Not While I'm Around

Nov 26, 2010 17:39

Spoilers: Up to 2.06.
Warnings: Claustrophobia, mentions homophobic bullying.
Rating: PG
Word Count: 3, 984
Disclaimer: RIB and FOX own everything ever.
Or on Tumblr: Here.

This prompt. Kurt, having been tossed in dumpsters every day for years, suffers from claustrophobia. This is especially unfortunate for everyone involved when he gets stuck ( Read more... )

fanfiction: glee, genre: canonesque, character: kurt hummel, mostly: angst, character: finn hudson, character: noah puckerman

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Comments 56

jyusan February 8 2011, 17:49:40 UTC
I mean there are things like, how I heard the first paragraph with Figgins voice in my head even before reaching his name, or the Bro Code, or the Puck+Finn ISSUES, and just, damn the Karofsky scene, and and and and.

*throwing around love and rainbows*

BTW am I really out of line to ask whether you liked 2.11 or feel the need to write about warm milk?


tamakito February 9 2011, 05:39:54 UTC
BABY BABY BABY OH, thank you so muuuuuch! I'm so glad you liked it! Lol, Figgins and Bro Code and all. Especially Finn+Puck and Karofsky, though, that whole thing was so much fun because it was like Finn+Kurt, and Puck+Kurt, and then I realized NO THERE ARE SO MANY OTHER COMBINATIONS HERE. So yeah, I'm glad my self-indulgence paid off in likage on your part!

Two things you can assume always about my reaction to any given Glee ep: 1) It offended me deeply on some level, and 2) I FUCKING LOVED IT OKAY I HAVE NO SHAME. ALSO YOU ARE NOT OUT OF LINE EVEN A LITTLE, look at what I write broski I love having shit requested, I gave up on coming up with things on my own upon finding the prompt memes lol ( ... )


sexymedicine February 18 2011, 18:22:34 UTC
Reading that comment thread was starting to make my eyes hurt. Continuing the comment down here ( ... )


tamakito February 20 2011, 17:06:24 UTC
Lol it was getting weird-looking, wasn't it.

I am always torn about this shit. I think it's such a good idea to bring serious stuff up, because it needs to be in the public eye so that we can try to do something about it, but then... Glee sort of throws it in the air and can't catch, and idk whether it's good that at least it's a start, so someone more capable will try it next time now that it's out there, or... no just no. Dilemma.

I like Sam a lot. I mean I always liked him, but as of the Biebersode I am... just like in love with him, his dedication to ridiculousness is amazing.

Yeahhhh, they pretty much went for another - not stereotype, maybe, but cliche - with Karofsky. I never saw it coming at all, ever in the world, but the fact is, having an outspokenly homophobic, hypermanly guy be secretly gay is pretty much a cliche too. Especially combined with the "after the audience finds out, suddenly he has these traditionally ~gay~ interests" thing; of course it turns out that Karofsky loves music. I mean, he was adorable up in ( ... )


sexymedicine February 24 2011, 23:39:25 UTC
You don't want Glee to handle that stuff because their is like a 25% chance it will be handled well, but then you do because they have such a great platform. I just want to shake the writers and tell them to just add a bit more continuity and realism, it won't kill the show ( ... )


tamakito March 7 2011, 23:50:16 UTC

Or even just some emotional realism! They are writing a cracky, meta show; that doesn't lend itself to reality very well, but... god. There is a line. Somewhere. Idk. And Glee is the very last place people should be getting life lessons, generally, but it is a platform and even uses it for good things sometimes, so for the love of god. A little more consistency.

Finn will always come first in my heart, but Sam is incredibly adorbs. Though I can't relate to the specific kind of nerd he is, not being into comic books or Avatar or anything myself. I guess I'm too much of a TV nerd ( ... )


Perfect yune0202 March 20 2011, 01:25:29 UTC
It's just... just SO FREAKING PERFECT. I should know by now that you are amazingly good at staying in-character but with every new story I fall in love all over again. Thats a gift dude, and really rare in fanfictions. I should know, I read A LOT the last few weeks (beeing sick at holidays SUCKS).

If the next story is as good as this one, you can start to think about our babies names. Because I will totally marry you! : )



Re: Perfect tamakito March 20 2011, 04:17:54 UTC
OH MY GOD DOESN'T IT SUCK THO. I am sick too and it is spring break, such a complete downer. And I just had mono all last break, this is bogus.

IN OTHER NEWS thank you so so much for this, I'm super psyched everyone seemed in-character! You are completely making my night here omg omg.


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tamakito March 30 2011, 01:48:16 UTC
OH MY GOD THANK YOU. Because Puck, man, fucking - PUCK. He is so frustrating to write because his entire character rests on Salling's acting in this really weird way. Like because Salling isn't all that good of an actor; specifically he can't deliver his lines in a way that's not oddly rehearsed. But that just means that everything about Puck is so incredibly tied up in his facial expressions and body language, more than his voice and speech patterns. And obvs I can't really replicate his expressions. So... idk, I can only pray to get his voice enough that the super astute reader fills in the blanks. SO I AM SUPER GLAD YOU DID IS ALL ( ... )


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tamakito April 2 2011, 21:51:10 UTC
Oh god, I mean yeah, I love him too! I don't mean to imply at all that I don't like him. I can't imagine anyone in the world I'd rather have playing Puckasaurus; his acting deficiencies are just - part of what make Puck Puck. Like. He's easily one of the weakest actors on the show, but I wouldn't trade him for an Academy Award winner. He's perfect. Like Amber Riley, I guess. They both have that weird rehearsed-sounding delivery, but they have the expressions and attitude and they just - make these characters.

Oh mah gah, I know. I was just looking at a gif of Quinn from that scene, even. EVERYONE. SO ADORBS.


isarn April 10 2011, 17:30:26 UTC
Just loved it.


tamakito April 10 2011, 21:04:56 UTC
Wurl thank you v. much! I am most pleased you enjoyed it!


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