Just the Way You Are

Dec 26, 2010 00:58

Spoilers: Up to 2.08.
Warnings: Homophobia.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 5, 361
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.

This prompt. Kurt is an awesome brother and Finn loves him, he really does. He just wishes Kurt weren’t gay.

Finn isn’t homophobic. )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, mostly: angst, character: finn hudson

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Comments 83

miggy December 26 2010, 06:30:02 UTC
Oh, this was just fantastic. The familial relationship, the regrettable tension that the outside world always imposes, their history, everything... so fantastic! What a wonderful story.


tamakito December 27 2010, 04:24:28 UTC
1) Oh my gosh, thank you so much! I'm really glad you liked it, and that my efforts to include that - outside world, their history - paid off. Thanks for commenting!

2) HOLY SHITFUCKERY ARE YOU KIDDING ME, MY HEART ACTUALLY SKIPPED A BEAT I SWEAR AND I DON'T EVEN CARE THAT THIS MAKES ME SOUND LIKE BELLA SWAN THAT IS HOW FAR GONE I AM RIGHT NOW. I haven't gotten up the nerve to comment yet, but you are my top favorite author in the Glee fandom. That is all.


rockinhamburger January 8 2011, 19:47:09 UTC
I agree so much!


tamakito January 8 2011, 21:18:08 UTC
Thank you! I'm so glad you liked it.


anonygleek December 26 2010, 14:51:11 UTC
Absolutely loved this story. Very funny and touching (not in a Sandy Ryerson creepy way ;) ) at the same time. Loved the scene with Finn poking at Kurt's bed (and that Kurt got up early to make Finn cookies). I also agree that velveeta makes the best grilled cheese :P.


tamakito December 27 2010, 04:20:06 UTC
Ooh, thank you so much! I'm glad you liked it! Also that you friended me, v. fun times!

NOOO, GIVE ME CHEDDAR OR GIVE ME DEATH. Well not really, I'm a vegan and can't eat either anymore. But I only liked Velveeta on macaroni and cheese, myself. You and Finn can form a Velveeta Grilled Cheese Club and I hope you're happy together.

Also your icon, I love that photoshoot so much. I wish everyone had been in it, like Mike and Matt and Brittana.


denisitap December 26 2010, 16:43:16 UTC
Omg, this is way better than I imagined. The tension, the love, the way Finn can't stop wishing Kurt was different but loving him because he is how he is.

It is so in character and THIS is exactly how I feel they are in canon, because Finn IS an homophobic, but he loves Kurt just the way he is.

Thank you so much for filling my prompt so wonderfully!


tamakito December 27 2010, 04:14:42 UTC
Oh my, I'm so relieved that you like it! I felt like it got kind of unwieldy, but I'm so glad it worked out. And I'm glad they felt in character to you!

Also, word. I think Finn is a homophobe (you just do not call someone a fag like that if you're not a homophobe), although I think also a lot of it isn't pure homophobia as much as it is his need to fit in clashing with Kurt's need to stand out manifesting as homophobia. But he's got a heart big as all outdoors and I think he does love Kurt, crazy outfits and all.

So, again, I'm so glad you liked it and flattered by your comment and in general THANK YOU!


some_stars December 26 2010, 17:43:24 UTC
This is amazing. I wouldn't have thought anyone could pull off this idea, but it's just so--the sweetness is really genuinely sweet, the LOVE is genuine, and it makes the homophobia hurt so much more. And you can see, through Finn's eyes, that Kurt is trying SO hard--and that Finn doesn't really get how hard. I love how he externalizes his homophobia, freaking out at those guys in the restaurant, how he twists the situation of someone hitting on Kurt into himself being Kurt's protector and support. And I love this sentence so, so much-- He bumps Finn with his elbow, smooth and smiling, welcoming him into him into their special little world, the one they shouldn’t need and Finn doesn’t deserve to be in.

That's just, like. A fucking punch in the gut. Everything that's wrong, right there. Ugh, this story is so AMAZING, I wish I could be more coherent about it.


tamakito December 27 2010, 04:08:02 UTC
Ooh, thank you! *wriggles* You are always so v. nice! And mind-reader like. This, "the LOVE is genuine, and it makes the homophobia hurt so much more" so very much what I was going for. I really want to do a companion piece from Kurt's POV (I tried to get him in at the end but it just wasn't working) because, frankly, Finn is not subtle and there's no way Kurt isn't noticing this. And that even someone who does genuinely love him has to work this hard at accepting him, you know, ouch. SO IN GENERAL, tangent over, thank you v. much for your lovely comment!


firefly_ca December 26 2010, 21:44:17 UTC
Oh man. I originally had a novel here about how much I loved this, but I then I realized I needed to shut up a little. So I'm cutting my response down to this: I love this story, and your characterizations, and I love that Finn isn't portrayed as a bad guy, but instead as someone in the middle of a very well-captured journey from homophobia to acceptance. I wish there was more fic that spent the time to illustrate that changing a mindset is a process that doesn't happen overnight.


tamakito December 27 2010, 04:01:55 UTC
Omg your icon, ilu

Thank you so much! I'm so happy you liked it! Especially the characterizations, which were fiddly obviously. And... yeah, going from lowish-grade homophobia to not is definitely not an overnight thing, especially for an American teenage boy who wants to fit in with a sports-team oriented set, I think. I love writing about it, because my kneejerk reaction is impatient rage, but Finn is a genuinely kind person who is trying, and I love him to bits, so... it's just interesting to work with.

(Also, I love comment novels; no need to rein yourself in here, bb.)


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