.009 -- how to make friends and be awesome

Sep 22, 2012 18:53

okay so, I've always been a bit on the shy side (I KNOW, SUSPEND YOUR DISBELIEF. HOW IS SOMEONE WHO SCREAMS IN CAPS ALL THE TIME SHY). idk, but there is this thing that happens when I face people in real life. Something about actually having to face a person and see them there just makes me freeze and lose my ability to uh, everything. Just to be ( Read more... )

+ i am fierce & fearless ok, # public

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Comments 30

beanarie September 22 2012, 23:22:07 UTC
Oh. Oh. Dare you to do an open mic. Singing, poetry, whichever you prefer.


tascioni September 22 2012, 23:27:26 UTC
whatever happened to baby steps kldhlgksjdf okay, first thing would be to find a place that does this i suppose! Q__Q


beanarie September 22 2012, 23:31:16 UTC
You can leave this one until the end? <3

I also dare you to take a hobby/crafty class. Free seminars are allowed.


tascioni September 22 2012, 23:36:18 UTC
well there's like, karaoke night in like a week, so it might get done sooner than you think

hobby/crafty class sounds fun! anything i have to accomplish in that class?


elesteria September 22 2012, 23:38:50 UTC
I dare you to make a list of cafe's around you and then pin it somewhere where you will see it. Whenever you feel the urge to sit and watch endless amounts of your kdramas, pick one off of the list and go on an adventure. When you get there, ask your barista how their day is going, take small steps in making conversations with them. They'll appreciate the conversation and it's great practice for going out of your way for other people.

I think you're pretty amazing, darling, all in all.


tascioni September 22 2012, 23:43:49 UTC
oh man, I love barista's because they are amazing, but I'm always to talk to them because I feel like I'm bothering them?? Is this okay or should I wait for when there isn't that many people? Q__Q

sobb thank you, hopefully at some point during all this I will feel the same way!!

uh, about myself, i mean. it goes without saying that you're pretty amazing yourself ♥!


elesteria September 22 2012, 23:53:58 UTC
Haha, you're never bothering them. I know from personal experience that having a customer who will chat at you can make the shift pass by quicker. If it's busy, go back up to the counter when it slows down. If you're going out of your way, it's even better. :)

♥ ♥ ♥


tascioni September 23 2012, 00:02:19 UTC
will do then! any tips on how to start the conversation, because, yeah. Q_____Q IDK I'M JUST LIKE....IDK.


anonymous September 22 2012, 23:39:12 UTC
Ask a stranger for their phone number.


tascioni September 23 2012, 02:21:00 UTC
lol sob i just went out and tried this and failed out so hard, BUT I WON'T GIVE UP ):< ATTEMPT #2 COMMENCE


epistolic September 23 2012, 01:08:45 UTC
Oh wow I think this is a great idea. And reading your entry, I just spent the entire time thinking that I'd thought I was the only one who felt that way about socializing! It's good to know that we are birds of a feather, maybe your courage will help me get some of my own ♥

I dare you to... Introduce yourself to a group of people you don't know! Not justbe introduced, you know. But actively go up and be like, hey guys, what's up? :D


tascioni September 23 2012, 02:28:58 UTC
i hope so too!! it is so hard to be outgoing, but i really reallly want this for myself! ;__; it'll probably get easier as i keep at it, but until then! i just have to keep trying fffff 加油...Q__Q

lmao sob, i have this opportunity like, every day, *deep breath* hopefully one of these days i can actually go through with it!! ):


everyforever September 23 2012, 02:36:39 UTC
compliment at least 3 random people you don't know. :) i've gotten those before, and they made me feel wonderful for the rest of the day -- i've also GIVEN them before, and it's nice to know i can say something nice to someone without seeming like a total creep.


tascioni September 23 2012, 02:51:42 UTC
okay! this shouldn't be too hard, i hope Q_Q i have done this before. therefore, I CAN DO IT AGAIN


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