Meme for writers.

Feb 20, 2013 08:06

I put this up on tumblr a few days ago, and someone asked for it to be posted over here, too. Now with a handy-dandy cut'n'paste box! (Let me know if I've ballsed up the formatting.)

1. Do you keep track of hits/subscriptions/bookmarks on your fics?
2. Is there a particular kind of comment you hate getting? (Concrit, short comments, detailed comments etc.)
3. A character that you currently have a love/hate relationship about writing.
4. One trope you will never write.
5. One trope you think that you write too much.
6. A fic that you have a special relationship with.
7. A fic that you regret posting.
8. A fic you will never write because someone else has already done it better.
9. How good are you are predicting the reactions to your stories?
10. How do you feel about other people writing fics set in one of your stories or writing a remix etc?
11. What is one good rule for writing that you always break?

1. Do you keep track of hits/subscriptions/bookmarks on your fics?

2. Is there a particular kind of comment you hate getting? (Concrit, short comments, detailed comments etc.)

3. A character that you currently have a love/hate relationship about writing.

4. One trope you will never write.

5. One trope you think that you write too much.

6. A fic that you have a special relationship with.

7. A fic that you regret posting.

8. A fic you will never write because someone else has already done it better.

9. How good are you are predicting the reactions to your stories?

10. How do you feel about other people writing fics set in one of your stories or writing a remix etc?

11. What is one good rule for writing that you always break?


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