1. Arrival

Mar 25, 2010 10:10

Spade almost trips as he misses a step in his long stride. One moment, he'd been walking through the heat of a San Fransisco afternoon, the next ( Read more... )

{ sam spade, dg, { leila yilmaz

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[Visual] tothelightshown March 25 2010, 20:50:55 UTC
"I think loony bins have more padding on the walls."

Her tone was light, though not overly cheerful. For most people, waking up in Taxon was an unsettling experience. DG felt obliged to try and help the new arrival, instead of making the situation worse.

"Welcome to Taxon."


tothelightshown April 1 2010, 19:41:32 UTC
"At least you'll get to catch up on your paperwork," DG offered, giving Sam a smile. She'd been a waitress back in the O.Z, and, as much as she had disliked the job, she'd been relieved that it hadn't involved that sort of work.

"There are little dots for the people, too," she offered.


mancalledspade April 1 2010, 20:17:31 UTC
He snorted. Paperwork was solidly Effie's department, for the most part, but it was probably overly optimistic to think his office setup included her.

The dots for people, though - that's interesting. "Huh. Handy, but kind of frightening. How do you figure they do that?"


tothelightshown April 2 2010, 12:36:58 UTC
"The dot with your name on will move whenever you do."

That was a potentially risk piece of information to reveal - because he could use it to find somebody else as soon as he understood the theory - but it was hardly a secret. Every prisoner in Taxon appreciated the eccentricities of the tablet.

"There's a way to screen it, but you'd have to be good with technology."


[holo] mancalledspade April 2 2010, 14:07:35 UTC
"Kid, where I'm from, we make do with a telephone and a newspaper."

He suspects it might have to do with the bracelet. It's the new variable in the situation, after all, and it makes sense that he'd be tracked just like everyone else. Still, it would make sense to learn what he could about the device as soon as he could.

The halls of the Sanctuary weren't helping with the radio serial feeling. But finding his way out into the Square, he could at least look around the city.


tothelightshown April 3 2010, 15:10:34 UTC
"That's all we had where I'm from too," she said. Sam's bluntness was so reminiscent of Cain that she couldn't help but smile again. The word 'kid' didn't help, either. "Things are different in Taxon. You'll get used to it."


[holo] mancalledspade April 3 2010, 15:33:18 UTC
"Huh." He allowed that she might be right; man could adjust to a lot if he had to. Still, on the whole, being kidnapped was nothing to sing about, regardless.

Now out in the square, he says, "Well, if you want to meet up, I'm game whenever's good for you. I think I'm just gonna take a walk in the meantime."


[Location: Sanctuary Square] tothelightshown April 5 2010, 19:02:22 UTC
"I'll meet you in Sanctuary Square in half an hour," DG said, since that seemed like an appropriate amount of time for a preliminary investigation. If nothing else, she'd be able to answer any questions he'd come up with during the walk.


It was actually a little over half an hour later when DG, dressed in jeans and a leather jacket, arrived in the square. She'd never been very good at time keeping.

"... Sam?"


[Location: Sanctuary Square] mancalledspade April 6 2010, 00:47:49 UTC
He's poked around in the meantime, but he hasn't gone too far; he doesn't trust the city enough yet to be sure he won't get lost. He nods.

"That's me." He tilts his head, turning to her as she approaches. "You could see me over the doohickey, couldn't you?"


[Location: Sanctuary Square] tothelightshown April 6 2010, 17:05:21 UTC
"You were broadcasting a hologram," said DG, crossing the square to join him. "It's a small model of you."

When she reached him, DG held out a hand for Sam to shake.

"Enjoy your walk?"


[Location: Sanctuary Square] mancalledspade April 6 2010, 22:55:37 UTC
He shakes her hand, firm but not overbearing. In person, he's very tall, with sharp, almost Satanic features and blond hair. "Didn't stray real far, given that it's somewhere brand new. Figure it wouldn't do to miss a meeting just because I got lost."


[Location: Sanctuary Square] tothelightshown April 8 2010, 20:48:21 UTC
"What do you think of the city so far?" she asked. At first glance, Taxon - deserted, apart from a handful of prisoners and a few meandering Extras - wasn't much to look at it.


[Location: Sanctuary Square] mancalledspade April 9 2010, 14:38:10 UTC
His first response is to be glib. But... it's finally sunk in, more or less, that he's not home, and he's probably not hallucinating. He is, somehow, a place he's never been, with no way of contacting home. And he doesn't have the connections here he'd spent years building in San Fransisco. The credit's not built up for him to go alienating people.

So, instead, he says thoughtfully, "Empty. Very empty for its size."


[Location: Sanctuary Square] tothelightshown April 9 2010, 22:43:08 UTC
"People appear and disappear all the time," DG informed him. It was difficult to work out what their captors actually intended to do with the city. If they'd wanted to fill it up, they wouldn't return handfuls of the people they'd kidnapped.

"And there are the Extras," she added, "They don't do anything until they're needed."


[Location: Sanctuary Square] mancalledspade April 9 2010, 22:51:36 UTC
"Extras." He looks thoughtful. "Those the folks all clammed up? Just staring?" He's seen a couple. They give him the creeps, truth be told, but he's not about to admit that to a girl easily a decade or more his junior.


[Location: Sanctuary Square] tothelightshown April 10 2010, 16:11:38 UTC
"That's them," DG confirmed, "They're kind of eerie ..." - Very eerie, actually, particularly when they were just standing there, waiting to be activated. - "... but they don't do much."


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