Title: Mercy of the Fallen (2/4)
Author: TARDIS_stowaway
Rating: Teen
Characters/Pairings: Jack/Nine, Jack/Ten, Jack/original character
Spoilers: Through Children of Earth and The Waters of Mars.
Warnings: Descriptions of violence, cursing
Disclaimer: Not mine, no profit here. Do I look like the BBC?
Summary: If wishes were horses, this
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Comments 19
I'm really enjoying the interaction between the Doctor and Jack. If there were ever two people who ought to understand each other at these points in their respective timelines, this is that pairing. And I'm glad it finally dawned on Jack that the problem was never that the Doctor wouldn't forgive him--the problem was that the Doctor *would*.
With the plumbing disaster, I wanted the Doctor and Jack to have to face some of the mundane problems that follow in the wake of major catastrophes. The Doctor usually takes off before this sort of thing, and Jack has generally delegated it, but in this instance there's no escaping.
And I'm glad it finally dawned on Jack that the problem was never that the Doctor wouldn't forgive him--the problem was that the Doctor *would*.
I love the way you phrased this! :)
But damn that pounding on the door just when I was hoping for some angsty needy sex!
I am also pleased that your Brett!Holmes icon seems to be enjoying the story. :)
Major catastrophes are often followed by many more mundane disasters and unglamorous challenges. It's not the stuff that makes history books, but serious to the people involved. Usually the Doctor and Jack flee beforehand or delegate this sort of thing, but I wanted to force them to deal with the less showy side of heroism. Also, the Oncoming Storm and the Immortal Captain unclogging the plumbing is just funny. :)
“If wishes were horses, this spaceship would be even more crowded and smelly,” Jack breezed.
The Doctor snorted. “I don’t think even the TARDIS would be big enough for all of them. It would be a problem.”
“You and I would have to go find a nice quiet ranch where all our wish horses could roam. Our regrets would be a huge herd of cattle, and we’d milk them every day.”
“And every night the consequence chickens would come home to roost,” the Doctor added.
It's cute and funny and painful all at once. You remain an insanely talented writer.
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