Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 2/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Oct 28, 2010 11:06

Supply and Demand: Repeat Business Part 2/5 (SPN/Criminal Minds AU Crossover)

Author: Tari_Roo

Rating: PG13 (Gen)

Fandom: SPN/Criminal Minds

Disclaimer: I own nothing, I profit from nothing. Although if I had my way Dean would grow his hair longer and Sam would cut his. Creative licence and hand waving on historical accuracy. It’s an AU after all. That is all.

Summary: Criminal Minds/SPN Crossover AU. Mitch Koravi was dead, to begin with. But when a man is killed using his exact MO, the BAU have to eat humble pie and bring back the Empath told them their case was not closed, Dean Winchester

Spoilers: set somewhere during Season 5 of Criminal Minds, post ep 100 and AU for SPN (all seasons).

Chapter 2

T&E - One Month Ago

The Kinetic Reception room was the epitome of overworked decoration for supposed function. Some overpriced decorator had probably once walked in and said, “Oh, yes, yellows and greens are soothing colours. Your Kinetics will feel a lot more at ease if you paint the room in yellow and green.”

And as a result, the room was a nauseating mix of off green and sickly yellow. But to be fair, perhaps nothing on earth could help an anxious Kinetic waiting for an Empath, and their own emotions were tainting the room, colouring the very air itself.

Aaron waited patiently in the large room, ignoring the other Kinetic lounging on the couches. Carefully and methodically, he ran through the calming exercises he taught himself years ago. He had registered with T&E when required and had attended a day seminar that his Class 5 status required and that had been the last time he’d walked into a T&E building.

He’d been waiting for nearly 30 minutes, but he figured this was more due to Andrew’s tactics, dragging his heels as it were. Catching himself from tapping the thick manila folder against his legs, Hotchner contemplated calling Special Agent Gibbs again, their all too brief conversation very enlightening but hardly reassuring.

Finally, Andrews arrived, that damn smile firmly in place, and Aaron forced himself not to react to the tangible presence of the Empath following him. “Ah, there you are. I thought you’d be in a connection privacy room.”

Shaking his head, keeping his eyes firmly on Andrews, ignoring the sensation of the hairs on his arms standing on end, Hotchner said calmly, “As I said before, I do not need Mr Winchester for ... that. His knowledge and experience in the Sorenson case is the only reason I am here. Is he ready to leave?”

Andrews paused, glancing back at Winchester who looked... out of it, and reflexively Aaron looked as well and felt a very real ripple of need run through him, which he firmly squashed and shoved away. “I don’t know, Agent Hotchner. It’s not really protocol for us to allow unconnected ‘Paths out on their own ... you probably should...”

“Not so,” Aaron interjected smoothly, grateful he’d double checked the regulations himself before arriving. The temptation was all too real and if it became a requirement... But it wasn’t and Aaron continued, “As a class 5 and a non working kinetic I do not need the occasional connection and I need Winchester’s brain and abilities uninterrupted by the continued ebb and flow of breaking a connection.”

“Well...” Andrews dithered and perhaps it was the proximity of a powerful Empath, but Hotchner felt an undercurrent of deception and manipulation from Andrews. And a small part of him, the very controlled and locked down part whispered softly about the advantages of having a full time Empath on the BAU payroll, on being able to read suspect’s emotions and intentions. Ignoring that voice, Aaron said firmly, “Agent Andrews, I know you are well aware of my urgency in this matter so let me reassure you one last time, I do not require a connection with an Empath, and I must leave for the crime scene immediately.”

At that Andrews’s smile turned stiff and formal, but the undercurrent of emotion changed from deception to spite and the T&E Agent said brightly, “Oh, it’s not you I am worried about, Agent Hotchner. Dean here is ... well... serving out a contracted sentence to T&E and without a connection, there is a very real chance that he will try to run.”

Immensely relieved that he’d taken the time to research Dean Winchester and double check the story Gibbs had told him, Aaron buttoned down his own emotions and replied, “I may be relatively inexperienced in dealing with Empaths, Agent Andrews, but I know enough that you’ve blown open Winchester’s connection, his empathic field, and any Kinetic and I do mean even a class 7 would be able to find him right now.”

Andrew’s covered his surprise well and smiled brightly as if he’d always been in complete agreement and said, “Great. Then, you’ll just remember to keep it open, use the taser provided in his bag and everyone’ll be happy then.”

