Title: You Might Need Me (2a/2) Pairing: Kurt/Sam, most canon S2 pairings. Rating: PG-13. Summary: Junior year doesn't go the way Kurt expects. S2 rewrite.
Title: You Might Need Me (1a/2) Pairing: Kurt/Sam, most canon S2 pairings. Rating: PG-13. Word count: 23,000+ for part one. Summary: Junior year doesn't go the way Kurt expects. S2 rewrite.
Title: The Trouble With Dreams (1/2) Pairings: Sam/Kurt, mentions of past Blaine/Kurt and heavy on Puck/Kurt and Finn/Kurt friendships. Summary: Kurt takes a year longer than he’d expected to get to New York, a year that isn’t at all as terrible as he thought it would be. Kurt-centric.
Title: The Trouble With Dreams (2/2) Pairings: Sam/Kurt, mentions of past Blaine/Kurt and heavy on Puck/Kurt and Finn/Kurt friendships. Summary: Kurt takes a year longer than he’d expected to get to New York, a year that isn’t at all as terrible as he thought it would be. Kurt-centric.