Fanfic: The Tie That Binds Us (5?)

Jul 18, 2009 17:48

Title: The Tie That Binds Us (5/?)
Rating: PG-13
Characters: Elle/Claire
Disclaimer: I don't own the girls or heroes.
Spoilers: Early Season Three, but this is mostly AU, loosely based on a future Peter saw.
Warnings: Femslash, language and sex

Chapter Five

Beverly giggled as Ryan pulled her close.
“Careful I don’t want to burn the eggs” She smiled, placing a kiss on his lips.
“Good Morning” Claire greeted them as she wandered into their scene of marital bliss.
“Good Morning Claire, would you like some bacon and eggs” Beverly smiled warmly at Claire. She reminded her of her own mother, so maternal. It caused a pang of sadness and Claire thought of her adoptive mother. After Noah had died she just hadn’t been the same, no longer the warm and frightfully strong willed woman Claire remembered.
“I would love some. Coffee too if you have some”
“Of course we do” Ryan smiled, turning to pour Claire a cup.
“Did you sleep well?” Beverly asked. There was a twinkle in her eye and some hidden knowledge in her smile.
“Oh yea” Claire brought her coffee to her lips and enjoyed the hot liquid sliding down her throat.
“So, have you been able to use Elle’s ability then?” Ryan suddenly asked.
“No, I” She paused, her brown wrinkled as she thought of all the information she had taken in over the past few days. How her fuck-buddy had turned into her soul mate over night. “I didn’t know it was possible, it’s been a bit full on recently, with Elle, I never realised our connection was so strong”
“There are some people you are drawn to, it takes time but often you realise why there was that connection” Beverly offered. Claire looked at her, she was right she had always been drawn to Elle, but surely it couldn’t be some great destiny playing out. Surely it was just because she thought the older woman was so damn fuckable.
“It’s always been sort of, complicated” Claire gulped down more of her coffee.
“Elle is complicated” Beverly placed a plate of bacon and eggs in front of Claire “She hasn’t had the best of upbringings and we’ve seen her struggle to get on the right path. After Bob’s death she was lost for a long time. The way she looks at you Claire, this connection you share, I think this is finally something to give her grounding”
Claire opened her mouth, about to ask for elaboration when Elle suddenly appeared in the doorway.
“I smell bacon” She announced cheerily before taking a seat at the kitchen table.

Claire sat staring at the electricity sparking off Elle’s skin.
“Come on Claire, I know you can do this.” The blue lightening stopped and Elle suddenly straddled Claire.
“You don’t believe me?” She asked looking down at the brunette.
“I believe it’s possible” Claire replied.
“But you don’t think you are capable” Claire could see hurt in Elle’s eyes as the older woman rose off her.
“I don’t know what I think” Claire shook her head, her power was so passive, she was a little scared of trying to evoke the raw energy that Elle could.
“Jus try” Elle started to spark, sending a shot at the cans she had lined up in Beverly’s garden.
Claire stood and closed her eyes, recalling the feeling of Elle’s electricity creeping into her skin as she tried to imagine how Elle managed to bring about such raw energy from seemingly nowhere. As she tried to concentrate her mind suddenly wandered to the very first time they fell into bed together. The memory of the first time that electricity snaked over her willing and naked body seemed to trickle across her skin again. She opened her eyes, feeling a little dejected that she couldn’t summon Elle’s power. As her eyes fluttered open she thought she saw blue sparks releasing from her fingertips, she looked up and locked eyes with Elle who was grinning like the cat who got the cream.
“Did I just …” Claire was speechless; she was stunned to find that she could.
“If we practice, it will get stronger, more powerful. Shit Claire you would be unstoppable”
Claire smiled at Elle “I was quite capable of pointing and shooting Elle, I’ve always been pretty unstoppable”
Elle’s smile falters as she realizes the flaw in her logic “Oh I guess so”
Claire takes a few steps closer and pulls Elle into a hug “But you know you’d be pretty unstoppable if you master my power”
Elle grinned and pressed her lips against Claire’s.
“Only if we’re together” She reminded the younger woman with another kiss.


Beverly brings them fresh mugs of coffee as Claire stands in the backyard shooting sparks at cans. Elle has her arms wrapped around Claire’s wait, her chin resting on the other girls shoulder as she watches Claire fire electricity at tin cans. She removes herself as Bev hands her a coffee.
“It’s been lovely having you girls here, are you sure you can’t stay?” She asks.
It’s been almost a week that Claire and Elle have spent with Beverly and Ryan. Elle’s godparents had been very accommodating and happy to have the young women in their home.
“It’s time to go, I have to go check in at work” Elle sips at her coffee. She smiles at Claire who is greedily gulping down her own coffee. Elle has noticed Claire’s habit with hot drinks unnerves Bev. The thought of the hot liquid scarring her throat then knitting back together irks the older woman.
“Do you think they’ll take me on too? I don’t really feel like heading back to Pinehearst” Claire thinks after all she was doing she would want to go back to her old job. But she knows her first mission would be to finish the job with Elle and she wasn’t prepared to kill her lover. Not anymore.
“I’m sure they’d be ecstatic to have you on the books” Elle smiles at Claire. It’s going to be a big shock when they arrive at Noah Bennet’s new offices.
She knows Noah isn’t expecting her to bring Claire along for the new debriefing, he probably assumes they would part ways and Claire would return to Pinehearst and her biological father’s work. Instead Claire was following Elle towards her adoptive father. Elle just hoped this wasn’t going to blow up in her face and Claire would be happy to find out he was alive. She smiled softly at Claire.
“We should finish packing” She turns and pulls Bev into a big hug “That you for everything” She smiles at her godmother after pulling away.
“Just promise you’ll visit more” Beverly smiles softly. Elle nods and they both know there is a chance they will never see each other again.

Claire watches the scenery whip by as Elle drives. She is curious to meet the people that Elle has been working for. She smiles a little as she thinks about what the future will hold for the two of them. She can imagine them heading off on missions, taking down various dangerous ‘specials’. She glanced at Elle and felt her heart flutter a little. Claire hated to admit it, but maybe she was destined to be with Elle. Quietly Claire focused on the woman driving and then began to feel the sparks tingle over her fingers. Elle looked over at Claire and smiled.
“Don’t worry, it won’t be long till we can try this all out for real. Once we get the new assignment you’ll be able to blast away to your hearts content”
Claire grinned at Elle and chuckled. She had some other plans for her new little trick. A motel sign caught Claire’s eye as it whipped past and her smile grew. She was looking forward to the evening. Being out of Beverly and Ryans home meant there would be no restrictions tonight.

NEXT - Chapter Six

fandom: heroes, pairing: elle/claire

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