004 [Location: The Barrier || Wilde (West] + [Voice]

Apr 16, 2010 12:04

After this

[ooc: Obviously this is backdated to the night of the Doctor's release from jail. Feel free to run into her at any point in this action or hit up her up with the voice]She runs from the house, full tilt, breathless running because she can't watch him tell her goodbye. Not again. Not after everything she's done and how far she's come. ( Read more... )

{ rose tyler, { hermes, { the master, { sam spade, dg, { the doctor (tenth), { ruby (au)

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[visual | locked to Rose] rude_not_ginger April 16 2010, 17:09:46 UTC
The Doctor appears on the screen, still looking disheveled, if a little more tired, now. The high he got from being freed is wearing off, and he's starting back on the sick route he was in before.

"What are you up to, Rose?"


[location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 00:08:59 UTC
He shuts off the tablet without saying 'good bye', and scoops up his roller skates. They've become a favored way of traveling about. Faster than running and more reliable than waiting for a Tram.

He hits the west barrier and skids to a stop, slowly heading around, looking for her. Maybe, if he's very lucky, she's brought his suit jacket.


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 00:21:22 UTC
Rose is sitting by herself on the ground near the barrier. She's got her backpack open and an assortment of handheld gadgets and electrical equipment around her. She's scribbling furiously in a note book in an attempt to give her plan solid lines. It's all theory and hope right now without any real chance of working.

"Piece of cake. Just punch a whole in this world. Then one in the next 'til I find my Doctor. Suss this all out and fix it," she mutters to herself as she works, as if repeating it will make it so.

Sorry, no suit jacket. That's still lying somewhere on the floor in his room.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 00:25:17 UTC
"I am the Doctor," he says, stepping up behind her. He crosses his arms. "What are you doing with a gun?"

Because that is, of course, the most important thing.


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 00:30:49 UTC
She jumps at the sound of his voice, reaching almost instinctively for the gun but never actually touching it before she realizes it's him. "You're the one told me it was dangerous here. I'm not daft." Not that she'd actually shoot anyone here but the gun's big enough and she knows how to use it well enough that it usually scares everyone that's not a Dalek.

She's going to ignore the bit about him being 'the Doctor'.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 01:55:43 UTC
The Doctor, however, isn't scared of the gun, or the person holding it. He's far more concerned about what she's said.

"So you are looking for him, then?" he asks. "I thought you didn't know."


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 02:03:26 UTC
"You told me. You left me. I know...you said I made the choice. But I wouldn't. Not ever. Not unless--"She doesn't finish her sentence. If he didn't want her, wasn't interested in traveling with her anymore, she'd leave. It would hurt but she wouldn't have any other choice. She focuses on the grass, plucking a bit of it and rolling it between her fingers.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 02:12:55 UTC
The Doctor scratches the back of his head and tries to think of a not-quite-truth to tell her. Something that doesn't quite spoil the ending, but at least lets her know he isn't lying.

"You fall in love," he says. "And you stay with him."


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 02:17:17 UTC
"You're not makin' sense, Doctor. You said I leave you," Rose responds quietly. She's not going to say the words because this isn't goodbye, this isn't final and tomorrow she'll wake up with him still here but the implication is there.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 02:22:55 UTC
"You do," he says. "You stay. With someone else. And I don't blame you for that, I've only wanted you to be happy."

His voice betrays that there's some bitterness, there. It's not every day that you watch the woman you've longed for snog your like-you-but-slightly-better double.


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 02:28:07 UTC
Rose shakes her head, eyes tearing up again. That seems to be the theme for the day. "No"

She buries her head in her hands, raking her fingers through her hair. "That's not possible. Already did that. Not really a more than one love of my life sort of girl."


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 02:32:30 UTC
"I'm sorry, I shouldn't have said anything."

She's crying. No, no, no, he hates her crying. He hates this. He steps towards her to give her a hug. That's what you do when someone's crying, yes?


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 02:39:13 UTC
Defenses against him? She has none. Whatsoever. When he moves toward her to hug her she curls up into him that that's where she belongs. Her arms go around his neck and she lays her head against his chest. He hasn't got his suit jacket on and the warmth of his skin comes through his shirt. She knows she's ruining his shirt by crying on him but she doesn't care. His hearts sound in her ear and she's hanging onto him like this can keep the future back.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 02:42:38 UTC
Awkwardly, but doing his very best to be affectionate, he pats her back and holds her close.

"It's all right, Rose. I won't leave you now."


Re: [location: west barrier] iam_thebadwolf April 17 2010, 02:58:24 UTC
It's not the way he usually hugs her and that awareness does more to pull her together than anything. She takes a deep breath that turns into hiccups and wipes at her eyes with the back of her hands. She knows I won't leave you now isn't a promise not to leave her in the future. She'll take what she can get.

And isn't that how it always goes? She nods. "Got to get that list up. Things we don't chat about." She's still standing close to him, head bowed and almost touching his shoulder, hiccups sounding off every few seconds. She reaches out to run a hand over his shirt front. It's a bit damp and smudged.


Re: [location: west barrier] rude_not_ginger April 17 2010, 03:02:11 UTC
"Opinions on waterproof mascara on that list?" he teases. He wipes one of her cheeks with his thumb and, suddenly awkward by the intimacy, lowers his hand.


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