If anyone is on Twitter, set your location to Tehran and your time zone to GMT +3.30. Security forces are hunting for bloggers using location/timezone searches. The more people at this location, the more of a logjam it creates for forces trying to shut Iranians' access to the internet down. Cut & paste & pass it on.
I'm trying to clean my room and so far I've found $221, really old Mexican candy, cold medicine that expired 3 years ago, nice dress skirt and pants still in the bag with tags on, pretty much every time-card I had for years, and assorted other crap. I'm only about a fifth done too.
Oh, anonymous customer, you're still the only one who can make me completely forget how to write on cups, press buttons on a screen, and reply with an actual sentence..
Reading material for the night: (incomplete)autopsy report @ the smoking gun. I've been looking for this, too bad it's incomplete, but it had the wound chart I was interested in, at least.