openish; in-progress

Mar 03, 2010 14:11

When; Wednesday, March 3rd
Rating; G
Characters; MKR apartment and friends~
Summary; Umi, Raenef, and Lockon's birthday party. But mostly Umi's!
Log; ( Winter Beach Party )

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Comments 299

at the hut! || open to everyone; soulofocean March 3 2010, 22:19:54 UTC
When she thought back to how FAST she'd run all the way from the apartment, forgetting everything about birthday plans... Or worse: thinking her birthday was ruined... Fuu had played this one beautifully.

Alright, so maybe it'd freaked the heck out of Umi when she'd heard some sort of weirdo monster had appeared at the beach (she definitely remembered the last time that'd happened: not very nice memories, those). But when she'd arrived there to find all of Fuu's arrangements made for the perfect surprise party it all had vanished.

She should have seen it coming. She should have seen it coming with eyes closed.

Now the Water Knight stood there, amazed by how lucky she was to have nearly all her most beloved people gathered there to celebrate... and yeah. Suddenly being stuck in The City didn't seem too bad.

Not really bad at all.


at the hut! || open to everyone; willofthewinds March 3 2010, 23:20:41 UTC
It was more difficult than she had ever expected to arrange a celebration without Umi's knowledge. It required everyone's help, everyone's silenced help, just for this party to come to fruition. And it was worth it, really. All the conspiracy paid off, she realized, as she glanced around the thoroughly decorated hut.

Fuu had to admit that the monster thing was a little evil. But, she knew Umi too well. She knew that she would set aside everything if any one of them gets endangered. It was the perfect set-up. Although, Fuu couldn't help but feel somehow guilty for playing that little trick.

Nonetheless, their birthday girl was here now and that was all that mattered at the moment.

"Happy Birthday, Umi-san!" Fuu called out, a wide smile on her face. If Umi would dash to their direction now, she would receive not only her present, but a warm hug from one of her best friends. Enough to extinguish the cold for a while.


at the hut! || open to everyone; 1/2 soulofocean March 3 2010, 23:55:17 UTC
"There you are..." Umi spoke the words with all the affection she held for her best friend.

That Fuu had gone through all this trouble for her sake, for making her birthday count, even in a place like this... it meant the world to the Water Knight. She intended to make it clear. Who cared for being too sappy this once. Umi couldn't be eloquent enough. Not when it came to thanking her sister. "This... All of this your fault, you know?"

By that she meant not just the party, or the lovely way Fuu's plot had played out, but also the truth their friends were all gathered there, proving once again that yes, it WAS possible to feel happy, even in a City that supposedly thrived on negative emotions.


at the hut! || open to everyone; soulofocean March 3 2010, 23:55:37 UTC
"Jeez, Fuu. You couldn't have possibly made it better for me!" That stated --sappy or not, it was just the simple truth-- Umi rushed to pull her best friend into a hug. Yes, she'd take the initiative this once. It wasn't as if she couldn't guess those had been Fuu's intentions all along.

At least this one she could really guess. The monster plot? That one had caught her completely off guard!


at the hut also! || open askagainplz March 3 2010, 23:29:03 UTC
Aska smiled as she waited for everyone to rain their birthday blessings on the trio celebrating. She had not one, but three presents in her small arms, one of which was a bit bigger than the rest. As anxious and impatient as she was, Aska forced herself to wait.

She had one present for each of the Magic Knights, and then one BIG present for everyone in attendance. She smiled and rocked on her heels, just waiting for one of the Magic Knights to approach.


at the hut also! || open willofthewinds March 3 2010, 23:36:11 UTC
Fuu took notice of this when her gaze traveled to the Fahren royalty and she couldn't help getting curious. Giggling, she approached her, watching her rock her heels like that. It was downright adorable.

"Lady Aska, is there something the matter?" The Wind Knight inquired softly, crouching down a bit so she could be at eye-level. Of course, she knew they were presents but three? Who knew Lady Aska loved giving birthday presents to people in threes?


at the hut also! || open askagainplz March 3 2010, 23:43:18 UTC
Aska shook her head, placing two of the presents down, leaving her with one wrapped in green. "This one is for Fuu," said the princess with a nod, "We figured since there is a gift-giving party going on, we could give out all our presents at the same time." She handed the parcel to the blonde girl.


at the hut also! || open willofthewinds March 3 2010, 23:51:31 UTC
The blonde couldn't help but giggle some more. "Oh, but Lady Aska, you did not have to," Though, still accepting the gift with a smile. She looked down at it before averting her glance on to Aska. "I am not the one celebrating her birthday," Fuu continued, realizing that birthdays were a foreign term for their friends back in Cephiro, or in Fahren for this matter. Oh Lady Aska, you are too cute for your own good.


at the shore! || open to all conductyourself March 4 2010, 07:25:55 UTC
Inevitably, Clef slipped out of the hut to take a stroll along the shore. Even if it was too cold for a swim, it seemed rather silly to have a party at the beach and not go out to look at the ocean. Even if he lacked the particular affinity Umi had for it, he still loved gazing out to sea. The vast expanse of blue had a way of making one feel small and insignificant, much like gazing up at the stars. It was a good meditative exercise, in any case, and gradually his eyelids drooped and then slipped closed as he contemplated the near-perfect silence, the rushing of the wind and waves, and the happiness and harmony of the party he had just left behind. A deep expanse of blue.

