Chapter One

Jun 19, 2014 23:44


Jensen Ackles looked around the living room of the apartment he would be sharing with someone he had been told was named Michael Rosenbaum. It was plain and quite unremarkable. From where he was standing in the doorway, he could see the sparse kitchen and sighed. He was hoping that there would be enough room for him to practice his culinary skills a bit more beyond the realm of opening a ramen packet and boiling water.

Moving on to the bedroom, he was met with two twin beds arranged more or less motel style, down to the matching bedspreads on them. Jensen put his one suitcase on the bed that wasn’t already being used before taking the guitar off his back. It was only then that he took out his cell phone to call his mother as promised.

He listened to the phone ring four times before the voice mail picked up. “Hey, mama,” Jensen cleared his throat. “I just got into the apartment and thought I would call, but it seems that you are already at Mackenzie’s softball game, so I will just give you a call back a little bit later. Have fun and I love you.”

He had just finished his recording when the front door opened to the sound of someone sharing a laugh with someone else.

“Hey, you must be the new roomie!” The young man standing in the doorway smiled at him. “I’m Michael Owen Rosenbaum, but the friends just call me ‘Rosey’.” He extended a hand in greeting.

“Rosey?” Jensen too the offered hand and shook it. “Could I maybe just call you Mike?”

“For now. But you’re going to be a good friend, I can already tell.“ He motioned to the group that was standing just outside the door. “This is Tom and Gen. They also work here, obviously.”

Jensen nodded to the others.

“So, ya know, if you want to come out with us, I was just grabbing my jacket,” Michael offered. “We’d be glad to have you.”

Jensen looked at the others for a sign that he would be intruding before giving and answer. “Yeah, that sounds nice. Are you sure I won’t be intruding?”

The young woman Michael had introduced as Gen smiled up at him. “No, not at all. We’re just going to see a few of our friends play an open mic night near here. The more the merrier, right, Rosey?”

“That’s what they say, Gen.”

“All right then, I’ll go.” Jensen stepped outside as Michael pulled his hoodie off a hook near the door.

“To adventure!” The others around Jensen chanted before dissolving into laughter.


The small coffee shop had a tiny stage that barely fit the two stools and the drum kit that sat on it, but that didn’t stop people from showing up and packing it full on open mic nights.

“What are they calling themselves this week?” Genevieve slid her jacket off and put it around the back of the chair.

“Huh?” Jensen took the vacant seat across from her.

“Well, thing is, you know how the Mouse doesn’t like anyone to do things that might give them a bad name?” Tom asked, sitting beside Jensen.

“Yeah,” Jensen remembered being told something about it, but honestly hadn’t thought about how to work around that rule.

“Well, these guys figured out how to beat that rule,” Genevieve jerked her thumb at the stage.

Jensen took in the arrangement on the stage for a moment. “How?”

Michael slid into the last available seat between Tom and Jensen. “They change their name every week.”

“And tonight it looks like they are…” Tom picked up the card in the middle of the table. “…calling themselves ‘Tofu Commission’. Ten bucks say it was Steve that won the draw.”

“You are so on!” Michael offered his hand to seal the deal.

“Don’t worry, they do this all the time,” Sandy assured him, laughing when Michael tried to call a woman who worked there over to their table and was snubbed.

“Uh oh, looks like she’s still mad at you, man,” Tom ribbed.

“I don’t know why,” Michael frowned at the table. “I didn’t do anything to her.”

“From what I hear, that’s the problem,” Sandy laughed.

“From what you - what did you hear?”

“Things. Things and stuff. Stuff and things.”

“What do you mean what I didn't do? What did you hear? I was a perfect gentleman. I opened the car door. I pulled out chairs. I paid for dinner and the movie. I didn't even ask for a kiss when the date was over - total and complete gentleman!” Michael was taking the whole conversation as a personal affront.

“Oh my God, Rosey, listen to you. Take a deep breath and repeat the words you just said out loud, but this time in your head,” Sandy laughed. “Maybe that was the problem.”

“Are you serious?” Tom's mouth hung open. “Since when was it a bad thing to be chivalrous?”

Sandy shrugged. “Beats me. I like when a guy treats me right.”

“You’ve got to be kidding me!” Michael slammed his hand down on the table. “This is 14 shades of unfair.”

“Wow,” Jensen drawled out. “This sure is a different world than Texas.”

“Texas?” Sandy asked, suddenly interested “Do you happen to know Jared?”

“Jesus, Sandy,” Tom kicked her under the table. “Not everyone from Texas knows each other.”

“Well, duh, but I thought it was worth a shot.” Sandy kicked him back. “Don't be a butthole.”

Jensen laughed into his hand. “No, I don't know him. Is he from Dallas? I'm from Dallas.”

“Christian’s from Dallas!” Sandy bounced in her seat.

Tom sighed audibly. “Sandy, I swear to God. Christian was born there but grew up in Oklahoma.”

“And just how do you know so much about him?” She narrowed her eyes.

“Sandy, again, listening is the key here. It's literally all he talks and sings about.”

