The Club. It's Growing.

Jan 06, 2008 02:48

It's true. The anime club I'm a part of has a ton of new members. We had some kids today that had come for the Hot Wheels collectors and I could've done with out them, because it threw off the usual balance of the meeting ( Read more... )


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Comments 8

saiberiac January 6 2008, 16:39:33 UTC
ugh, you were rightfully disgusted D: It's sad that people aren't more open minded.


tamerai_shuffle January 6 2008, 18:36:27 UTC
Yeah, and usally what I bring is stuff that's been played in Anime as ending themes or opening themes or whatever. And well, Child Prey was used as the ending them in the Grappler Baki tv series.

Though the comment from one of the resident cosplayers made me laugh. "Man, whoever did their hair and makeup needs to be shot!"


hazeltea January 6 2008, 17:01:15 UTC
There were no hideously deformed cartoon breasts present for them to turn their faces into for comfort. LOL.


tamerai_shuffle January 6 2008, 18:38:08 UTC
So true. So very true... considering one of the other guys that started in on it is this fat ass who sits in the back and gets all uppity when we joke about showing yaoi or shonen ai. Yeah. Great club I have there.

If only I could weed out the idiots. >/


abetterday January 7 2008, 05:21:36 UTC
I am hate people. If I was there I'd stabbity stab them for you. ♥


tamerai_shuffle January 7 2008, 17:05:31 UTC
Oh that would make me happy. <3


lil_charmed_one January 7 2008, 14:47:17 UTC
One reason why i haven't attended one of the clubs my mild manner anger would flair. I don't play well with others cause i'm very opinionated and I prolly would of said something. People are so closed minded. i'm not "i heart Jrock " but i do like some of it. Deadpan boy wouldn't of been able to handle me. I can't stand mumblers. Most new animers are all about the totally ridiculous comedy thats just annoy and the overdrafted breast. But then again most new age animers prolly never been with or had a real woman to realize how shallow minded they are.
~rant Fin


tamerai_shuffle January 7 2008, 17:00:36 UTC
Dude, he barely handled me and I'm nothing compared to you. XD

And it's true. If I have to watch one more school girl slice of life romance comedy I'm going to scream. I'm just sick of the shitty previews I guess. A lot of it, just argh, and I'm usually pretty good at rolling with the punches, just when people are stupid like that.

Ah well.


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