The Club. It's Growing.

Jan 06, 2008 02:48

It's true. The anime club I'm a part of has a ton of new members. We had some kids today that had come for the Hot Wheels collectors and I could've done with out them, because it threw off the usual balance of the meeting.

We watched the Bleach Movie, Memories of Nobody. I'm not really into Bleach and it felt like I was watching the old school Ranma 1/2 movies, only with way less comedy and more action. It's not really my thing, but I watched it and kind of enjoyed it. And once the kid left, we got to pretty much watch whatever we wanted.

Sat through crappy previews, some were crappy, not all of them.

And then I got to show my JRock. Which I knew there were a few people who wanted to see some Dir en grey. I guess I'm rather desensitized to their videos, since they're just so out there. I'd warned a few people about the mouse guts in Child Prey, but I didn't warn the whole room. And about the time Kyo popped out of the mutilated mouse, I was getting a few groans and then someone popped off with, "Can we turn this off?" Several others followed and then Saif chimed in with, "Next time you bring something, make sure it's something we'll all like."

I didn't get disgusted about it until later, on the way to dinner with the club.

When we got to the restaurant, I turned to both Saif and one of the other guys who'd complained about the video and flat told them, that I didn't appreciate them complaining about it and saying 'turn it off' when I didn't complain about their crappy anime and anime music videos. I never say anything along the lines of 'turn it off' when I don't like what they're showing and that's 90% of what they show.

Saif, like always, was cool about it and understood the respect thing, which was what it was really about. He did say that he didn't show horror anime and I told him that I should've prepared people for it, but I didn't. So I did make a mistake, but that's no reason to be all 'turn that off hurhur'.

The other kid is very deadpan and wooden and just stared at me and then muttered something under his breath. And I was like what? And he was all 'nothing'. After I'd walked away from him, he went and whined to Saif and Saif told him to just apologize and go on. Because, it was rude. He was rude and there were others in the room who'd been rude. And the kid was like, 'Sure blame Phillip.' and I told him the other's would get it too. He just happened to be there.

It doesn't help I don't like this kid anyway. I just wanna punch him.



Oh well, this is what happens when anime gets into the General Public.


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