2013 Finales: Supernatural season 8

Jul 28, 2013 21:21

I declared this weekend a lazy weekend and I caught up (and finished) Supernatural Season 8.

In brief: I liked it!
In length... )

ep_review, spn

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Comments 8

auntmo9 July 28 2013, 21:44:31 UTC
Yay for lazy weekends! I have distant memory of those.

Don't worry, I think most of us were confused by Sam's girlfriend a best. For me, the second half of the season tended to redeem the confusion and misdirection of the first. I love the Batcave and the possibilities of the MoL.


tari_roo July 29 2013, 05:37:54 UTC
*\o/* Batcave!fic :)

Hope RL quietens down for you soon, dear!


ferrous_wheeler July 29 2013, 10:05:29 UTC
I rather liked this season as there was definitely more of the hugging and brotherly moments, and I loved Charlie!
Amelia... I kept wondering if she'd been some sort of dream girlfriend because they always filmed the memories in this kind of golden glow, and thought that maybe it would turn out that the reality was quite different. Was rather disappointed there was no twist.
It also irked me that Dean was gone for a year and Sam was with Amelia for a year, so he pretty much went straight to her and I guess that he forgot all about Bobby's library and the Campbell's library when he said he didn't know where to look *grumbles*
Still, Dean in a uniform! \o/


tari_roo July 29 2013, 19:26:45 UTC
I so concur on the Amelia thing (I could barely remember her name but I concur!) I was hoping for a twist too.

Dean in Braveheartgear!!!


ferrous_wheeler July 29 2013, 21:55:29 UTC
Dean in Braveheartgear!!!
Gah! How could I have forgotten about that *sighs* :)


saphirablue August 11 2013, 14:18:13 UTC
I can't wait for Season 9!

I loved Charlie and I really, really, really hope that she doesn't get killed. *bites nails*

The brotherness was awesome and Dean? *swoons* There were so many wonderful Dean scenes and moments and everything. ♥

Sam, as much as I would have loved that Dean does the trials, was a wonderful in this role and kudos to Jared to pull of the sick look! I'm very curious what will happen to him now that he didn't finish the trials and how that will affect his health.

The Batcave is awesome and I hope that they'll keep it!


tari_roo August 11 2013, 16:48:18 UTC
Yeah, now that Charlie has appeared more than once, her odds of survival are dimishing *bites nails with you* Luckily I think she is aware of this as well - LOL

Dean had SO many awesome moments *grins* Kudos definitely to Sam/Jared on the whole second half with the trials *nods*

*high five*


saphirablue August 11 2013, 17:15:10 UTC
I really hope she survives for a very long time. I like how Dean reacts to her and the friendship/kinship these two have. :)

I think Jared must have lost weight for this. His face (and wrists) really looked gaunt and skinny in the last few eppys.


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