“Agent Andrews, Dean Winchester will be surrounded by an entire team of experience field agents whose sole purpose is tracking down suspects. As I said before, I need him to function as a ... person, not a battery. So, no. I will not keep the connection open, but between my team and my ... abilities, we will ensure his safe return.” Hotchner carefully studied Andrew’s expression, hating himself just a little that he was already bouncing off Winchester’s open field to feel the emotions around him.

Perhaps figuring out what Hotchner was doing, Andrews shut down his emotions, and he’d have to be good at that being surrounded by Empaths, and he sighed dramatically, “Well, be it upon your head, Hotchner. Just sign the release forms and you can get back to your urgent case.” Well, perhaps not so practiced afterall, as Hotch felt his sarcasm more than heard it. Or perhaps he was meant to.

Papers signed, exorbitant fee authorised and Winchester was his. Finally, now out of necessity, Aaron looked over at the Empath, his Empath, and said, “Let’s hit the road, Winchester.”

Winchester made no move, and Andrews sighed, “You’ll have to ...”

“Touch him?” Aaron interjected, “No, I really don’t. Come on.”

And luckily, Winchester shot Andrews an unreadable look and did just that. Aaron picked up the grey duffle, and headed towards the exit, hyper aware of the thrumming presence behind him, and made mental plans to stick Winchester in the back seat.

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On Route to Crime Scene  - Now

There was a thesaurus full of synonyms that could be applied to Dean, who was currently a lightning rod of emotions next to him in the car. The prep had obviously been deeper and more extensive this time, and Hotchner couldn’t help wondering if Andrews had done it on purpose.

Dean himself looked ... wrung out. Thinner, paler. The difference a month had made was shocking. If he was trying to reign in his empathic field, the effect was minimal. He was a veritable live wire of emotion and Aaron physically had to unclench his white knuckled grip on the steering wheel and calm down. Hopefully, hopefully, they could find the unsub quickly - and resolve this damn mystery of why yet another murder had occurred, using the same MO.

The murder scene was in another alley, an out of the way space where an opportunistic, disorganized killer could attack. The issue, as before, was time and timing. How could the unsub actually pull off the detailed and extensive mutilation in a venue where there was a real danger of being disturbed - caught? Mitch Koravi had killed three men over three nights in quiet but hardly isolated alleys. It had been pure luck, chance, that Dean had been able to track him from the last crime scene. Hopefully he would be able to do so again - today. Only though, if this unsub was following Koravi’s exact pattern, which spoke to far more concerning underlying issues - like why and how someone, a third someone, was following the exact same modus operandi.

“Are you... are you going to be able to talk? We need to act fast and if you can pick up the trail...”

Dean didn’t look up, remained slumped against the window but sighed and grated out with difficulty, “Go to hell.”

Hotch kept a steady eye on the road and the early morning traffic and tried to sound less pissed off and more... reasonable, “I get that you’re angry and I know that its mostly because I didn’t believe you, didn’t listen before. But another man has died and now... I need your help, again.”

Dean still didn’t meet his gaze and whispered, “You gonna trust me this time?”

It was peculiar, this feeling of anger mingled with compassion. Dean Winchester was a man forced to make amends, serve out a sentence in less than pleasant circumstances and apparently felt things so very deeply, judging by the roiling emotions that leaked out from him. Rossi had been sceptical, probably still was, that the emotions were genuine and weren’t an attempt to manipulate them all, but Hotch was certain, certain that his abilities would safeguard him, confirm the genuine nature of Dean’s leaks. How did one reconcile the picture of a hardened manipulative sociopath with the tender feelings of a man lost and abused in a dehumanising system?  What did you believe, the cold hard facts or your instincts?

Checking the rear view mirror and the driver’s side mirror, Hotch indicated to turn and said as calmly as he could, turning the wheel slowly, “Are you going to stop lying to me?”

The silence from the other side of the car was pronounced and Aaron wondered what tack Dean would try, admit or deny. Either would be telling and would begin to cement either opinion of him - manipulative or genuine. “Sometimes the truth ... only muddies the waters.”

Sucking on his lip, Hotch mused quietly trying to think of a non-clichéd way to say this and then said, “Not really, in my experience. Might be harder to admit, but usually, always, the truth - clarifies the situation.”

“Not in my experience.”

Ah. Well judgement would have to be reserved in that case, because they had arrived. The red and blue lights of the District police were still flashing, and there was an array of crime scene tech vans and FBI cars. “Well, whatever your past experience, Dean, you need to tell me the truth, because right now - your involvement in a case where we catch a suspect and then weeks later another unsub strikes using the same MO, is beginning to look damn suspicious. And I won’t be the only one thinking that.”

