Book Review: Tongues of Serpents

Nov 02, 2012 22:57

Title: Tongues of Serpents
Author: Naomi Novik
Pages: 274
[Spoiler (click to open)]
Convicted of treason despite their heroic defense against Napoleon’s invasion of England, Temeraire and Laurence-stripped of rank and standing-have been transported to the prison colony at New South Wales in distant Australia, where, it is hoped, they cannot further corrupt the British
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Comments 28

claudiapriscus November 2 2012, 21:42:33 UTC
You know, I think I've heard somewhere that the author of those books was a wincest BNF back in SPN's earlier days?


tari_roo November 2 2012, 22:28:53 UTC
No friggin way! :) I must research that... *thanks*


claudiapriscus November 2 2012, 23:50:23 UTC
It may be hard to find, because almost all discussions of the topic I've seen have been about not discussing the topic. Well, you know. Like "She's a known wincest BNF, but we're not going to mention the lj name" and "LJ name who wrote blahblahblah is also a famous author, but we won't mention her real name." And I eventaully connected the two but I can't recall the LJ name. I think it had a w in it, and may have been winter related. (cold? snow? winter?)


tari_roo November 3 2012, 07:07:44 UTC
*slaps a Sherlock hat on you* I wonder if her stories are still online. Thanks dear. I am trawl a few comms just to see what I can deduce ;)


ferrous_wheeler November 3 2012, 03:00:15 UTC
I love Temeraire! I agree that this installment was not as exciting as others in the series. Still love the travel aspect and descriptions, and, yeah, the empire is definitely in peril with peoples who are more able to fight back. Though I disliked Ceaser (I think that was his name), and Kulingule certainly had his moments, I like that she created dragons with strong personalities that weren't necessarily agreeable.
Too bad we'll probably have to wait a good while before we get the next book :(
(And Novik was into Wincest and on LJ?!!!!)


tari_roo November 3 2012, 07:12:45 UTC
*wails with you about the next book* I am hesitant to step into any Temeraire fanfic if only for the potential it has to suck me right in.

I agree with you on the dragon personalities, its great that they are different enough from eachother :)

And yes, apparently so. I am off to do some sherlocking.


saphirablue November 3 2012, 11:08:13 UTC
If I may butt in here - the next one after this one is already out since March 2012: Crucible of Gold :)


tari_roo November 3 2012, 14:19:08 UTC
really!!! YAYAYAYYYYyyyyyyyyyyyy.... *flounces off to the e-book store!*

Thanks, dear


saphirablue November 3 2012, 11:09:44 UTC

I'm happy that you liked it! :)

I love that the dragons have their own personality and they are likable and non likable with a lot of different opinions. :) I'm really curious what they'll manage to achieve. :)


tari_roo November 3 2012, 14:18:30 UTC
Oh yeah! I hope Novik eventually writes a modern version of the Temeraire verse so we can see how all the changes in the history we know impacted the world - for better or worse.


saphirablue November 3 2012, 20:14:56 UTC
Oh, that would be so cool! And, I think, Temeraire could still be alive then! =)


tari_roo November 3 2012, 20:39:00 UTC
Oh yeah... and he'd have some very firm opinions about stuff by then ;) but would miss Laurence terribly.


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