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pwoperninjaelf February 16 2013, 11:48:21 UTC
Hey! I got your message, but 'caus of your privacy settings I couldn't reply!! :O But hey anyway!

I'm Riv btw ;)


tardis_child February 18 2013, 00:38:00 UTC
Oh hei! Sorry about that. I forget that technology is still as mysterious as ever for me :P I'll remember that my privacy settings do that for future reference :P

Nice to meet you Riv. As I mentioned, I'm Matty. I love meeting new people, it's so great that you've said hallo. So, what brings you to my humble abode?


pwoperninjaelf February 18 2013, 19:45:07 UTC
Hehehe I know how you feel...

Well pretty much through stargeek101 :D and yeah you beta for Greg and I thought: why not? :D

Plus you like Dr Who...enough said ;D


tardis_child February 19 2013, 07:19:00 UTC
Ah, he was just telling me that he knew you when I mentioned you sent me a message :)

I do like Doctor Who. The Classic and the older New stuff.

What other fandoms do you frequent? Maybe we have some other stuff in common too!


pwoperninjaelf February 19 2013, 07:52:03 UTC
Well my answer to both would be I live stranded in the middle of uselessness where it's even a miracle I know what Dr Who is..." Fandoms" per se haven't really caught on here either :O

I know DW 'cause I travel a lot...have only seen David and Matt's doctors :O

Buuuut well I obviously am an obsessive Muser..Whovian...love Harry Potter, Sherlock..super heroes (practically the best movies...:P)..probably some other stuff I'm not even aware have fandoms!

What fandoms do you "frequent"? :D


tardis_child February 19 2013, 08:13:23 UTC
You know DW because you travel? Where are you from?

Oh! I LOVE LOVE LOVE superheroes. I adore the movies, but only because they're the best for action; I have more respect for the comics themselves and read them obsessively. My favourite is X-Men :) and I quite like the vintage Avengers. I read a fair bit of Batman too (now THOSE movies are to be respected, the Nolan ones).

Hm... what else? I love Community, Spooks, Muse (of course).

Oh, and I would never forgive myself for forgetting Kaizers Orchestra. That's probably my biggest obsession next to X-Men. I listen to a lot of Scandinavian music, so other than Kaizers theres that :)


pwoperninjaelf February 19 2013, 09:12:29 UTC
Yeah..let's just say South Africa just hasn't properly cottoned onto DW...BBC used to show a bit (especially Torchwood- which I fucking loved...but people weren't really mad for it...Merlin only lasted a season here too..). N yeah I travel- we have friends and family in the UK and stuff :D

You have no idea how bad it is though, Iasked my little cousin (who's 13) if she like DW and she was all "that's the black dude who can talk to animals right?" I wept for her...now she knows better and is in love with David. Job done.

Superheroes are epic! Always had a batman love..my 4th and 5th bday parties were batman themed...not you average little girl..I also dressed up..shhh. X-men comics are THE best though!! Always steal from some of my guy friends... Also LOVE the x-men movies to death...

Ooh I don't even know who they are! :OOOO


tardis_child February 20 2013, 01:15:37 UTC
That's terrible, I'm so sorry to hear that :< good for you for introducing your cousin to the wonders of Doctor Who. If you want, I can recommend some EXCELLENT BBC shows :) I'm a BBC Nerd, so I am quite experienced ( ... )


pwoperninjaelf February 20 2013, 13:38:24 UTC
Ooh I love BBC shows too! They just don't always show all the good stuff...but I might already know some you would recommend; but please, enlighten me!!

Yip me too, I was also born in the 90's :) OMB don't even talk to me about Scooby-Doo...now when I say obsessed? ...let's just say Muse are my new Scooby...I used to HAVE to have any form of merch...I even still have Scooby-Doo toothpaste... Awww cute :3

Pretty much a mix hey, I'm not very clever with all the "comic knowledge" I just see one of their comics lying around and help myself.. (am currently in possession of "The Uncanny X-Men"? Vol. 1 No. 11..it's from 1996...lol don't know if that means anything to you XD)

O___O crazy stuff...may have to look 'em up! very strange lol ;P


tardis_child February 21 2013, 09:24:15 UTC
Okay, here's some suggestions: Spooks, Life on Mars, Waking the Dead, The Mighty Boosh (but only if your'e up for Psychedelic mumbo-jumbo humour that makes you kind of want to pull your brain out), and... hm... if I think of more I'll let you know ( ... )


pwoperninjaelf February 22 2013, 08:38:31 UTC
I've only watched The Mighty Boosh before...we don't get any of those here...I'd have to talk to my connections XD But yeah please do!

95 ;D

Um, it's with the Juggernaut :P hahaha well I don't really own any so you're beating me! But the X-men and Batman comics are definitely my favourites :O

My bad!! I LOVE Wolverine, Rogue and Scott :D you???

Sound a lot like Muse- there is hope!!! You are speaking to someone who's also... obsessed with a band, I understand...gonna look 'em up now!!

How old are they???


tardis_child February 23 2013, 01:43:16 UTC
You're finishing up grade 12 then? Or does your school system work differently than Canada? I've had a lot of friends from Africa, but they've all been from the Congo, Uganda, and Nigeria. Though, my mom had a partner/boyfriend (don't know what to call him since their relationship was pretty serious) from South Africa, but he was a man, not in grade school, so I don't know what your schooling is like ( ... )


pwoperninjaelf February 23 2013, 11:19:00 UTC
I should hope he still wasn't in school! XD and jeez I'm impressed!!! Yes, I am in grade 12 (last year of school).

OMFG how could I forget Magneto?!?!?! :OOOOO I LOVE him...

And hey, muse still get pretty wack on stage! Lol ;P just on Monday night, what with Matt jumping on the piano and putting a guitar through Dom's drum; Dom in turn worse a horse mask etc... Lol but anyway that's good! I listened to a few of their songs! I forgot what it was like to hear songs in a language I completely didn't understand!! :D very cool though!!


tardis_child February 23 2013, 22:46:06 UTC
Impressed about what ( ... )


pwoperninjaelf February 25 2013, 20:00:11 UTC
That you knew about me being in grade 12 :D

Maybe architecture or graphic design...(would really love to be an author though shhh). You???

true true :)

um "Hjerteknuser"?? idk and one or two others, but the names!!! lol I had to hunt my history to find that one!! :O was cool though :3


tardis_child February 25 2013, 23:56:02 UTC
Oh haha I knew because I was in grade 12 last year, when I was your age. I was just guessing :P

Well, I'm in college for Social Working right now. Would like to work in adoption, with a children's home. Also would like to carry out my original goal of Criminal Profiling at a more convenient time.

Hjerteknuser is beautiful. Best to listen to their older stuff though. Like, 170 is probably my favourite song, next to Rullett. Hm... Maskineri is really fun. Kontroll på Kontinentet is sort of like Kaizers equivalent of Muse's Muscle Museum, and Janove usual does this really theatrical introduction of each member of the band - very entertaining. Um... Dieter Myers Inst. is EPIC. And if you want something new that is very much a representation of their roots, Begravelsespolka - it's got an awesome music video where Janove plays the devil and then he and Helge the organist do a tap dance routine (which they do live as well).


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