Hotchner opened his door and got out stiffly, not really ready to face the grisly scene he knew was waiting for them. Winchester was slow to follow, a ripple of unease and anger emanating from him, which he was slow to curtail. “Come on.”

Morgan and Rossi were already on scene, Reid and Prentiss talking to a few police officers. Derek looked up and waved him over, Rossi’s expression ... uneasy. Well, at least he wasn’t the only one feeling guilty.

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Crime Scene - Now

“Well, I didn’t expect to be seeing this again so soon ... ever in fact.” Derek pushed his sunglasses up onto his head and stood next to Rossi, who was chewing on the end of his glasses. Rossi grunted in reply, fixed on the spread-eagled remains before them.

Derek taped the crime scene tape and it bounced limply, one end wrapped around a street pole , the other end tied to a squad car’s door handle. “They clear the scene yet?”

“Just about. JJ is making sure they send all the evidence to our lab and not the PD’s,” Rossi replied, edging closer to the victim’s corpse but remaining behind the tape.

“We got a name yet?”

Rossi nodded, still not looking Derek, “James Morrison. Investment banker. His wallet and ID are still over there.” Derek glanced over, having already noted the neat pile of personal effects, running shirt, wallet, watch, driver’s licence on display. Rossi continued, “Single, successful and cut down in his prime.”

Morgan ‘hmmmed’ absently, crouching down to get a closer look at bloody rib, a yellow number 43 next to it. The still hovering CSI nodded and Derek ducked under the tape, stepping carefully in his plastic-covered shoes towards the victim. The plastic booties crinkled and cracked as he stepped forward but Derek was careful to follow the ‘cleared’ path, Rossi following close behind.

James Morrison, or rather what was left of him, was a mess of blood and bone.

“Spine is intact.”

“Like before,” Derek murmured.

David sighed, “Certainly seems consistent,” finally meeting Morgan’s gaze, before dropping to his haunches and studying the splayed bones and skins at his feet. Squinting against the sun, Derek sighed in sympathy, took of his glasses and rubbed his hand over his smooth head.

“Disorganized, opportunistic, rage fuelled violence, sadistic,” Rossi listed off, flicking an errant piece of paper off his shoe, sounding very tired.

Morgan picked up the thread, and said, “Pierced lips, eyes gouged out, no visible signs of restraint, flailed alive, death occurring almost immediately after the first cuts.”

“The final acts, the mutilation and dismemberment more important to him that the actual act of killing the victim,” Rossi muttered, slowly standing.

“Unless it’s a copy cat, which means there could be .... different stressors, perhaps...” Derek offered kindly, giving Rossi and by extension Reid an out, an extension of sympathy. Rossi however smoothly, firmly interrupted with, “For a copy cat to occur so soon, so quickly after Koravi - either they were his partner from the beginning or they work in law enforcement - in order to have access to so much ... detail.” Smiling wanly, Rossi shrugged, “I appreciate the effort, Derek. But ... Winchester did warn us. Warned Hotch.”

Nodding, Derek folded his sunglasses and hooked them over the collar of his shirt, freeing both hands and replied, “A month is pretty damn fast. Either a partner who needed time to build up the courage ... the need to continue on their own. Or a borderline personality working in law enforcement. None of this detail was ever in the newspaper, JJ made sure of that.”

Rossi rubbed his eyes with one hand, fighting a yawn and pushed back his exhaustion and embarrassment and said, “What did Winchester say about the restraints?”

A softer voice supplied, verbatim, “It happened so fast, the guy died before he needed to be tied down.”

Derek turned around to see Reid and Prentiss picking their over way, Emily grimacing at the grisly scene. Smiling a little, he said, “Anything interesting from the interviews?”

Emily shook her head, “911 call came in when someone spotted the blood and then the body, called the cops. Didn’t see anything or anyone. But there is still a lot of awareness after the last murders, people paying attention.”

“Coroner said he probably died late last night, and that he is waiting for us to get our collective asses into gear so he can bag the body.” Reid sounded a little subdued, his limp more noticeable, but he still ‘air quoted’ the last part, no doubt passing along the Coroner’s exact words.

Spencer shared a look with Rossi, who shrugged, both of them feeling a little off kilter with this one. None the less, Reid turned to Derek and said clearly, “I never really understood the whole ‘it happened so fast’ idea. The victims are practically stripped naked and despite the coroner reports could not, should not, have died so quickly from the first cuts, no matter how deep or precise.”

Emily pointed at the body, saying, “Toxicology results before were clear of any type of paralytic, poison, or opiate. I know we cannot assume the same here, but if this is the same as before ...”

