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Comments 57

havea_heart October 25 2010, 21:54:47 UTC
[It hadn't taken Herz long to realize he'd really screwed this one up. Right about Ben or not, he shouldn't have picked a fight with Tan. He certainly shouldn't have said the things he had.

He should've approached him before now, but...he was admittedly afraid of having the same conversation all over again. He couldn't just...forget about Ben. He was a friend. He was in need, and until he stopped being both of those at the same time, Herz would give him attention. Same for Tan ( ... )


tanvirus October 25 2010, 22:10:46 UTC
[The thing about settling into a sort of rhythm, is that you don't really notice your surroundings so much. This is especially true when your focus is already shot to hell and back. So when Herz stops the bag, it's not what Tan was expecting to happen and he nearly walks into the bag.]


[Well, if Tan's attention was what Herz wanted, it's what he's got, but that's not necessarily a good thing.]

Fuck, Herz, you couldn't have just said hi?

[Or waited? Waiting would have been good. Tan shakes out his arms--he's been at it too long, they're starting to feel shaky in a bad way--and turns his attention to his hands, fussing with the wraps.]


havea_heart October 25 2010, 22:13:42 UTC
God, I--I-I'm sorry. I--

I'm sorry.

[This is the best way to start off a conversation centered around you apologizing. Always.]


tanvirus October 25 2010, 22:19:47 UTC
[He waves Herz away from the bag. Let him get back to it, friend.]

Not dressed to be in here.

[Translation: Why are you here and what do you want?]


dat_astrid October 25 2010, 22:36:18 UTC
[Aaaand here comes a stick thin girl in a plain white tank top, black spandex shorts and a pleated skirt. She's got a belt around her hips with a meat cleaver hanging from it by a thick leather cord, as well as some other random, hand-crafted weapons.

It's too hot on this boat, she finally had to abandon her striped sweater and leather leggings until the winter. She's even found some sensible sneakers-- they're good for running, she decided, so she stole them out of the suitcase she'd found them in.

She blinks when she sees Tanvir attempting to punch a hole in the bag. Sure, some people on Berk go for the bare-handed approach when fighting, but... it was ultimately an effort in futility. She's said herself that she's a chop-its-head-off-with-an-axe kind of girl.

She's just gonna stand here and watch you, Tan. It's curiosity more than anything.[


tanvirus October 25 2010, 22:57:27 UTC
[Astrid, if his world had dragons, he'd be totally with you, but it doesn't have dragons, so his hands will do the trick.

He does another combo, a quick set of jabs--Tan's not a boxer, merely a streetfighter at best, but that doesn't mean he can't throw punches and hit heavy--and finally turn his attention to Astrid.

Great. More kids.]

Can I help you?


dat_astrid October 25 2010, 23:08:03 UTC
No, not particularly.

[She unclasps the belt and lets it fall in a graceless heap on the floor.]

I'm just watching. We don't use a lot of hand-to-hand at home, it's interesting watching someone who seems to know what he's doing.


tanvirus October 25 2010, 23:13:15 UTC
[He raises an eyebrow when the belt hits the floor. ...Is that a meat cleaver? What the hell is with the kids on this boat?]

I dunno if I know what I'm doing with this thing.

[He half waves at the bag and wow, his hands feel numb. How long has he been in here?]

More of a wrestler, really.


gunsandhonor October 26 2010, 00:51:14 UTC
[He probably shouldn't be up and around just yet. But hell if he was going to stay in the infirmary with the robot any longer. That thing freaks him out. Still, his progress is fairly slow, old and new injuries to thank for that.

Passing by the gym, his attention is grabbed by sounds of someone beating the hell out of the punching bag. He figures he needs a break, and it won't take long just to check it out. He pokes his head in, fully intending just to identify the individual, and then leave again.

But then he recognizes the other man, and suddenly the desire to duck out is at war with the need to say "thanks for hauling my ass around".

So he just sort of... awkwardly stands in the doorway.]


tanvirus October 26 2010, 01:13:31 UTC
[Tan looks pretty worse for wear, himself. He's been in here a while, and it's definitely taking its toll. Breathing's not nearly as easy as it was half an hour ago. Or ten minutes ago. That's what forces him to take a break while Gavin's standing in the door way.

He's wiping the sweat off his face with the hem of his shirt (for all the good it's doing him) when he notices Gavin.]



Didn't think you'd be moving this quick.


gunsandhonor October 26 2010, 02:05:35 UTC

[His voice is still a little ragged, the color of his face is a shade paler than it should be. But he offers a very slight smirk anyway.]

Shouldn't be. Just couldn't stay with the robot anymore.

[The other man gets a once-over. And then he drops his gaze.]

Thanks... by the way.


tanvirus October 26 2010, 02:13:19 UTC
[Tan grins a little. Seeing Gavin up and moving is doing wonders for his mood, even if the guy does still look like he should be in bed.]

Can't blame you. That thing's fucking creepy.

[For what it's worth, he's busy enough looking for a towel (again) since the shirt is doing him no good that he doesn't notice the once-over. If nothing else, the man is very comfortable and casual in his own skin.]

You'd have done the same for me.

[Okay, yeah, sitting down. Sitting down before he loses his legs.]

You should be in bed, man, why're you hanging around here?


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tanvirus October 26 2010, 04:35:06 UTC

Holy shit!

[fdslkjfs GEEZ, CHARLIE. Has to be a new kid, if he's just flailing around and surprising people like that. Yeesh, kid.


Well. Now that his neverending workout has been thrown off kilter.]



Sorry for not shaking your hand, I'm kind of a mess right now.


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tanvirus October 26 2010, 15:44:10 UTC
[Who what? He's never heard of "Eugene Sandow".]

I have no idea who that is. I'm just a bouncer, kid.

[Tan looks at Charlie, taking in the way he looks at the equipment]

...You're new.

[New and...from another Earth? Another time? A not-Earth at all?]


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