Writing Goals for 2012

Jan 31, 2012 14:06

31st of January 2012 is a good time to set goals, right?

It might have taken me a month, but I think these are fairly reasonable and more importantly achievable goals. 7 is a nice lucky number.

1. Complete A-Z list - have a fic title for each letter of the alphabet (I am really close!)
2. Finish and post the EPIC Wing!fic
3. Finish Our Devoured Minds (h50)
4. Complete Supply and Demand arc with 3 fics (big ones!)
5. Write fics for three (or more) new fandoms - so far I am thinking Fringe and Temeraire. Not too sure on the other.
6. Write another Dr Who & Rory fic 
7. *takes a deep breath* An original story


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