Tangent to that, in popular entertainment, you know how people are always dumping suitcases of money on the bed and making love in it, all decadent and perverse-like? It seriously grosses me out. :p I mean, who wants somebody else's semen and other bodily fluid encrusted dinero? And who knows where the bills were before the big sex scene anyway, they're rolling in like bacteria and fecal matter for sure? Yech.
Dude. If you didn't know you clicked on the cookie and the sentence starts out, "You are about to come..." WTF else would you think about? :D (Aside from the little note to self that it takes a wee bit more than clicking on a virtual cookie for that! *winks*)
Comments 4
Tangent to that, in popular entertainment, you know how people are always dumping suitcases of money on the bed and making love in it, all decadent and perverse-like? It seriously grosses me out. :p I mean, who wants somebody else's semen and other bodily fluid encrusted dinero? And who knows where the bills were before the big sex scene anyway, they're rolling in like bacteria and fecal matter for sure? Yech.
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