Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 2/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Oct 28, 2010 11:06

Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 2/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Author: Tari_Roo

Rating: PG13 (Gen)

Fandom: SPN/Criminal Minds

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I profit from nothing. Although if I had my way Dean would grow his hair longer and Sam would cut his. Creative licence and hand waving on historical accuracy. It’s an AU after all. That ( Read more... )

cm, fanfic, fic_spn, spn, fic_criminal_minds, crossover_fic

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Comments 7

redrikki October 28 2010, 18:51:44 UTC
Considering Rossi's disdain for that psychic in that episode with the embalmed girls I thought your portrayal here of his reaction to Dean was spot on. I also liked that you had Reid wanting to have some psychic ability since it both seems in character and goes a long way to explain his reactions to Dean, especially since he's usually so compassionate, even with the bad guys. Also, world building continues to be made of win.


tari_roo October 28 2010, 19:51:57 UTC
:) I figured Rossi would always be sceptical of a felon like Dean, whose 'real' crimes would not have been proved/punished. And Reid, I think his naviete of what T&E are actually like would skew his view on Dean as well - that element of jealously and envy. thanks again!


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tari_roo October 29 2010, 05:30:13 UTC
Challenge completed! :)


jujuberry136 October 28 2010, 21:54:02 UTC
I love that you're continuing to explore this world, though I'm still desperate for someone to get Dean out of this horrible situation. Castiel, Sam, John, Bobby, even Ellen. Just somebody!

And I loved Dean's line about the truth just making things worse. So very much in character. Speaking of, I think you're characterizations of Reid and Rossi are spot on in regard to Dean. It makes sense both would view Dean with a bit of suspicion.


tari_roo October 29 2010, 05:33:07 UTC
Oh, I know. The temptation to just go in and pull Dean out is HUGE, but I'm also having fun with this too... And thanks, I'm glad you feel I got Rossi and Reid's reactions right. Its not easy having the good guys take up a more anatognistic role.

Thanks again:)


claudiapriscus October 29 2010, 20:28:15 UTC
I have to agree. I'm very much enjoying this AU you've created, and I want to poke around it and marvel in the way it all comes together...but at the same time, I can't read it without a voice in the back of my head going FIX IT FIX IT FIX IT.


tari_roo October 29 2010, 20:36:46 UTC
Totally. At least in my head I know how it all fixes itself so I can revel in the fun of torturing Dean for now. Please keep on poking away and enjoying it... appreciate the feedback.


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