Sandy turned to Jensen. “He's exaggerating. Christian hardly ever mentions it. But he has a twang and it's a lot like Jared's so how was I supposed to know?”

“Yeah, Tom,” Jensen sympathized. “How was she supposed to know?”

“Oh don't you fall for that, man,” Tom warned. “Sandy may be cute as hell-“

“Thank you.”

“You’re welcome. Now, as I was saying, Sandy may be cute as a button, but inside that adorable little noggin of hers, it’s scary full of info. Smart as hell and knows just what to say and do to get her own way.”

“Hey! I’m right here.”

“Yes, I know, sweetie.” Tom patted the hand she had sitting on the table. “But I know better than to talk about you behind your back.”

Sandy held a hand over her mouth with mock motherly pride. “Awww, all trained.”

Jensen laughed out a proper out-loud laugh at that and made everyone else laugh along with him.

“Oh, but don’t worry, you’ll meet Jared,” Sandy promised. “And he’s a nice guy so it’s not like he gives Texas a bad name or anything.”

“Well that’s good then.”

There was a noise from somewhere off stage that drew everyone’s eyes in that direction.

“Sounds like they’re just about ready,” Sandy did a little cheer.

“Does anyone want anything?” Jensen stood to make his way to coffee bar.

“I would love a white hot chocolate,” Sandy smiled. “And get the boys here mocha lattes.” She handed her bank card over. “Oh! And get some of those divine blueberry scones they have here.”

Jensen nodded, but dropped the card back on the table. “No, I’ve got this one. You can get next time.”

“Watch out,” Michael cautioned. “Someone might think you’re a gentleman.”

Jensen laughed as he walked away from the table. He hadn’t even gone hour steps when the same barista Michael had tried to flag down was standing in front of him with a warm smile.

“Well, hello there,” she cooed at the man in front of her, “What can I get for you?”

“Well, ma’am, “ Jensen drawled back, “my table over there has kind of a big order,” He pointed to where the others sat, earning him a group wave. “So it might be easier if I just go to the counter for our drinks.”

“Suit yourself,” she shrugged, obviously losing interest.

“But thank you, “ Jensen called after her before continuing to the counter and ordering everyone’s drinks, adding his own Americano and the blueberry scones that Sandy had told him not to forget to get and then continued to the end of the line for the drinks - all without running into the same barista again.

“I really hope I got your names right,” he said as he placed the tray on the table.

Another sound from backstage brought their eyes to the stools there again. This time, they were rewarded with the sight of two women who could not have been more different physically, one being a blonde who was on the short-ish side, the other a tall-ish auburn hair female.

Tom filled Jensen in. “That’s Amanda and Danneel - they work at the park too, obviously. They also both have some of the most amazing voices you will ever have the privilege to hear. “

“And Steve and Christian do too?” Jensen asked, remembering the other two names he had heard.

“Steve plays a ton of instruments - he’s like some sort of prodigy.” Sandy cut in. “And he’s really easy on the eyes too.” This was followed by a low appreciative whistle. “Christian switches up singing with the girls. He also plays a little guitar.”

“I notice you didn’t mention his looks,” Jensen quirked an eyebrow. “Is he hideously deformed?”

“No, no - God no.” Sandy looked aghast at the thought. “But, Christian? Well, he’s an acquired taste. He’s really rough around the edges. Between you and me, I think the only reason he got the job as Buzz was because he fit the costume.”

“Sandy!” Tom tried to shush her, but she ignored him with everything she had in her.

“You know, before he was a masked character, he was a waiter in Frontierland, at Pecos Bill’s. Kind of one of those hidden treasure things.”

“Okay,” Jensen watched as the men they had been discussing joined the women who were already adjusting the mic stands.

“Hey everyone!” the tanner of the two spoke before taking the time to tune his guitar.

The other walked to the mic at the front of the stage. “Hey y’all.” Jensen supposed that was the infamous Christian. “Tonight we got a good show for ya and we’re callin’ ourselves something Steve here picked.”

There was a cheer from the rest of Jensen’s table.

Tom exchanged a look with Michael and held out his hand.

“You’re right this time, but don’t get used to it,” Michael said as he handed over the money from the bet they had made earlier that night.

“Well, what do you know, Tommy, I won again. That’s like, what, the sixth time in a row? I think that’s what they call a ‘winning streak’…”

“No one likes a sore winner, Rosey.”

“Yeah, well, 'no one' can learn to deal with it.”


“We’d like to open with one of my favorites.” Christian paused long enough to look and see if Steve was ready. Getting a nod, he continued. “This one is about where I grew up. It’s called ‘Oklahoma State of Mind’ - “

Tom turned to Sandy and grinned.

“Don’t talk to me,” Sandy held her hand in front of his face. “I listen.”

“Is that right?” Michael snarked back.

“Yeah.” Sandy stuck her tongue out. “When I want to.”

Jensen listened to them banter back and forth for a little bit before just letting the sound of the music wash over him. It wasn’t long before he found himself wondering idly if they might let him sit in with the band some time.

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it's a sort of fairytale with you, fanfic, spn_j2_bigbang 2014, j2

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