Fanfic Masterlist

Nov 26, 2020 17:58

Fanfic Master List

Some helpful tags: mostly: angst, mostly: fluff; genre: canonesque, and genre: au.

Harry Potter

“Forgiven”: Harry Potter isn’t James. But he’s close enough for Wormtail.

Buffy the Vampire Slayer

"Once More with Poetry": Faith isn't good with words.

Once upon a Time

"They First Make Mad": Vengeance for Milah is not in the cards. Hook can accept that. What he can’t accept is that no one-not even Rumpelstiltskin-believes him about how she died.


“Say That Something”: This prompt. If Kurt can't hold his father's hand, he can-for what it's worth-hold everyone else's.

"In a Name": This prompt. Finn introduces Sam to his "brother" Kurt. So Sam is now crushing on his only friend's little brother - plus it takes him two and a half months to figure out that Kurt is actually Finn's stepbrother. L'awkward.

“Want, Take, Have”: This prompt. Five times Karofsky wants Kurt, and one time he takes what he wants.

“You Will Get Pregnant and Die”: This prompt. In which Finn tries very, very hard to be a good brother. By giving Kurt The Talk.

“Not While I’m Around”: This prompt. Kurt, having been tossed in dumpsters every day for years, suffers from claustrophobia. This is especially unfortunate for everyone involved when he gets stuck in an elevator with Finn and Puck.

“Men of la Mancha”: This idea. Reality fails to live up to either Dave’s or Kurt’s expectations.

“Comfort Zone”: This prompt. Finn discovers that Kurt’s bed is almost definitely magical; at least, sleeping there always makes him feel better. (Obviously, given the stuff I write, I got permission to keep it brotherly.) Part 1 | Part 2

"Just the Way You Are": This prompt. Kurt is an awesome brother and Finn loves him, he really does. He just wishes Kurt weren’t gay.

“Taking This One to the Grave”: This prompt. Some people have diaries; Kurt has Azimio, his French partner for the last year and change. Confident that Azimio doesn’t understand a word he’s saying, he’s been telling Azimio everything - including what Karofsky’s done to him. And Azimio, who just doesn’t want to have to talk to Kurt, is actually a genius at French.

“Eventyr”: This prompt. Dave’s attempts to deal spiral him into a couple of obsessions, one of them with Kurt. Kurt is finally adjusting to being at Dalton. Right up until he gets a call from Dave, who has swallowed a half a bottle of pills. (And I went and made it a sequel to “Taking This One to the Grave”.)

“People Who Need People”: This prompt. Kurt looks adorable and childlike; people want to snuggle and help him because of it. Rachel just wishes he’d appreciate the advantage it gives him. Kurt is largely unimpressed by the whole thing.

“What I Did for Love”: This prompt. Kurt reschedules halfway through a date with Blaine in order to comfort Mercedes in her hour of need. But first Blaine gets Kurt to be his boyfriend, through the power of song.

“It’s the Fear”: Will loves Kurt, the way he does all his kids, but until recently he didn’t like him very much.

“Best Beloved”: This prompt. Being read aloud to is for little kids, and Finn is making a concerted effort to grow up, so he definitely doesn't indulge in it. Much. Well, Kurt has a nice voice, okay.

“Do You Believe in Magic”: This prompt. Kurt is the canary whisperer. Blaine thinks it's charming. Wes thinks it's diabolical. (Also available: A spectacular sci-fi-spun sequel by slashtintedglss.)

“To Make Me Feel So”: This prompt. Rachel is acutely aware that Kurt doesn’t really think she's pretty, so his fascination with her hair is… well, gratifying, if a touch morbid. (Also available: a stunning piece of fanart by the gracious and talented ileliberte because I shamelessly asked her to draw it.)

"All We Are": These prompts. Dave Karofsky cannot get a girlfriend - right up until he does. Santana makes everything worse.

“Closer”: This prompt. Blaine doesn't think of himself as the jealous type, but Kurt has so many rad bromances.

“All in This Together”: This prompt. It’s sad when two people who used to be best friends stop getting along, so Brittany helps Finn and Puck fix their relationship. By handcuffing them together.

"Sweetest Tongue and Sharpest Tooth": Blaine takes a pretty but unwise detour on his way to see Kurt. Wolves lurk in many guises. (Little Red Riding Hood retelling.)

"The Genie You Save": Mercedes would find a genie who's expired. She would.

"Home": This prompt. If Will wants a family, Terri will give him a family. And if he wants his precious glee kids - two birds, one stone. 1A | 1B | 2A | 2B | 3A | 3B | 3C

"Only a Paper Moon": For this picture, by wolfs-blane in the kbl-reversebang! Kurt has plenty of concerns about the future, but there's nothing like worrying you won't make it through the weekend alive to take your mind off that.

"Like a Broken Promise": This is the moment Will realizes he's not staying in New York. (or on tumblr)

"If My Dear Ones Came": Will Schuester never started the New Directions, and the kids' lives have intersected only tangentially - only enough to get them all killed this Halloween. Part 1 | Part 2 (or on tumblr)


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