FIC: Fallen Angels Dance Upon Ashes and Despair (Notes and Prologue)

Apr 01, 2008 22:04

ETA: April Fool's!

So, with all that's been going on in my RL lately, I've really needed an escape. I wanted this to be a surprise and not say anything until it was finished (you know how I am about posting WIPs and never finishing them), but now it's DONE and I can SAY SOMETHING, FINALLY!11!

This has been--just going back to my roots, you know, fandom-wise? Totally self-indulgent, playing with ideas I've had for ages and have never been brave enough to deal with, and I've loved every (middle-of-the-night) minute I've spent working on it. Absolutely phenomenal writing experience, and I think I've just outdone myself this time with my own awesomeness. I mean, I'm always such a totally ass-kicking writer, yes? This, are you guys in for a treat.*

Title: Fallen Angels Dance Upon Ashes and Despair
Fandoms: Crossover between Harry Potter, Star Wars, House MD, BtVS, Daredevil, and Dark Angel.
Rating: NC-17 (*Really* NC-17)
Pairings: Snape/Daredevil, Luke/Vader, House/Wilson, Faith/Hermione, Spike/Vader, Wilson/Luke
Word count: 40,108 (novella, COMPLETE)
Warnings: Incest, BDSM, bloodplay, character death, angst, wtfbbq
Summary: It's ten years after the final battle at Hogwarts. Severus Snape, who didn't die but instead was severely injured, has been living as a Muggle this whole time...and Hermione finds him after her divorce with Ron! Meanwhile, in a galaxy far, far away, a space ship (after RotJ) is having technical difficulties and crosses the galaxy's borders, landing in London...right next to Snape's house, with Luke and redeemed!Vader on board! What will happen when Dr. House and Dr. Wilson, in England for a conference, meet up with Faith and Spike, who are tracking a mysterious slayer named Max and her watcher, Logan Cale? What will happen when Matt Murdock and the greasy-haired, pleasant-smelling man he had sex with at the gay club run into a feisty blond vampire? What will happen when Dr. House starts to use the Force? OH WHAT WILL HAPPEN, I ASK YOU??!?!
Author's Notes: Thanks to my cats for their encouragement! And thanks to my readers! Please, no cash gifts--just buy me junk from my Amazon wishlist, okay, and I will keep writing, I promise. Please R&R or I will cry!

LMAO, you actually CLICKED IT?!?!

April fools!

*If the arrogant tone about my writing didn't tip you off, then WHAT DID? :P


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