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Comments 44

Doctor Who chamielisland June 21 2012, 17:45:58 UTC
Heyy, I'm curious, Who's your favorite doctor? and companion?? >-< I'm always looking for someone to geek out on Doctor Who with. haha


Re: Doctor Who tardis_child June 21 2012, 18:29:18 UTC
Hei! Welcome :) thanks for dropping a comment. It's always wonderful to meet new people!

Hm, I've always had trouble choosing :P Nine was my first, as was he for most. I adore Ten. I've always have a soft spot for Five, and Four was a classic and had the most amazing humour! I even am quite fond of One, for his wisdom and cranky amiability :3 Ah! I can't choose!!

Companion though, I've always love Turlough. I wish they realised his full potential while he was around.


Re: Doctor Who chamielisland June 22 2012, 02:44:18 UTC
Indeed it is! :]
I've never seen the episodes before the ninth. Maybe im not a true whovian.. ha, but I am obsessed. Tennant as the doctor is my favorite, I liked Donna, but Rory [mostly] and Amy are my favorite companions.

I wonder if i can find the older who's somewhere online.


Re: Doctor Who tardis_child June 22 2012, 04:16:52 UTC
Nah, you're just a new!Whivian! :D There is always time to get into Classic!Who if you wanted to. The episodes are hard to find at times, because some went missing, others got damaged, and with some people were just too lazy to upload them

I thought Donna was a scream. And yes, even though I don't like Matt Smith's era, I have always really liked Rory. :)


darthtofu June 24 2012, 22:15:32 UTC
Well hello, may I friend? :)


tardis_child June 24 2012, 22:49:42 UTC
Most certainly!! :)


cryingbliss July 24 2012, 22:57:21 UTC
Friend me? :) I love kaizer and muse too :)


tardis_child July 26 2012, 00:05:08 UTC
Hei! Most definitely! The more of us Kaizerling-Musers the better :) I hope you like slash, and Kaizerslash at that. I have some friends who are into Kaizers but hate slash, so I'm good with keeping it on the down low sometimes, but for the most part, that's who I am. Slash, cynicism, Britain and Scandinavia, oddities. I'm Matty, by the way. And you are?


cryingbliss July 29 2012, 20:41:07 UTC
I love slash. I was so glad when I found your journal :) I've been looking for Kaizerslash for a long time, but never found anything. No one writes it, it seems. Been reading a bit of your fiction, and it's very good! Ofc, I was looking for stories in norwegian and on Kaizers dialect, since I'm norwgian. But I really enjoy yours anyway! :)


tardis_child July 29 2012, 20:54:12 UTC
Oh good! Another slasher :D I'm so happy! I hate being alone out here. Of course, I have two slashers I could introduce you to, one of which also writes a bit of Kaizerslash and another who does manips. Sorry my stuff isn't in Norwegian, I'm afraid I'm really quite bad at it XD as in, it's non-existent. Or.. I can say hello, goodbye, good night, and various other phrases, including Kaizer lyrics, but that's about it. I'm so thrilled you like my work though! SO SO SO thrilled! Looking forward to hearing your comments and chatting with you!


pwoperninjaelf February 16 2013, 11:48:21 UTC
Hey! I got your message, but 'caus of your privacy settings I couldn't reply!! :O But hey anyway!

I'm Riv btw ;)


tardis_child February 18 2013, 00:38:00 UTC
Oh hei! Sorry about that. I forget that technology is still as mysterious as ever for me :P I'll remember that my privacy settings do that for future reference :P

Nice to meet you Riv. As I mentioned, I'm Matty. I love meeting new people, it's so great that you've said hallo. So, what brings you to my humble abode?


pwoperninjaelf February 18 2013, 19:45:07 UTC
Hehehe I know how you feel...

Well pretty much through stargeek101 :D and yeah you beta for Greg and I thought: why not? :D

Plus you like Dr Who...enough said ;D


tardis_child February 19 2013, 07:19:00 UTC
Ah, he was just telling me that he knew you when I mentioned you sent me a message :)

I do like Doctor Who. The Classic and the older New stuff.

What other fandoms do you frequent? Maybe we have some other stuff in common too!


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tardis_child April 11 2013, 04:11:58 UTC
I see that :) HELLO! I won't answer on DA, because huzza, here you are \o/

All my fics are on my Masterlist, ici: http://tardis-child.livejournal.com/31287.html go to town ;) let me know what you think and such, ja?

YUSH. Vikings and Norse Gods are my love. I am a cold blooded practical scientist. But I love Myths. Mostly due to their sociological significance, especially on modern society. I swear I write all my papers on it in college. I'm also thinking of doing an exchange to Scandinavia to do Mythology, Norse Literature and Anglo-Saxon studies <3<3<3 Oh god yes. My dream. Fuck Canada and being so bloody "culturally relative"... nargh I could ramble about this all day... BUT.

BUT BUT BUT. BUT. Haha. Hm... gmail chat. I do have it, but I prefer Skype chat. Or facebook is good too, if you don't mind that at all (some people do?). So let me know!

PS. this crush will DEFINITELY get crushier. It seems impossible, but this is magic, I assure you. XP


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tardis_child April 11 2013, 07:36:40 UTC
Exactly. Can you believe it's a strange subject for most people? The reactions I get around here are very confused at why I would possibly be looking at cultural implications of mythological symbolism in Timothy Findley's "The Wars," for example. But it's SO prominent ( ... )


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