He opened them feeling calm again, if just a little homesick. Not in an altogether bad way, though.


at the shore! || open to all; apparently tldr is on the menu today pharles_at_life March 4 2010, 12:55:03 UTC
The sound of the water was on the edge of Presea's consciousness, and had been nearly since they'd arrived. She didn't live close to a shore, and eventually slipped out of the party to have a look. It was too cold, Fuu had said, to swim, in all likelihood, but just to watch the waves come in would be nice, Presea thought. The ssssh-sssh-wavecrash sound was soothing, and such a contrast to the bubbly and bright celebration going on indoors. Presea was enjoying the party, of course, but there was nothing wrong with taking a break ( ... )


at the shore! || open to all; tldr is a wonderful thing. conductyourself March 4 2010, 16:34:20 UTC
This was true; Clef had a way of outright disappearing when he didn't want to be bothered, and this wasn't one of those times. In all honesty, though, there were very few times when he minded Presea's company in particular. There was no way he would have heard her footfalls in the soft sand but he looked up nonetheless when she approached, as though having sensed her familiar aura. Some people saw and felt these things, but he tended to smell and taste them - well, not literally, but there were no other words to describe it. Presea's was hot with just a hint of metal to give her edge. It reminded one of the forge, and of weapons, and was pleasant to him mainly because it was her. He smiled up at her with every bit of affection, basking in her warmth and reflecting it back.


at the shore! || open to all; pharles_at_life March 4 2010, 16:50:40 UTC
There was no way she could resist an easy smile like that-- she had to return it. She almost spoke a greeting, but there was something nice about the quiet mood out here, the way the sea spray in the air inspired refreshment, relaxation. So instead of saying hello with words, she brushed his shoulder, just a little, feeling daring. It was strange not to be wearing gloves all the time anymore, to feel someone else's warmth so close to her fingertips, but she found that she couldn't really mind.

She looked out in the direction he was gazing, still smiling a little, and shut her own eyes for a moment, just breathing.


at the hut! || open to all innocenthearted March 5 2010, 01:27:05 UTC
Raenef knew there was going to be celebration for their birthdays, but this was still a surprise to him, especially with how many people invited too.

He didn't have one of his own that he knew of, so having this day as his birthday was nice. It was almost perfect timing since Eclipse just arrived the other day and he really was glad to see him. He'd never really had much of a celebration or anything really for this sort of thing, it wasn't something he was used to, but he was happy about it, regardless.


at the hut! || open to all gloryofthemoon March 5 2010, 02:12:19 UTC
When Eclipse was informed of the party, he was initially opposed to such foolish mortal concepts. Demons lived several thousand years and Demon Lords even longer than that, so the very idea of celebration of one year's passing was senseless and unheard of. To hear of a Demon Lord commemorating his birthday would cause a riot in the demon world. It was absolutely absurd.

But Lord Raenef was quite unlike most other Demon Lords and, knowing his background, Eclipse was certain having this party would greatly please him. As such, he held his tongue and accompanied his master to the festivity in silence. He stood off to the side, observing as the party-goers had their fun and leaving Raenef to do as he wished. Of course, however, he still remained closeby at all times in case any trouble should break out.


at the hut! || open to all innocenthearted March 7 2010, 08:13:07 UTC
Even though Eclipse was against the birthday idea when he found out, in the end, he was glad that he changed his mind and along with him.

He saw that Eclipse was just standing there off to the corner, which he kind of expected given who was actually here. But anyway, he was off on his own for a bit talking to the people that greeted him and other party related things, before he wondered back over to Eclipse.


at the hut! || open to all gloryofthemoon March 7 2010, 08:31:56 UTC
He kept a careful eye on his master as the boy wandered around, talking to various people and generally having a good time. He could tell Raenef was having fun, which was a good thing. Eclipse wanted Raenef to be happy, and if this party was a good way to do it...well, he couldn't argue with it.

And so, even though it was entirely strange and foreign to him, he approached the carefree Demon Lord. "Lord Raenef," he said calmly to gain his attention.


at the hut~ || completely open AND RATHER LATE godisacreampuff March 5 2010, 04:01:22 UTC
It was quite the celebration, and what with Mokona being, well, Mokona, he was bouncing about and having a grand old time, hoping from one person's head to another person's shoulder, and generally enjoying himself as he scurried about.

After feeling he'd caused enough of a ruckus for the time being, he settled himself in one of the available chairs, letting out a long, content sigh as he watched the party-goers. It was a nice sight to see in a place such as this, and it was a nice reminder that even here, there was fun to be had.


at the hut~ || completely open AND *fashionably* LATE soulofocean March 5 2010, 04:45:09 UTC
...Just the fluffball she'd wanted to see. Umi had to giggle and roll her eyes at the tiny god's antics. So a part of the bouncy ball of marshmallow fluff they'd believed him to be during their time in Cephiro hadn't ever left Mokona entirely. Just see him there.

She waved from afar and then approached him. "Having fun, aren't you? That's a good thing! I'm glad you decided to come too, Mokona. The party wouldn't be complete without you."


at the hut~ || completely open AND IF YOU SAY SO XD godisacreampuff March 5 2010, 04:48:51 UTC
"I am indeed! And I wouldn't miss your party for anything, Umi~"

Said bouncy-ness would never leave him, it was part of who he was. He just didn't always act like the scatterbrained little fluff he could be at times, because that might get a little annoying for some after a while. Even if it was hilarious to tease Presea with the act.


at the hut~ || completely open AND YES MY WORD IS LAW soulofocean March 5 2010, 04:54:23 UTC
...Oh yeah. She could bet that somewhere down the beach with Clef, Presea was likely sneezing. Or getting the sinking feeling her study was being wrecked somehow, nevermind the place was safely back in Cephiro. Umi giggled like a fiend at the idea, then felt guilty and decided to knock it off, simply taking a seat beside Mokona.

"I know you wouldn't. And I'm really grateful for that. Don't think I don't know you helped Fuu along in her little plot, here." She could even believe the small deity could have summoned an illusory monster if he'd wanted to, to give the stratagem more realism. "Good job! You guys really pulled it off like the best!"


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