I'm trying to put together a class on apron dresses, and I'm coming to realize that a lot of what I know, I absorbed by reading the Norsefolks list on Yahoo!Groups. Not exactly what I'd call even a tertiary source, and now I have to go back through the archives and see what citations I can find. I mean, I clearly remember reading a post in the past
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The other great person who does loads of stuff and lists all her sources is Thora Sharptooth (CA Priest): http://www.cs.vassar.edu/~capriest/vikresource.html
I'll check her bibliographies, definitely, though it's really difficult to a hold of most of her sources (too rare/expensive), but the reason why I want to go through the Norsefolk archives is because the posters often quote directly from the sources, so if I do track down the resource I'll know where to go in the book to find what I'm looking for.
Of course, this is supposed to be a hands-on class, so I'm really, REALLY overthinking the handout, but hey, it's what I do.
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