Meme for writers.

Feb 20, 2013 08:06

I put this up on tumblr a few days ago, and someone asked for it to be posted over here, too. Now with a handy-dandy cut'n'paste box! (Let me know if I've ballsed up the formatting.)

1. Do you keep track of hits/subscriptions/bookmarks on your fics?
2. Is there a particular kind of comment you hate getting? (Concrit, short comments, detailed ( Read more... )


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Comments 1

afullmargin February 20 2013, 23:01:20 UTC
This is a tough one!

1. Do you keep track of hits/subscriptions/bookmarks on your fics? I peek, from time to time, but I usually regret it when pieces I like best are rarely the ones that get noticed.

2. Is there a particular kind of comment you hate getting? (Concrit, short comments, detailed comments etc.) No. Okay, maybe flames or spam, or people that feel the need to just tell me I suck without telling me why. On the whole I love all comments, they are happy making love.

3. A character that you currently have a love/hate relationship about writing. Oh god. Lots of them. All of my OC's in particular.

4. One trope you will never write. Gender swap, I don't get it.

5. One trope you think that you write too much. Best Friends into lovers. Big time.

6. A fic that you have a special relationship with. All of them to one degree or another, but my first Shawn/Gus/Juliet fic "Happy Family" holds a very special place in my heart.

7. A fic that you regret posting. Anything before 2008? Um. Probably my Oz ( ... )


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