“It is,” Morgan confirmed, deliberating not looking at Rossi and Reid.

Rossi however interjected with, “Let’s not make assumptions, Morgan. Even if the... it appears the cases are linked, we should still treat this murder scene as if it were fresh - check and then double check everything.”

“I agree,” Reid said softly, wincing a little as he straightened, righting his stance.

“As do I,” Derek said, “But time is of the essence and if we need to make a leap in order to save a life...” Rossi and Reid were nodding.

Prentiss said quietly, “So, what... we’re waiting for our empathic bloodhound to arrive and what ... hope for the best, hope he can pick something up again?”

“And I will say again, that is risky. The first time we relied too much on chance, the unsub, Koravi, could have easily eluded us. And now? We are going to assume the new unsub is not going to learn from the mistakes of his... predecessor? We relied too much on Winchester last time, and it is dangerous relying on his abilities again - we must profile this like a normal case.” Rossi was glaring at the gory remains as he spoke and Reid was nodding. Morgan sighed deeply. He had a valid point - very valid.

Not done, Rossi continued, looking at Prentiss and Morgan in turn, “We lucked out last time, got swept up in the novelty of having a new way of tracking an unsub and sure, it paid off. But maybe because we didn’t do a proper job, didn’t get the right profile... this is what happened.” He didn’t point but the remains of James Morrison spoke volumes none the less.

Emily stood with her hands on her hips and added, “I don’t think we should ignore the value .. the input that Winchester brings though. Yes, do a complete profile and maybe, I don’t know, include the parameters an Empath and Kinetic add to the situation.”

At this both Rossi and Reid nodded, and Reid said, “I suppose if we treat the information provided with the same validity as anything Garcia finds and perhaps, yes, it will assist in the profiling. Right now, we are shooting in the dark about the unsub. Unsubs actually. Neither Sorenson or Koravi fit any true profile, their behaviour consistent but the circumstances and stressors different.”

“Hotch should meet us here with Winchester, so I guess we just ... hang around,” Derek said, nodding at JJ who was walking over towards them. And fortunately, there was Hotchner pulling in, black town car distinctive amidst all the vans. “Or not, looks like they’re here.”

Rossi, Reid and Prentiss followed Morgan back towards the crime scene tape, all following in the other’s footsteps and as Derek ducked under the tape, Hotch and JJ arrived. And as Winchester approached, Morgan felt the familiar crackle of energy, the soft hum of ‘touch me.’

All eyes turned to Aaron, who nodded briefly at Rossi and Reid before saying, “I cannot stress enough just how much scrutiny we are under here. A lot of people, including the DA and Chief Strauss believed the situation to be resolved and now ... we have another murder.”

Everyone nodded and Rossi almost opened his mouth to say something but Hotch pressed on. “I know that last time it felt rushed, we acted more on instinct than anything else, and while time continues to be of essence, we need a complete, accurate profile as well any advantage Winchester can give us.”

“On that basis, Aaron, we are on the same page.”

Everyone nodded, and then everyone looked at Winchester, who was studying the crime scene. He was keeping his distance, a good couple of feet from Hotch and Aaron made no move towards Dean as he said, “Picking up anything?”

Face fixed, mouth hard and grim, Winchester said gruffly, “Same as before.”

Unable to keep the scorn from his voice, Rossi asked, “What is that, exactly?”

Winchester didn’t even look over at them, just stepped under the crime scene tape and walked towards the corpse. “Anger, hate ... revenge. Wanted him dead ...bloody and painful.”

“Why? If that’s discernable...?” Reid mumbled, fidgeting a little.


Rossi sighed, “Well the violence and mutilation supports the anger and hate. The unusual execution though... Reid?”

“As I said, er, last time, the style of execution is consistent with that of Middle Eastern cultures, the Assyrian and Babylonian treatment of defeated rulers... I would have to consult some references but I haven’t read about this manner of ... mutilation being used on traitors.”

“Who’s to say our unsub knows that. Might just have read a few wikipedia entries, liked the idea and whamo...” Derek mused, half heartedly.

Aware that Derek was not being serious Reid responded none the less, “Choosing to do this ... something this graphic and precise, it must mean something to him, them ....”

“Victimology hasn’t changed,” Emily added.

“Young, white, successful men. An element of jealousy?” Rossi said, watching Winchester kneel near the corpse, study it dispassionately.

“JJ, please have all of the autopsy reports, as well as Koravi’s personal effects and notes set up for us,” Hotch asked, his attention more on Dean than her. JJ nodded, “Already done, sir. Can I let the coroner come up and collect the body?”

