[Location | Tamper and Trick, Central Taxon] Opening Day

Apr 30, 2010 17:52

As may have been evidenced by her frequent trips in and around the center of Taxon, Tara has been quite busy recently.  And though it’s served the secondary purpose of distracting her from the unwelcome news she received from Kyra, she’s found a great deal of satisfaction in slowly transforming the empty shop into something to be proud of ( Read more... )

{ tara maclay, { morgana, dg, { sam winchester, { ethan rayne

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[Location: Tamper and Trick] eaturbreakfast May 1 2010, 01:10:28 UTC
Sam does know what Tara is up to and he knows it's opening day so he gives them a chance to get everything settled before he heads toward the shop. It's a good day today. he actually slept and he hasn't started working with Ruby yet today (it's a bit too early for her). He grabs a couple of cups of coffee and some donuts then takes a walk over.

He pushes the door open with his foot. "So I heard there was a lady with a shop here. I thought she might be hungry."


[Location: Tamper and Trick] beenthroughhell May 1 2010, 01:18:16 UTC
Tara smiles warmly as Sam comes in. "Sam. Thank you. Come in, have a look, if you like." To Ethan, she says, "This is Sam Winchester. He lives in the Castle."


Re: [Location: Tamper and Trick] eaturbreakfast May 1 2010, 01:34:01 UTC
"Thanks," Sam says setting the donuts on the counter. He holds his hand out to Ethan. "Nice to meet you."


fuckyouripper May 2 2010, 02:52:21 UTC

"Ethan Rayne," he says, shaking politely. (With his sleeves rolled up, the symbol of Eyghon tattooed on his upper arm is easy to see and would certainly be fun to explain if Sam recognizes it for what it is.)


eaturbreakfast May 2 2010, 04:03:39 UTC
"Nice to meet you," Sam says but he's distracted by the demon mark on Ethan's arm. He doesn't recognize the demon it belongs to. "Interesting tattoo."


fuckyouripper May 2 2010, 04:22:49 UTC

He glances down, following Sam's gaze, and laughs thinly. "Remnants of a misspent youth."


beenthroughhell May 2 2010, 04:29:10 UTC
Tara's smile dims ever so slightly at the tension Ethan's tattoo raises. But she's not going to jump in and change the subject unless things get really desperate; still, she tries to send Sam "I trust him" vibes.


eaturbreakfast May 2 2010, 04:36:14 UTC
Sam glances over at Tara then nods. He knows she trusts this guy or she wouldn't be in business with him. "They can be...seductive."


fuckyouripper May 2 2010, 04:40:28 UTC

"If I indicated that the subject was up for discussion," Ethan says, still smiling, "it was entirely by accident."

He presses a hand to Tara's shoulder, bracing, and excuses himself to finish sorting the freebie bags he's sending any visitors out with.


beenthroughhell May 2 2010, 04:47:44 UTC
She gives him a small smile as he goes, and says softly to Sam, "Well. Would you like a little tour, or..." She's clearly changing the subject, but as sort of an apology that isn't.


eaturbreakfast May 2 2010, 05:02:33 UTC
"Sorry," Sam mumbles the apology. He looks at Tara and smiles slightly. "Tour would be great."


beenthroughhell May 2 2010, 05:10:11 UTC
"Okay. Not huge as you can see. But.... we've got the things you don't need to have skill to use up front. Protective charms, that kind of thing." The display cases out front are attractively set up. "Anything at all dangerous in and of itself is behind the counter."


eaturbreakfast May 2 2010, 05:16:38 UTC
"Yeah. That makes sense," Sam says as he looks through some of the charms. "I know how to do some specific charms you don't have here. I'd teach you if you wanted."

They're all demon related but he'd offer it even if it weren't for that tattoo on Ethan's arm. Ruby is here and if the good demon can get in then demons like Meg can get in too.


beenthroughhell May 2 2010, 05:19:30 UTC
"That'd be great. Whenever you have time." In Tara's setting, demons are hard to keep out wholesale; they vary too much from type to type. But there's nothing to say his kind of demons might not turn up in Taxon too, at some point, so it would be good knowledge to have.


eaturbreakfast May 2 2010, 05:56:12 UTC
"It's not a lot and you might never need it but it can't hurt to know how to make them just in case," Sam answers. "This is a great place. It's good to know it's here."

He doesn't know how to do much really. Just runes, charms, summonings--that sort of thing. Real spells are things he's stayed away from.


beenthroughhell May 2 2010, 16:40:25 UTC
"It's a little modeled after Ethan's shop at home. He ran it with my friend Anya and Giles. The librarian I'm going to introduce you to eventually."

It is foreign nature to Tara to be pushy about anything, but at the same time, magic is important to her in ways that it's hard to explain. It's not just a skill, it's a world view. (And that's part of what made her so angry with Willow; not just that Tara was scared for her, which she was, but that she was abusing the nature of what magic was supposed to be and do.)

"I don't know how many customers we'll get, but I'm glad we're open."


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