Chapter Two

Jun 20, 2014 01:46


Once the show was over, Christian, Steve, Amanda and Danneel too their bows and simply hopped off the tiny raised platform of a stage to join their table of friends.

Sandy took it upon herself to introduce them around. “Jensen, this is the group. Group - Jensen.”

It wasn’t much by way of introduction, but it was enough that Danneel figured she had done her duty and could take her leave.

“I really would like to stay and chat, but I have to go and get something to eat before going home and getting some beauty sleep. I’ve got to be at the Grotto early,” she waved her goodbyes, stopping long enough to bend and give Sandy a quick hug.

“See ya!” Sandy waved before turning her attention back to Steve.” I liked the name. Super creative.”

“That name sucked,” Christian muttered, taking the coffee drink he was being offered by the same employee Jensen had watched ignore both Michael and him. “Thanks, Darlin’, “ he accepted with and exaggerated leering grin and a drawl.

“You’re very welcome, Christian,” she giggled back, clearly loving the attention she was getting.

Michael saw as well and shrugged at Jensen. “What are ya gonna do, am I right?”

“Hey, Jensen,” Steve looked at the new addition to the group. “You play?”

“Yeah, How’d you know?”

“Oh, please. You looked like you were itching to jump up and join us the whole time.”

“Sorry about that.”

“Nah, man, don’t be sorry. Never be sorry for loving music,” Steve stole Christian’s drink and took a sip before making a face. “That’s swill.”

“Yeah, well, it’s my swill.” Christian claimed it back. “Was I right? Does he play?”

Jensen nodded. “I play.”

“Damn, man, I shoulda bet you.” Christian made a waving motion.

Steve dismissed him. “I wouldn’t have taken the bet.”

“Liar. Californian. Hippy.”

“Don’t be rude in front of new friends,” Sandy scolded.

“Quit telling me what to do, Sands. You ain’t my mama.”

“Now you know I only tell you because I love you.”

“Yeah, yeah, I know.” He took another long draw form his coffee and looked at Jensen. “They brought you in just in time for ‘Gay Day’, you know.”

“For what?”

“Oh, listen to this. Our boy, Jensen, here, doesn’t know about what’s coming up.”

Tom looked almost as if he were about to burst into tears. “I had just gotten the things out of my head form last year and now you went and brought it all up again.”

Jensen frowned, looking from face to face at the table. “What’s he talking about?”

Steve took control of the conversation. “Okay, quick run down. Gay Day. It’s one of those unofficial park days that we still know about thanks to the internet. Basically, a day when the park is filled with mostly gay folks. It’s actually really fun - when the few bad apples don’t ruin the fun for everyone else there with their families full of dreamers.”

“Yeah, like when all you have in your vision as far as the eye can see is happy same sex couples - some with kids and some without - it’s literally the best day on Earth. Everyone is singing and dancing and the park is the actual embodiment of Mr. Walter Disney’s wildest dreams. But then there are two or three assholes - “ Tom shuddered as he spoke.

“You’re talking about those guys form last year we had to have removed from the Haunted Mansion attraction queue that took public indecency to a new level, aren’t you?” Amanda’s eyes grew wide as she remembered some of the other stories that she had heard.

“I am seriously shocked those mothers didn’t try to sue us for help to pay for their son’s therapy. That poor kid.” Michael marveled.

“What happened, exactly?” Jensen was starting to fear for what was in store for him.

“Let’s just day that no child at the age of four should be subjected to the mating habits of the fantastically plumaged assless chaps man,” Christian muttered into the table.


“Yeah.” Amanda agreed. “And poor Stevie C here had to be the one to escort them out. The whole time, the guys are yelling about how they are being discriminated against and how their rights are being violated. They’re threatening to get a lawyer and the whole nine yards - calling it ‘homophobia’. Never mind the literal thousands of other gay couples enjoying the park with their families with no one saying anything.”

Tom nodded. “That’s an extreme case though. For the most part, everyone you meet is going to be super glad to be here, parents and kids alike. Fans of the House of Mouse are fans of the House of Mouse, no matter what their sexual orientation or age.”

“Good to know.”

“So, who did they hire you to play?” Steve asked.

“Me? Oh, I’m the new face of Flynn Rider.”

“Flynn?” Amanda smiled. “I’m your Rapunzel!”

Jensen smiled at her, not a bit forced, “Well, that’s a relief.”

“Why?” Amanda frowned.

“I always like to meet who I am going to be working with. I don’t deal well with surprises.”

Michael raised an eyebrow. “Good to know.”

Amanda shook her head. “So, yeah, I’m Amanda by the way.” She offered her hand to Jensen.

He shook it. “Sandy said. You have a very beautiful voice.”

“Thank you. It helps me when the kids ask me to sing.”

Jensen panicked. “They do that?”

“Oh yeah. You know, if you want to meet up sometime tomorrow, we can go over a few of the things I have heard kids say to ‘Eugene’. Teach you how not to be like Ian.”


“The Flynn before you. It’s not important.”

“Actually,” Michael agreed, “that’s not a bad idea, Jensen.”

“Okay, then, sounds like a deal.” Jensen nodded. “I’ll bring my notes.”

“Ooo, I like this one, he has notes.” Amanda smiled as she patted Jensen on his hand. “Too bad I have to cut this short. I have early call tomorrow too - they are doing a fitting on the new dress.”

“You know,” Steve commented, “it probably would be a good idea for all of us to make it and early evening.”

There was a simultaneous nodding movement as Jensen saw how well this group functioned as a unit.

“I can help pack up,” Michael offered. “Mainly because I was to show you a few things I wrote last weekend.”

“Thanks, man,” Christian drained the rest of this drink and wiped his mouth on his sleeve.

“All right then,” Jensen clapped his hands together once as he stood. “I guess this means I will see y’all later. Nice meeting you…”

“Nah, man, wait.” Christian stopped him. “You Rosey’s new roomie?”

Jensen nodded in the affirmative, “That would be me, yes.”

“Did you bring your guitar?”

“I don’t go anywhere without it.”

“Well, how about we just pack up and move this party to your place then?”

“Am I invited?” Sandy batted her eyelashes.

“You sure don’t want to see if you can ‘touch base’ with Jared before tomorrow?” Tom smile what could only be described as a ‘sweetly evil’ grin. “That’s what the kids are calling it now, right?”

“Oh, shut up.” Amanda rolled her eyes. “I suppose I could go do that though. But then you would be missing out on hearing this awesomely soulful voice.”

“Well, I’m going to miss it anyway,” Tom countered. “I really do need to go and do a bit of research. I read about some of the new questions kids are asking Prince Eric and Ariel. I guess there was a sequel or something.”

Steve came back to the table with his now packed up guitar. “So we’re doing this?”

“Uh, hell yeah,” Michael was up and out of his seat, eager to show off his new song. “Let’s just go back to the apartment. Poor Jensen hasn’t even had time to unpack.”

“Then that settles it!”

“Sandy, you are way to freakin’ happy,” Christian grumped even as she threw her arms around and hugged him as tight as she could.

She ignored him and planted a sloppy kiss on his cheek. “Can we record it?”

“Only if I get to pick the session name,” Christian countered.

“Yeah, fine. Let’s do it,” Steve agreed. “Who knows - could be history in the making.”

“Rock on,” Michael said excitedly.

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it's a sort of fairytale with you, fanfic, spn_j2_bigbang 2014, j2

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