Snow White and the Huntsman - not at all spoilery

Jul 10, 2012 10:14

This movie was a LOT better than I was expecting. Admittedly, I was not expecting much, but this is a film that has layers, and a lot of attention to detail, and is quite meaty when you start picking it apart. I do have a bunch of problems with it, but that's more to do with what the movie isn't opposed to what it is ( Read more... )

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tawg July 10 2012, 02:04:52 UTC
KStew is really, REALLY good in this film when you consider that Snow White had a handful of line, and one incredibly incomprehensible speech. Considering that 80% of her screen time she was just acting off of other people and the set, she did a very good job with very little.

I question whether Snow White evolves that much in the film, considering all of her decisions and actions are fed to her first by other people.


tawg July 10 2012, 02:08:54 UTC
But I do agree that Ravenna got a lot more to her than any other Queen in any other version of Snow White that I've seen. THEY ACTUALLY BOTHERED TO EXPLAIN WHY BEAUTY IS WORTH KILLING FOR. Beauty was used incredibly well as a direct representation of *power* and that in turn was used so. very. well. when it came to showing the gendered power norms. Guh, finally there is some in-text sense-making for the obsession with youth and beauty.


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