Snow White and the Huntsman - not at all spoilery

Jul 10, 2012 10:14

This movie was a LOT better than I was expecting. Admittedly, I was not expecting much, but this is a film that has layers, and a lot of attention to detail, and is quite meaty when you start picking it apart. I do have a bunch of problems with it, but that's more to do with what the movie isn't opposed to what it is.

I was really hoping for a feminist Snow White. I didn't get one, but I think that this is very much a movie about feminism. It is 100% about the ways in which women must structure themselves/are structured by others in order to move in a patriarchal world, and about how women are pitted against one another by men. I would love to do a long post pulling this movie apart, but that will need to wait for the DVD release. And by then I'll probably have forgotten.

So, I recommend checking this one out. Don't feel pressured to run out and catch it at the cinema, but I fully endorse renting it when it comes out or watching it on demand.

(I saw it with friends, and one of them commented at the end, "The evil witch, man, she just really needed to let go. Like, I know you got hurt by a dude, but move on". It was really depressing to know that someone missed the point of the entirely of Ravenna's character and story arc by a lot.)

reviews, movies

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