Just the Way You Are

Dec 26, 2010 00:58

Spoilers: Up to 2.08.
Warnings: Homophobia.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5, 361
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.

This prompt. Kurt is an awesome brother and Finn loves him, he really does. He just wishes Kurt weren’t gay.

Finn isn’t homophobic. )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, mostly: angst, character: finn hudson

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Comments 83

morkhan December 28 2010, 07:45:40 UTC
Oh, Finn. You're so close-- SO close to getting there and really just accepting Kurt for who he is. A struggle like this is not easy to win. So much homophobia is drilled into the average American from every angle that most people don't even realize how much of it they have. I grin a little every time Finn makes some progress on the show because, let's face it, the boy is not the brightest bulb in the refrigerator. But if he can look at himself and see what's wrong and strive to fix it, then maybe that's all it takes. No need for a giant brain or a detailed instruction manual... maybe it's just a matter of effort-- because even while he continues to be imperfect, as long as he is willing to keep trying, it fills me with the hope that he might one day succeed. If Finn can do it, anybody can do it ( ... )


tamakito December 29 2010, 04:27:49 UTC
Thanks so much! Wow, epic comment, ilu so much. I'm really glad you enjoyed it! And yeah, Finn is... well. Boy's come so far and got so far to go. He is making an effort, and that means a lot. If Finn can do it, anybody can do it - this is the the hope for America's future, I swear to god.

And, ficwise, yeah, I had a whole thing about that - although not so nicely put, I like that uncanny valley comparison - at the end, because Kurt is sure as hale picking up on most of this and knowing that Finn does genuinely care makes it way worse. But it was just clunky and not working, so I might give it another shot just from his POV.

COME ON BOYS. THERE IS SO MUCH LOVE HERE. I KNOW YOU CAN MAKE IT WORK. ♥ DUDE ARE YOU ME INSIDE. Because seriously, I came to the fandom late and knowing that Burt and Carole end up together, so ever since Finn started plopping helmets on Kurt's head I've just been sitting there like OH COME ON, PULL IT TOGETHER YOU TWO AND BE AWESOME BROTHERS, YOU GOT IT IN YOU, GODDAMN. Since I prefer familial to romantic ( ... )


3goodtimes December 28 2010, 09:38:51 UTC
This is just fabulous. Really. It's hard to make a reader sympathetic to someone who's feeling rather awful things about the person he loves but you do it with skill.

I found myself wanting to see what Kurt and Blaine were thinking in bits of this.


tamakito December 29 2010, 02:22:32 UTC
Thank you very much! I'm so glad you liked it!

I've been thinking about doing a companion piece from Kurt's POV; I meant to end it that way, but I just couldn't make it work. If I do, I'll post a link over on the meme, since I still feel like that prompt could do with another fill.


nimuu January 3 2011, 21:28:21 UTC
This is so brilliant. There are few fics focused only on the Finn/Kurt brotherly relationship, and even fewer that give them such a great, realistic dynamic. It's never going to be totally easy between them, not really, and you got that so well here, all the lingering awkwardness and unease they had through the entire story. Your Finn voice was amazing, really, one of the best I've ever read because all his goodness and his less-than-kind thoughts were mixed so well together, and Kurt felt completely, painfully in character, too. <3 I really loved this.


tamakito January 4 2011, 05:33:23 UTC
Thank you so much! I'm really glad you enjoyed it.

It's never going to be totally easy between them, not really - Oh god, that kills me, but so true. I've been rooting for their brotherliness ever since I started watching the show, which was after S1 ended, but... yeah. Baseline homophobia and a stalker crush are some painful hurdles. I think they've got it in them to be really spectacular brothers and probably will on the show, but there's always going to be... this going on.

And thank you so, so much for that about the Finn voice and Kurt being in character! They're neither of them a complete breeze to write; that means a lot to me to hear.


flyingcarpet January 4 2011, 04:02:08 UTC
This was great! I love how uncomfortable Finn is and how hard he tries.


tamakito January 4 2011, 05:24:04 UTC
Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it.


burn_to_emerge January 8 2011, 08:23:39 UTC
Way to kill me with this fic.

I love Finn here, and I love how perfectly this fics with his Furt characterization. He loves Kurt, and serenading him at Burt and Carole's wedding wasn't a lie, but he's struggling, and he can't just erase his discomfort with how out there Kurt is, and the realities of Kurt actually being with a guy. With every paragraph, I wanted to hug him but also talk some sense into him, and you handled that balance so well.

I also adore how you can see how hard Kurt is trying, and how he is growing as well.


tamakito January 8 2011, 21:45:55 UTC
Shit, your little avatar thing is adorable. I love its wee hat! On-topic-wise, however - thank you so much for commenting! I'm so glad you liked it. Finn is tough to write that way - he's such a loving guy, but he puts fitting in/fitting in specifically so that he can stand out as a socially acceptable leader first, I think a lot about Kurt flat-out befuddles him. Which is understandable, but then it comes out as homophobia and that's not okay. And he is trying, with his shower curtains and serenades. OH OUR BOYS. So I'm v. happy the characterization worked for you, with him and with Kurt, and thanks so much for your lovely comment!


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