openish; in-progress

Mar 03, 2010 14:11

When; Wednesday, March 3rd
Rating; G
Characters; MKR apartment and friends~
Summary; Umi, Raenef, and Lockon's birthday party. But mostly Umi's!

It hadn't occurred to Clef to have the party at the beach - probably because it was still a little chilly yet, but that's presumably why Fuu had rented the hut. He still smiled to think of how meticulously she had planned it, and right under the noses of everyone else. She had gotten the decorations together, rented the hut, and sent out invitations even while Umi and Clef were still unable to decide where and how this party was happening. Not just that, but all of Umi and Shin's cooking for the party had somehow been transported here. It was absolutely perfect, he thought, and now that he considered it he knew that this was exactly what Umi would have wanted - whether she realized it at the time or not. She loved the beach, so it was entirely appropriate to have her party there, regardless of the season.

Clef, for his part, wasn't much of a party person. He made sure to give his well-wishes to all three of the birthday people, but aside from that mostly stayed on the sidelines, ready to help Fuu with her hostess duties should the need arise. Seeing all three of the girls so happy made even him a little more cheerful than usual, though, and even as he lurked in his little out-of-the-way corner there was plainly a slight smile on his face.
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