lives in the Castle."


Re: [Location: Tamper and Trick] eaturbreakfast May 1 2010, 01:34:01 UTC
"Thanks," Sam says setting the donuts on the counter. He holds his hand out to Ethan. "Nice to meet you."


fuckyouripper May 2 2010, 02:52:21 UTC

"Ethan Rayne," he says, shaking politely. (With his sleeves rolled up, the symbol of Eyghon tattooed on his upper arm is easy to see and would certainly be fun to explain if Sam recognizes it for what it is.)


magicalskeptic May 1 2010, 02:30:05 UTC
Morgana had been meaning to contact Tara, but with the Doctor's memories roaming about in her head, she's been avoiding people. Besides the emotions, there is this frustrating need to hug people she would rather not give the opportunity to indulge in. (There was a moment, at supper two days earlier, she was tempted to hug Arthur. That would not have ended well.)

It's not that she doesn't like people, but such things are not appropriate. She doesn't know anyone well enough as of yet.

Thus, she decides to investigate Tara's new establishment, even if the concept makes her nervous. Thus, here she is, although, she hasn't quite made it fully inside, as of yet. Morgana's still surveying everything from the doorway.


beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 02:31:57 UTC
Tara, seeing her there, goes to greet her. "Lady Morgana - it's nice to see you." Given what she knows about Morgana's background and magic, she doesn't want to push... but then, she'd feel rude not inviting her inside, either. So for the moment, she waits to see what sort of mood the other woman seems to be in.


magicalskeptic May 1 2010, 02:45:11 UTC
What Tara cannot possibly know is that by greeting her, Morgana's natural reticence about the purpose of the store has to give way to good manners.

"Good afternoon, Miss Maclay," she smiles, and it's friendly, but she can't quite stop herself from eying the contents like it might suddenly try to curse her.


beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 02:48:56 UTC
"If - if you'd like to come in, you're welcome to." This is the least obtrusive way Tara can think to phrase the invitation.


tothelightshown May 1 2010, 17:13:17 UTC
DG parked her motorbike outside the shop. She'd spotted Tara through the glass during one of her meandering trips around the city and, although she hadn't intended to interrupt, her curiosity had ended up getting the better of her.

"A magic shop?" she asked, giving the building a curious glance as she stepped through the door with her helmet tucked under one arm. The idea was intriguing. She'd never seen anything like it before. (Her question was based largely on the objects on the shelves and partially on a bit of guesswork.)


beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 17:36:31 UTC
She smiles. "Yeah. Some things are for actually doing magic, and some are just magical things anyone can use." She pulls DG a little farther inside, good naturedly. "And books, of course. Some other things."


tothelightshown May 1 2010, 20:21:57 UTC
"Wow," exclaimed DG, who didn't object in the slightest when Tara pulled her inside. If anything, she was delighted by the enthusiasm. Although Tara had taken her ... bad news in her stride, more or less, it was still wonderful to see such a genuine smile on her face.

"Did you get all this from the hatches?"


beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 21:06:48 UTC
"Most of the raw materials, yeah. A lot of the enchanted things we enchanted ourselves. I don't know how much I trust the hatches to get magic right. But they seem to want to let you stock a business."


[Location | Tamper and Trick] rubinuslapis May 3 2010, 16:54:43 UTC
Ruby strolls in, curiously checking up on Sam's friend and intrigued about the little shop of horrors (though this one has far fewer than she'd hoped for) cropping up in Central. Needless to say, her nosy instincts are not lessened in this alien wet dream minus the tentacles, and that means she'll be touching. Everything.

She makes note of some of the herbs that might come in handy, along with the few shelves of more powerful items behind the counter. There's a tickle up her spine that makes her miss home; normally she'd just kill the shop owners and take what she wanted. Mostly she just wanted to kill somebody. For Sam, though, she'll continue making nicey-nice.


[Location | Tamper and Trick] beenthroughhell May 3 2010, 16:59:58 UTC
There probably are a few horrors in the back or upstairs, even given glitched Ethan. After all, what's a magic shop without one or two things no one should ever, ever touch?

Tara, though, remembers Ruby from the library and (since she's Sam's friend) will certainly make an effort.

"Are you looking for anything in particular?" She's not perky, so much, as the question is quiet, but she does smile and attempt to look pleasant. Helpful, yes, but Tara will never be the mistress of the hard sell.


[Location | Tamper and Trick] rubinuslapis May 3 2010, 17:05:36 UTC
Ruby does smile, though it's never ever quite a real one. Tara has never seemed like the type of person Ruby should worry about, and that's precisely why Ruby makes the effort to keep an eye out. "Tara, nice place. Just thought I'd pop in and take a look around. See what there is to see."

See what she might expect to have thrown at her if the time ever came.


[Location | Tamper and Trick] beenthroughhell May 3 2010, 17:07:24 UTC
"I know it's nothing very elaborate. We're kind of making do, with the hatches, but... it's a start." Tara is proud of the shop, even if she's realistic about its size and selection. For Taxon, it's something.


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