2009 - Arrival to Earth

Jul 12, 2009 21:22

There isn't an Autobot on Earth who doesn't spend time every day scanning the skies for signals, or analyzing SETI @ Home, or otherwise sifting through the bits and bytes and signals and silences coming from space. Their people are out there, after all- hostile and friendly alike. While it's nice that the human intelligence and scientific communities are listening, ultimately it's all too clear that pegging Cybertronian signals is a job for... well... Cybertronians.

One such signal came through the other night. Four mechs, incoming: Perceptor, Sideswipe, Sunstreaker- and Arcee.

One can imagine the current state of anticipation at Autobase.

sideswipe, bumblebee, arcee, perceptor, sunstreaker, lissar, optimus prime

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