Not While I'm Around

Nov 26, 2010 17:39

Spoilers: Up to 2.06.
Warnings: Claustrophobia, mentions homophobic bullying.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3, 984
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.
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This prompt. Kurt, having been tossed in dumpsters every day for years, suffers from claustrophobia. This is especially unfortunate for everyone involved when he gets stuck ( Read more... )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, mostly: angst, character: finn hudson, character: noah puckerman

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Comments 56

some_stars December 11 2010, 00:07:41 UTC
I really, really liked this. It's so satisfying in that slightly shameful way of fic where the favorite character gets apologized to and comforted and taken care of, but unlike most of that fic (which, don't get me wrong, I read A LOT of) it's really good. It's not over the top, it feels realistic and emotionally true, all three of them feel exactly like themselves, and just saying things out loud doesn't magically make everyone get over them. The ending, and the switch to Finn's POV, is really well-done.


tamakito December 11 2010, 20:42:49 UTC
Oh, wow, you're like my new favorite person. Thank you so much! And - yeah, that... in general. Fn. What I'm trying to say. Pretty much everything I've been writing for Glee fandom is based on a prompt from either the fluff or angst meme, which by its very nature means that whatever else I do with it, it's essentially there to fill an emotional need. Which, as you say - satisfying. Its entire function is pretty much just that, to satisfy. It's emotionally masturbatory and while it's very fun to read and write and I have no intention of stopping, it's not, you know, ~quality~, as such ( ... )


some_stars December 11 2010, 21:21:36 UTC
I think one reason I liked the ending so much is that it fully shifts the story from being a wish-fulfillment piece about Kurt (though like I said, it had already moved beyond that) to being about how a situation affects and reveals these particular three people and all the fault lines there--it's not just about Kurt plus The Guys, it's about Kurt and Finn, Kurt and Puck, Puck and Finn, Kurt and the somewhat different people that Puck and Finn are when they're together--all of it.

The idea of Kurt's trauma serving as a catalyst to expose some painful suppressed issues between Finn and Puck--while still being focused on and respected as HIS trauma--is so fascinating, and done so well here. I don't want to be the kind of person who is all "YOU SHOULD WRITE THIS" but it's definitely an idea that I think you or anyone could build a longer and very good story around. Kurt is like this walking symbol of the consequences of who they were so recently, and in many ways neither of them has moved past or dealt with that behavior--and of course ( ... )


tamakito December 14 2010, 07:38:33 UTC
"'s not just about Kurt plus The Guys, it's about Kurt and Finn, Kurt and Puck, Puck and Finn, Kurt and the somewhat different people that Puck and Finn are when they're together..."

You are just full-time committed to making all my dreams come true, aren't you? IDEAL PSYCHIC AUDIENCE FTW, is all.

Also, you really don't have to worry about seeming request-y with me; I am kind of a plot-bunny whore. Plus that sounds like intense fun - for me, less so for the characters - to keep the ball rolling that way, keep exploring what they've done to Kurt and where they are with him now... and Artie, too, since Puck has apparently PUSHED HIM DOWN STAIRS and now they're bffs... Shit I am totally saving this in my Things to Attempt to Write file.


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tamakito January 6 2011, 22:42:00 UTC
Hah, I'd wonder more how you found it than how you missed it - I keep meaning to post to gleefic but I need to figure out spoilers and warnings first so I haven't done that, and I'm always surprised when someone finds their way here at all.

That aside, though, thank you so, so much for this lovely comment! I'm happy you liked it, especially the characterization and writing, which natch are what worry me most. Thanks so much for taking the time!


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tamakito January 22 2011, 02:48:27 UTC
Well thank you! You are v. fabulous yourself for taking the time to pay me these compliments, you wonderful person you!


sexymedicine January 29 2011, 23:15:30 UTC
"He sort of hovered around, like a moving pillar that smelled of pizza."
This is like one of the funniest, greatest descriptions of Finn I have ever read. :P Hilarious.


tamakito January 29 2011, 23:50:29 UTC
Oh your icon! I love that they both use gold stars. Kurt and Rachel, I mean. Well, and Shelby. Okay, getting distracted.

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it!


sexymedicine January 30 2011, 16:11:07 UTC
I know what you mean. It's a good example of how similar they are despite how much they would like to deny it.


tamakito January 30 2011, 22:51:28 UTC
They really are. Theirs is a beautiful soulbond on some higher plane of wtfery. I ship their friendship so hard.


the_sexypancake January 30 2011, 13:24:17 UTC
This was an amazing fic! I really liked the three way dynamic between Kurt, Finn, and Puck. It really brought to perspective that Finn isn't some knight in shining armor or golden boy, he's simply the lesser of two evils when it comes to him and Puck. Puck's character was very insightful as well.

Karofsky's reaction to seeing Kurt fresh out the elevator was really something, too. Kinda scary and creepy and sad all at the same time. To quote Finn, "why is it so impossible for you to believe someone could be with Kurt for two seconds without jumping his bones?”

Great job!


tamakito January 30 2011, 22:18:42 UTC
Ooh, thank you so much! I'm so glad you liked it! Especially the Finn/Kurt/Puck dynamic, and Karofsky's sad/creeptastic contribution. I'm kind of in love with all of the degrees of dickish behavior Glee has gifted unto us that we may play with it, so it made writing this all kinds of fun and I'm v. happy you liked it. Thank you for the lovely comment!


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