Took the kids to Ontario Place today with
50_ft_queenie's sister S and a young girl that S was babysitting. It was overall quite nice, but the 95% of the day that was good is not what I want to talk about. Oh no. What I want to tell you about was the one incident in the day that made me want to travel back in time to the second before I thought about having
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Comments 18
I was thinking about how, even though I intend to wait a few years yet, it would be really had to wait that long.
Now, I think I can wait.
1. their unpleasant (vomit, snot, spit, urine, or poo) or scary (blood, bile) bodily fluids, and/or
2. mind-crushing tedium that easily rivals any Dilbert-esque desk job, and/or
3. sleep exhaustion so profound you want to hit yourself in the head with a frying pan just so you could get a few minutes of sleep while you're unconscious.
Yeah. Enjoy those next few years of uninterrupted sleep and not having to wipe someone else's ass on a daily basis, because boy howdy, you're in for it after you have kids.
You're much more patient than I am. I'd be tempted to tell him that it's either use public toilets or wear diapers for public outings.
The odd thing is, usually he's fine with using the public toilets, but over the past couple weeks he's been freaking out about them again. I'm really hoping it's just a passing phase; if it isn't, we'll have to start desensitizing him to public toilets again.
power-chucks are passable in comparison. SRSLY. I'd take cat yak a thousand times over kid fluids. Plus, I feel like I've done my share already, having babysat for a living for about 10 years. Not quite the same, but I've dealt with all this mess waaay way back.
And yes, he's old enough now to be really upset about having toilet accidents.
Hopefully Gavin grows out of it. I used to date a guy who told me that he'd never even once gone #2 in a public toilet. He outright refused to do so; he said it was disgusting. ZOMG. I can't imagine how a person can go through every single school or work day without ever letting himself go poo. If that wasn't a huge red flag, I don't know what would have been. (Turns out it was just one of the several ways in which he was anal retentive, LOL.)
Yeah, Gavin used to be fine with public toilets and over the past couple weeks he's getting freaked out about them again. I'm really hoping it passes too!
Man, that guy was lucky to never be sick enough to HAVE to use a public toilet. There's been a few times in my life when it was either a public toilet RIGHT NOW or walking home with poo in my pants, because (much like with Gavin) a sudden attack of intestinal yuck doesn't only happen while at home. I mean, if I'm at the local store and I feel like I need to go, I can wait fifteen minutes until I get home. But when you're sick, you're sick, and that's all there is to it.
maybe I'll hit the level of sleep dep you describe once we have another, ahem, lovely childling. the mind numbing tedium of everyday doesn't bother me too much, honestly. I adore watching him develop and learn, etc. what bothers me is asking a question 5 fucking times and being selectively ignored because I didn't ask him the question he wanted to answer. *explodes*
Oh, have you read the new Maclean's? The cover is a big spread on why NOT to have children. lol
Glad you had a fabulous day other than the river of shit. You get a medal for cleaning it all up. That's extremely kind and conscientious of you.
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