2013 Finales: Supernatural season 8

Jul 28, 2013 21:21

I declared this weekend a lazy weekend and I caught up (and finished) Supernatural Season 8.

In brief: I liked it!
Lots of brotherly development and drama and Dean looking after Sammy and Sam asking Dean to trust him... and Dean trusting him! *\o/* As far as an overall plot arc thing... it felt good and not too heavy handed. Less 'Argh... everything depends on us!!'

I loved that Charlie made a reapperance (twice) but this does not bode well for her, as SPN loves killing off the regular guest stars. Poor Meg, finally gone. I wasn't too sure about Granda Winchester and I feel SPN has firmly and irrevocably become fanfic as now the Winchesters come from 'two' sides of superntural hunting legacies... and the larping and well.. everything *points at Amanda Tapping*

The boys were pretty - very pretty - and I loved suffering pre-Trial Sam, all sickly and weak. *pets him* Loved the Batcave and domestic Dean, with his own room. :)

the one odd thing about the season was Sam's girlfriend. I must admit to being confused about her. From the way they depicted the flashbacks and all Sam's woobieness I fully expected her to turn out to be a jinn dream or monster or something and she just ... wasn't. It felt very... odd. Forced a little. I didn't particularly like her and I know fandom didn't either, but .. i was expecting better resolution as it were.

*pets Season 9*

ep_review, spn

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