Ongoing, Closed

Jul 29, 2010 12:55

When; July 29th mid afternoon
Rating; PG
Characters; Hikaru (courage_of_fire), Umi (soulofocean) and Fuu (willofthewinds)
Summary; After Hikaru and Umi found out they belong to separate realities Umi decided Fuu should learn about this as soon as possible.

"This is the place. I thought you guys would like it, so... I picked it for us." Umi entered the crepes shop and gazed around with mild melancholy. This place... So many memories. She remembered when Utena and Wakaba were around, and how Wakaba used to run it. It felt right to have this sort of conversation here.

She turned to her friends and fellow Magic Knights and smiled more cheerfully. "Let's get that table and order something! Chatting will be way better over afternoon snacks..."

The Water Knight wondered how Fuu would take it. Or, more so, whether the sharp girl guessed at it already. In any case it was important to make sure the three of them were on the same page. This sort of confusion had already cost them the incident of Clef being attacked by Eagle. They couldn't allow that same kind of confusion to bring more trouble upon them. The City already gave them enough of that.

Sitting down, she nodded at the other girls so they did the same.

"So." This was the tricky part. Not that Umi believed what they shared here would change ANYTHING. It hadn't. Not between Hikaru and herself. "How to begin..."
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