They all turned to watch Winchester then, who was still crouched over the body, peering at the face, the solid brass ring through the lips, the sightless, gaping holes where the eyes once were. Derek noted Rossi’s disapproving frown, but his friend didn’t say anything.

“Is there a trail?” Hotch called out. Slowly, quietly, Winchester stood and said, “Yeah, faint.”

Winchester’s shoulders looked tense, and he didn’t turn around, waiting for a response. At Hotch’s nod and soft, “Go ahead,” he trooped off, heading away from them. Hotch quickly followed and Rossi shared a knowing look with Derek, before they all did the same, a ragged trail of FBI agents picking their way through the narrow alley, ducking under the tape, heading into the main street.

As usual with a crime scene, there was a small crowd of onlookers, and Winchester paused at the edge of the police line, studying the crowd. Derek watched as well, wondering if this unsub was going to be as idiotic and consistent as Koravi.

The minute twitch of muscles was barely visible, but the spike of emotion, the scent of a hunt was very real and Dean took off, barrelling past two police offers and Derek was immediately on his heels, a shout half articulated. “Hey!” There was movement in the crowd, as someone also took off, running with purpose.

Hotch, Rossi and Prentiss were close behind, and Derek had the uneasy sensation of ... déjà vu.

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Then - Wrap up of Koravi Case

“Mistress of Information and Edification. How may I direct your call?”

“Hey Garcia.”

“Ah, it is the turn of the young padawan to test the Might Mistress... speak on Obi Reidwan.”

Reid couldn’t help the smile and knew Garcia would hear it in his voice, “We need everything you can get on a Mitch Koravi, I’m texting you his social.”

“On it, cupcake. You guys wrapped this up pretty quick, I take it the guy Morgan shot was Mitch Koravi..... what’s he like?”

Figuring she wasn’t asking about the unsub, but not 100% certain, Reid asked, “Who, the Empath?”

“No, Santa Claus! Of course the Empath... he looks hot.”

Reid shrugged, pressing his phone against his shoulder, not really wanting to get into it with Garcia. “He’s ok. Not exactly what you’d expect but ....”

“And Hotchner... is it weird, is he different?”

At this Reid happily replied, “No, no, Hotch is the same - same old Hotch. I get the impression he’s a little embarrassed.”

“As he should be, hiding something like this from us... me!”

“Yeah, well, it’s not exactly...”

“Ding! Stick a fork in me, I am done.”

Eyebrows beetling together, Reid exclaimed, “That was quick.”

“Not hard to find. Regular joe with regular stuff. Kinda Joe Boring actually. It’s on its way to your phone.”

Reid nodded, already noting the incoming emails. “Thanks, Garcia. I...”

“Oh, hey didn’t you apply to T&E once, Spence?”

The question caught him off guard, but of course Penelope Garcia would know something like that and Reid tried to project as much ‘I don’t want to talk about it’ as possible into his voice. “Yeah...”

Garcia however had not heard and was still talking, “In fact, you applied a few... five times?”

It was easy to recall the disappointment, the realisation that as special as he was, he wasn’t ‘that’ special. His mother hadn’t been all that keen for him to test, but the idea of being able to figure her out, maybe... fix her had had so much appeal. “Garcia, I ...”

“Wow, you tested off the charts for everything else, like I figured but why keep going to T&E it’s not like they ...” His silence eventually sunk in and her voice grew quiet. “I’m being rude and prying and using my powers for evil, aren’t I?”

“Just a little.”

“Backing off, backing right off. Sorry, so so sorry.”

“Chat to you later, Garcia.”

“Bye. Sorry...”

Reid ended the call and pulled up the information on Koravi. It had stung, the rejection of such an obvious mental ability, when he was so good at everything else involving the brain. In the end however, he’d been glad that he hadn’t tested positive as either Kinetic or Empath - being a profiler was far more rewarding.

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-          It was accidental, the discovery that an electric current could severe an Empathic and Kinetic connection. The pair had been brought in unconscious but while the medical team were working on Joe, the Empath, they all reported feeling a distinctly odd sensation of pain from Joe, like he was projecting. And the nurses had to keep chasing unpaired Kinetics out of his recovery room. Dr Kingston made the connection in the end, when Joe woke up and promptly projected his very urgent need to urinate to the immediate area resulting in several long lines for the restrooms. The true impact however for T&E would only be realised in the months to come.

extract from “The Telekinetic Phenomenon” by Maxwell Kimball, circa 1987

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